All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

 Sorry for taking so long with my next chapter. Lynn kept a journal of every day while in the hospital. I wanted to make sure I had the dates right for the events that took place. As I was reading I came to a part where Lynn was concerned about the timing of her steroid shots. They initially told her that she would not be getting them until week 24. We were at week 23 and 2 days. Again I think of this as an act of God.

 My mom was the first person that I called when Sean passed away. She has since passed away and I think of the two of them enjoying heaven.

 As all the doctors and nurses paid their respects I was wondering why all the emotion as there were tears and genuine sincerity. I found out later that Sean was only the 5th baby lost in the 10 years of existance of this hospital. Very, very caring people.

Now Sawyer was a rock star!! I still have the visuals of the smiles when I would come for a visit. That always meant that Sawyer was having a good day.

Reading the notes made me realize how critical those first couple of weeks were. Sawyer still couldn't breath totally on his own. He was hooked up to a ventilator machine, minimal stimulation was a must. We had to whisper and he could only be handled by the nurses only when neccesary. At 13 days old they put Sawyer on the CPAP machine. Its a great machine that allows the nurses to dial in the amount of oxygen mixxed with the babys own breathing. To everyones amazement he lasted for 36 hours before he was too pooped and needed to go back on assisted breathing. Back in the old days with preemies it was all or nothing. This would lead to vision issues later on. It was a very high rate that a preemie back then would have glasses before they hit 3 years old. I can very proudly say that Sawyer has 20/20 vision!!

Also in reading Lynn's notes it was nice to read comments from the doctors on how this was a first for them. One remarked that he has been delivering babies since 1988 and never did he think that they would have made it because of their age and how aggresive the delivery was.

Now I won't go through every day of Sawyer's achievements, just the ones of importance. (actually they are all important) This one I thought was huge. Sawyer opened his eyes at 14 days old. Now I am crying as I write this part, Lynn got to also hold Sawyer for the first time. They wrapped him all up super tight all hooked up to his wires, as she sat on a chair. It was only for a short time, but was a moment that couldn't come soon enough for my wife. It really tore her up that she had to wait so long. It was a very good day indeed!!


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