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Debbie's Comments

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At 2:14pm on December 7, 2008, Carla said…
Hello great to hear from you....and Happy Birthday to your fun!

I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well...I'm lifting you up to the Lord as I type this. Make sure you are getting lots of rest.

...10 kids..Wow! You must have lots of the Lord's Love to give!...and patience...

Have you cleansed your sinuses with salt water? It really helps! also breath in salty steam.

okay...enough of my home remedies. I have your phone number and want to call you, and I will. almost 2 weeks ago since I started homeschooling Joshua, life has gotten quite a good way! He is a different kid.

Lots of Love, Carla
At 1:55pm on December 7, 2008, MaryAnn said…
Dear Debbie, Through you, I have felt God's love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a blessing Debbie. It is I who am blessed to know you! We would love to keep you in the loop, with a monthly update, we hope to get a chance to send out. Let me have your e-mail address, and I will add you to the list. We leave for Peru Wednesday morning.
Love and blessings to you and yours this Christmas season. God is so good! Yes HE is! All the time. Amen & Amen. Love you dear sister. Stay close to Jesus, when the battle rages about you. He is your Protector. He is your shield. God loves you so much and so do I.

At 4:59pm on December 3, 2008, Jessatrain said…
Thanks for your words of wisdom!!! I really appreicate what you said. Please pray for us. My border just told me on Monday that she is moving out and I don't know if I will be able to find someone else. I am praying that God will send me someone that is good and decent so that we can stay in our home.
Thanks again and God Bless You!!!
At 4:57am on December 2, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Debbie....

Yes I am so blessed to have my mom... She is travelling to Peru in a few days for several months for mission work. We are hoping to talk on Skype, but I am going to miss her tremendously.

Your page looks very nice.. The good thing is that now you can play around with it creatively and have some fun. Love in Christ dear sister...
At 5:17pm on December 1, 2008, MaryAnn said…
Be encouraged and comforted dear sister Debbie. I praise God for the revelation He has been giving you. He wants you to trust HIM and HIS Word.

When I read your note, I was reminded of Joyce Meyer’s book, ‘Battlefield of the Mind, (Winning the Battle in Your Mind). It could be very helpful. Your opportunity sounds really exciting. I am excited for you. Focus your effort on hearing God’s voice and following the Holy Spirit’s leading. He will help you in your spiritual progress. Give yourself as completely as you can to God. Do so until your final breath, and He will never desert you.

Your new life will begin to grow naturally as you trust God. You won’t see the road ahead! That’s okay. You will need to trust God. Don’t allow the things you are struggling with to draw you away from intimate fellowship with the Lord. A close, intimate relationship with Christ should always be your soul’s only purpose. Everything flows out of that!

My husband and I leave for Peru December 10th (in 8 days). I may not have access to AAG account as will be using a different email address. If you want to email me you can contact me at My husband and I will be working with a missionary in Peru until May 2nd, and I don’t know how often I will be able to correspond. Stay close to the Lord. May He bless you abundantly, as you step out for Him. He loves you so much. Choose to be happy in your life…don’t waste your time being discontent. Fear not! God goes before you!

At 12:02pm on December 1, 2008, Carla said…
At 12:01pm on December 1, 2008, Carla said…
Hi There..I'm sorry I gave you the wrong address.. Here is the right one....
At 11:53am on December 1, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Sweetie...You are such a great encourager to me...and I am so thankful to the Lord that I now have met such a beautiful new sister in Christ. If you want help with your page I can help you with it. You can sign on to another ning site. to pick out the theme you want...Then copy and paste it into your advanced save and 'voila' it is done. If you want I can talk you through it over the phone.

Love in Christ, Carla
At 5:40am on December 1, 2008, Carla said…
Hi the network has glitches though. my personal email is
--this hugs for you...
At 4:52am on November 26, 2008, MaryAnn said…
Dear sister Debbie. I'm so proud of you for GETTING UP.

Remember..."One Step"... "One Step"..."One Step"... Keep going. That's it! You're doing a great job! Keep going! Consider this Holy Spirit encouragement today. I love you!

Keep looking up to God. HE is ALWAYS there for you and HE loves you so much, and wants you to succeed.

