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Journeyman's Comments

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At 4:55pm on December 9, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
Dear Brother Journeymanhd
You are most welcome and as long as Jesus gives me the chance to serve Him through my friends I will do it. Just have a blessed Christmas my brother. God bless you abundantly always.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 1:31pm on December 9, 2008, Stephen said…
Be blessed this Christmas season friend. I know you are missing your bike ride tons!
Peace to you and yours! Stephen
At 8:12pm on December 3, 2008, Buddy4ever said…
Just wanted lto say Hi. Hope all is well. God bless. Love Buddy
At 4:04pm on November 26, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
At 5:16am on November 23, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hi Brother,
It is always good to hear from you, some of the greatest people I know are from New England and your one of them.
I was praying so hard about the gas and oil prices to go down because it was going to be hard for people to stay warm this winter. I praise God yesterday it was $2.o5 per gal. Praise God!
In the love of Jesus
At 5:21am on November 21, 2008, Derek Hill said…
I left a comment earlier, but is seems to have disappeared. Don't have time now, but will come back.

Yours in His love

At 4:39am on November 21, 2008, Derek Hill said…
Thanks so much for your prayers and comments. I am really blessed because I have someone to talk to like this, where sharing spiritual things in Christ is natural and easy. Bless you my brother. I want to follow up here with something that I think the Lord is showing to me. But I would like your input as to whether it is totally in accord with the whole counsel of God.

I am reading in I Kings these days. In chapter 5 Solomon starts to make preparations for building the temple of the Lord. Also his own palace. By ch 8 it is ready for placing the ark in the Holy of Holies, and the dedication.
The temple is a type of Christ. Also of Christ and His church. Paul mentions this in Ephesians.
The thought that I have is a personal application of this. As a Christian Paul tells me [in his letter to the Corinthians] that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself teaches us in several ways that God indwells those who are his by the power of the Holy Spirit. See especially John's Gospel of course.

This background is what lies behind my thoughts.

As I meditated on the passage in 1Kings 5 it struck me that just as Solomon prepared for the building of the temple, and then went ahead to build and dedicate it to the Lord. So I needed to go about preparing my heart and mind and life as a temple of the Lord. And I could learn lessons from Solomon in doing this. [The time spent on my back getting my spine to heal was an ideal time to do some of this!]

What I saw was, Solomon's temple was a place for the manifestation of the presence of the living God. It was a place of prayer. Of direct access to God. And this is what our heart and mind should be.

For Solomon of course, God dwelt in thick darkness, and the way into the Holy of Holies was only once a year. Now Jesus has entered into Heaven on our behalf, and has opened up a new and living way into the presence of His Father as Hebrews ch 10 shows us. And we are seated with him in the heavenly places.

But coming back to 1 Kings 5 - 8. What a precious promise there is here: ch 5 v13 "I will live among the Israelites and will not abandon my people Israel." Eternally true now because Jesus our King fulfills all the requirements as laid down in vs 11-12.

And then, when all is completed, the glory of the Lord fills the temple. ch 8 v 10 - 11.

So the question rises in my mind, can I build and furnish a beautiful, magnificent place for my God to dwell in my own life? Can my heart and mind and soul and spirit and body be his temple? A place where God hears and answers prayer? A place where he manifests his glory?

Because this was the vision that king David and his son Solomon had. As I read Solomon's prayer in chapter 8 I was continually blessed by the way in which Solomon covers every eventuality for prayer and forgivenness and answers from God for our every need. Because now, as I see it, there is no physical temple, God wants to dwell in the hearts and lives of his people, and all these prayers and promises are now yea and amen in Christ Jesus. Oh Lord my God you are very great, so work in me that I can be a place for you to dwell in for ever.

I am mindful that this does not include the corporate aspect of the Christian life in the church. Somehow I will need to tie this in, but I can't think of a way to do it at the moment. Perhaps you might have some insight into this?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours in the great love of Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us.

