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I Live According to What The Words of God Tell Me, No Ifs, Stills, Maybes, or Nothing

I Live According to What The Words of God Tell Me; No Ifs, Stills, Maybes, or Nothing Elses
I am a Christian; that means I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, a follower of Jesus, one of Jesus' branches, one of Jesus sheep; it means I am a Saint, it means that I am not perfect, but I strive to be perfectly holy, perfectly righteous.

I put most of my emphasis on being a disciple of Jesus; he said "go into all the world and make disciples of all the people of the nations, teaching them to observe all the teaching that I have told you. Some Bible say it a little different, but it means the same thing.

We as observers of what was taught are followers of the Words of God that were taught. Dispensationalism is fine, but there are some things we still need to apply today; some people say "he was talking to them back then" or "that doesn't apply to you.

But the whole Bible contains the Scriptures and the bible says that "All Scriptures were inspired by God and are helpful (beneficial) for teaching the right things, reproving what is wrong, correcting what is wrong, and disciplining in righteousness.

My main point is that the whole Bible or all the Words contained in the Bible apply to you because the things that were written aforetime the Bible says were written as examples and warnings to you.

The Bible says that God changes not. That means that what God hated then He still hates. Adam brought sin into the world way back during the dispensation of Genesis; but the results of his obedience still applies to all humans today.

Way back in Leviticus 18:22 God said that "a man must not lie down with another man as though he was a woman"; this is still true; it's still an abomination to God; some people don't want to act like it; but God still hates it and they know it.

Back during the dispensation of Exodus God gave 10 commandments to Noah that still are the basic principles of the law of God today.

In Matthew 5-7 Jesus spoke the Beatitudes and what he said then is true also today; they contain the basic of how we are supposed to act toward one another; they are the basis of all relationships

The Bible says the "All Scriptures". We like to pick and chose, we still have to eat only certain meats; and certain meats are still not good for us.

I can give you many other examples; but my main point is that we live according to what God told us to do; and we are not supposed to please ourselves, we are supposed to please God; some people are worried about themselves; but it's not about how we feel, it's about doing the God says do; and not doing what He says don't do. God says one thing, but some people are still talking about what 'still' is , or 'what everybody knows', or any of the other things that people say to give them an excuse to please themselves or why you should please yourself. Then there are those who say that God is through with you; that's not true, the Bible says that "God is not finished with you"; any person that tells you that God has gave up on you is telling you a lie that's straight from the pit of hell; God has not giving up on you. There is hope for you and there is no hope for the devil; the devil the Bible says "has a short time left".

We do not do what the Scriptures say don't do; and we do what the Scriptures tell us to do; no ifs ands or maybes.

The Bible says "Blessed is the man that walks not in the talk (counsel) of the wicked ones; but his delight is in the law of God (the Bible). Notice that he reads this book day and night.

You better do and believe what the Bible says; them people telling you things could be trying to mislead you, trying to misdirect you in a way that God said don't go; trying to get you to practice something that God don't want you to practice; some people have no choice but to practice what they practice, but that's got nothing to do with you; the Bible says that "God visits the sins of the people down to the third generation; be careful, just because you see somebody else practicing something, you don't know why some people practice some things.. You better read your Bible.

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