At 8:38pm on November 25, 2008, diana said…
thank you so much debbie,i appreciate your concern.yes it very tuff,and the holidays are not helping me,but i know i have my family right here to support.god bless you for everything.please keep in contact with me.and a joyest holiday to your family.
At 5:26pm on November 25, 2008, Jessatrain said…
Thank you!!!
My depression has gotten the best of me because my family is not close by and I am still having problems with my daughter. I love my children so much and she has given me a run for my money (so to speak). I love her but she is not showing the respect that I really do deserve. We have all had a rough time through this divorce but disrespect is just not right.
Anyway, I want to end this on a happy note because it is Thanksgiving.
I wish you and your family a great Thanksgiving and really, thanks for the words of wisdom.
God Bless
At 11:40pm on November 22, 2008, Jessatrain said…
Thanks for your wisdom. I just keep thinking that 5 years is long enough but I guess it is not. I have had problem with being so overwhelmed that when I get home from work I am soooooooo tired that I end up falling asleep and not getting much done on the home front. I am keeping up the house as much as I can (my house is not messy (I have a border so I have to make sure it is in decent order) but the bigger jobs and lifting are difficult because I dont have alot of male friends (I am a shy person). I also need a better job and have had some fantastic jobs in the past and when I got laid off I finally found one that is make 1/3 of what I made and a boss that is very mean and say nasty things about people. It makes it hard to go to work as well. I have been a good worker and always climbed up the latter but this job holds no opportunity and right now jobs just are not easy to find or you have to have a degree to get an interview. I have done well in the past and I guess that is why the last 5 years are taking the tole (did I spell that right?). I want God in my life, I think about him all the time (when I start to think about my easy life with my ex I try really hard to replace those thoughts with God). I am having a hard time sleeping at night (hence my writing at 1:40am). I pray that God helps me with more energy so that I can get things done and that he gives our family peace.
Sorry, I got off track.
Thanks for your kind words. I know that God puts people in places they need to be and I think that is why I am here.
God Bless you and I thank him for giving me a new person to help me understand my journey with him more closely.
Thank you.
At 8:33pm on November 22, 2008, Carla said…
Hi There Deb, it is so good to hear from you.

I'm not sure if I can help you make sense or not.... I'm not a trained counsellor. My husband and I go to a Christian marriage counsellor ...we try for once a week. She is really amazing, and offers insight to our circumstances which we are not trained to see ourselves...but she is!

Let's chat....I'll send you my phone number during the week so we can talk. Would you ever consider speaking with a Christian Counsellor? I go ther name through one of the pastors at my church. Have you considered that?

My dear, I am always here for you...and I only want the best for you.

Love as always in Christ, Carla
At 5:59am on November 22, 2008, Jessatrain said…
Thanks for the concern. My heart is heavy. I keep trying to give my problems to the Lord and then I start thinking about them again. I don't know what is wrong with me. I worry way to much. I worry about my children and how they are acted out what has happened since and during the divorce (I can't blame my ex for all of their problems because I didn't do the right things at times as well). I just want the pain to go away. It has been 5 long years now since the divorce and I am 51. I think I could have kept the marriage going because I know God does not like divorce. We were also the kind of family that had a lot - too much but we not foolish about money. I have a house that is falling apart, was laid off of my job and now am work for a 1/4 of what I was before so my life style has changed drastically and I know that our God does not want us to be whiners. I don't mean to I just want to hear God's small voice but I know all the junk that I carry around is probably proventing that. I want to be a good christen and walk that narrow path, not a "what seems to be a good Christen and walks that wide path to hell". Please pray for me that I get out of this depression, I come home overwhelmed and then end up sleeping. I need another job so that I can make a decent wage so that I don't have to have a border and be able to help my kids out with so or essential needs they may have (one is 18 the other is 25). If you have a prayer chain can you add me, my son Joe and daughter Jennifer. I love God and want to holy spirit to work inside my heart.
Thank you for asking and your concern.
At 2:59pm on November 18, 2008, Carla said…

Hello my dear.....I am so blesssed by reading your posts to others here on AAG. Love in Christ, Carla
At 6:37am on November 14, 2008, Sara said…
Thank you so much, I have found so many nice and caring people since this has happened and it has restored some of my faith in people.
At 4:06pm on November 13, 2008, Kim Dupee said…
thanks for that it really means a lot
At 8:02pm on October 24, 2008, Carla said…
At 9:52pm on October 22, 2008, Carla said…

I have found this video to be so powerful... Love in Christ, Carla

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