At 2:44pm on November 19, 2008, onlyjesus said…
At 2:43pm on November 19, 2008, onlyjesus said…

Honey gives the body sugar for energy .Honey is sweet. That is why when people get into marriage, the first day the couples go out, it is called “honey moon” .Everything that happen that day is full of happiness. They get to know each other better on that day. Their heart is filling with love for each other. In the same way, when one become “born again” (a new child born of GOD), there is joy within that fellow. The honey symbolized the word of GOD. We read about the word of GOD tasting like honey psalm 119:103 “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth”

One thing about the word of GOD is that the letter kills but the spirit gives life. In the book of 2corithians 3:6 it’s says “He has made us competent as ministers of new covenant, not of the letter but the spirit, for the letter kills but the spirit give life” The letters of the bible will not profit you but the spirit behind it brings life and happiness to our souls .if you read the bible for reading sake and not allowing the spirit to direct you, You will be spiritual dead. The revealed word or the prophetic message behind the text gives life to the soul. Psalm 19:10 Says “they are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb” The word of GOD can be sweet to you like honey or honeycomb if the spirit of GOD lead you.

The word of GOD is the energy we need in every single day. Every good Christian has to read the bible every day for nourishment of the souls. It also help or equip us for the battle we are facing and the next day we need more .Only through the word of God that one life can change. It gives correction when you are going astray. The book of Hebrews 3:13 says encourage one another daily, as long us it is called a day, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. The battle is not against flesh and blood, we must prepare every day by reading the word of GOD.

The word of GOD is strong more than anything; Hebrews 4:12 says THE WORD OF GOD IS LIVING AND ACTIVE.SHARPER THAN ANY DOUBLE EDGE SWORD, IT PENETRATES TO THE DIVIDING SOUL AND THE SPIRIT,JOINTS AND MARROW; IT JUDGES THE THOUGHTS AND ATTITUDES OF THE HEART, SOULS AND SPIRIT, BOTH JOINTS AND MARROW. According to the bible, man is a tripartite being­ ________ spirit, soul and body (1thes.5:23. In this verse there are joints and marrow which are part of the body, and soul and spirit. So by reading the word of GOD every day, you are feeding your soul , spirit and the body with the living word .The tripartite being will be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ .Remember that the one that call you is faith and He will do it.

Please if you have any question or comment you can contact me by email: ; Mobile phone numbers:

Togo: 002289529228

Ghana: 00233243613286

At 1:02pm on November 19, 2008, Rob said…
Journeymanhd, Thanks for your warm welcome. I feel blessed by the Lord for he has led me to this site. I have so many questions and desire with all my heart to serve the Lord in any capacity he has in his plans for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. No truer words have ever been spoken. I am still fighting the guilt, shame and self loathing of the sins of my past but through the strength, guidance and love of my Lord Jesus I believe I will come out the other side a better person, a more mature christian and a better servant of the Lord as he knows the depths from which I have returned. Bless you
At 12:35pm on November 19, 2008, Rob said…
Thanks for your welcome Journeymanhd. I really appreciate it. I too feel like the Lord has led me to this place. I pray it will help me in my walk and help me become closer to God through my love of Jesus. I believe I have been saved for a reason and although God's plan and purpose for me has not been revealed to me yet I know it will, in a time that is of His choosing. Until that time I need to grow and mature. Now that the first steps have been taken.
At 4:40am on November 15, 2008, Derek Hill said…
Dear journeymanhd,
Thankyou for your counsel and encouragement. How good it is to walk with others in the Lord Jesus who are going through the same things.
Sorry I haven't got back to you until now but I slipped a disc last Saturday and have been lying on my back this week to get it to heal. It is now improving to the point where I can stay upright for a while.
It has been a trying time, but also wonderful because the Lord used it to show me He wanted me to learn new lessons from Him, and that lying quietly on my back gave me time to begin to learn those lessons.
Praise God! He brings blessing out of adversity, meat from the eater and honey from the strong.

I agree with you, the flesh rebels against moving forward with the Lord and growing in Him. Have you noticed that today many people speak about our enemy the Devil, and the world, but do not mention our other enemy, our old sinful nature? When I was young, they spoke a lot about our enemy the old nature, and about the world, but very little about the Devil.

Also, then they used to preach a lot about heaven and the second coming, now, in England at least, we hear very little about heaven and the second coming from the pulpit.

Coming now to my own experience:
What amazed me was the discovery that repressed harmful memories actually are barriers to growth in the Lord. This is directly linked to our need for healing. It seems so obvious to me now, and I ask the question, why does the church not attend more to the need for emotional healing? After all, is not our Lord not only our Saviour but our Healer? And surely the healing of our soul is an important thing?
Especially when it is directly linked with the sins of our fathers [and mothers and further back still] that have been visited upon us.

And this brings me to your good counsel to stay close to the Lord in His Word. I was very fortunate that as soon as I asked for help to come to the Lord to be saved, I was counselled to read God's Word, pray, and to tell others about Jesus. Later on we joined a Bible believing Church, and received much help in getting to know the Bible. When I went to Bible Institute for missionary training, one of the courses was a Bible course that took us through every book of the Bible during the three year diploma course. Ever since then I have used this method of reading through the whole Bible.
When I was at the point of starting to rebuild my life about 10 yrs ago, one of the things I did was to review my spiritual life, and to seek out the most useful and effective ways of building up my life, growing in the Lord and going forward with Him. I discovered that it was the regular reading of the whole Bible that provided the foundation on which everything else was built. And therefore nothing should distract me or take me away from God's Word which I was daily hiding in my heart. In it is milk, meat, bread, wine, honey, pure running water from under the throne of God, stern warning, rebuke, encouragement, comfort, instruction, example, revelation of God Himself, and in it God meets with me and speaks.

What the Lord is wanting to lead me into now is how to walk closer with Him in the Spirit as I read His Word. Several new things have happened with me in the Lord over the last 6 months in leading me into a deeper prayer life in intercession. Now I need to tie this in with reading His Word.

Thanks for letting me share this with you. I value your friendship.

At 1:50pm on November 11, 2008, onlyjesus said…
At 7:07am on November 8, 2008, Stephen said…
Kathys comments
Kathys Comments

I bet the ride through the autumn splendor is simply heaven on wheels eh? Luv ya Brother! Stephen
At 4:26am on November 8, 2008, Derek Hill said…
Thanks Journeymanhd for asking me to add you to my friends. I'm bowled over by the loving comments, suggestions, and welcome on this website.
Just right now I'm going through a lot of emotions for some reason, I'm not sure why. It could be because I'm too tired. I have been very active all this week, and this weekend and next week will be the same.
Fortunately I have some time today to relax and recharge the batteries.

One thing I have noticed since I joined is the spiritual support that I feel. This is very humbling and a great blessing.
I look forward to hearing from you so that I can pray for you as well.

Yours in Christ's love Derek
At 10:03pm on November 6, 2008, Rhonda said…
Thank you for such a warm welcome ...I am so looking forward to getting to know many of you and sharing the words of Christ....I am the testimony that God in His mercy can save a child from a life of abuse and turn her into a woman who adores HIM!!!! I will be gone until Sunday bit will write again then.....Gods gracious peace!!
PS I am also in the choir and a sololist for my church!!!!
LOve in Christ........R
At 8:00am on November 6, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 12:38pm on November 5, 2008, Sandie said…
Thanks for your support Journeymanhd! God Bless! You are so right I am putting it in Gods hands! I'm hoping not to loose my transport because of no payments for couple of months. Not being able to work full time and not having work has put a load on me. Still strong everyday and in my moments and like everyday I put faith in God to help me through my trials.

Nice having moral support with you and Bev! and can always contact me at my email address as well
At 6:15pm on October 31, 2008, Lourdito said…
Thank you Brother for your comment and for adding me as your friend, greatest pleasure is mine. Hope to hear more from you... Thanks again & GOD Speed.

The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall watered also HIMSELF. -Prov. 11:25(KJV)
At 3:26pm on October 31, 2008, Stephen said…
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