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Swtswan's Comments

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At 8:30pm on December 23, 2014, Vijaya kumari said…

Dear Sister How are you Happy Christmas My lovey Sister, God Bless you my dear


At 8:28pm on December 23, 2014, Vijaya kumari said…

At 4:44am on May 5, 2014, Vijaya kumari said…

At 4:43am on May 5, 2014, Vijaya kumari said…

Dear sister , How are you. I am doing fine by His Grace and busy with my Summer Outreach Ministry. Plz do pray for my Ministry and for me also.I am praying for you sister.Thank you God bless you my dear sister

At 9:29pm on February 25, 2013, Tammy said…

You as well. Have a blessed night

At 5:13pm on December 07, 2012, feet breath gave swtswan a gift
Sure we can be friends. :)
At 8:10pm on October 12, 2012, swtswan said…

At 4:07pm on August 29, 2012, swtswan said…

Ever Grateful to Father for helping me get a decent job with good people!~, Thank You Father...;)

At 4:59am on July 24, 2011, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA said…







At 4:16pm on May 20, 2011, swtswan said…

God may test us from time to time by letting us go through trials, etc; to see how much we love Him. Its called testing by fire; to strengthen our resolve as metal in fire. Mocking God is not in my vocabulary, I will defend God to the end.

 I dont believe in taunting His honor; nor trying to decieve His children by asking questions to confuse His doctrines/ His teaching/ His laws. Only the possessed, mentally ill  & Adversary, those against God, would do such things. I will be no part of thier sickness

At 1:38pm on May 20, 2011, swtswan said…
At 8:26am on March 27, 2011, alice lock,goh soon foong gave swtswan a gift
At 5:20pm on March 24, 2011, swtswan said…
At 6:37am on March 22, 2011, swtswan said…
At 6:36am on March 22, 2011, swtswan said…

Grace for the Humble
"He giveth grace unto the humble"   (James 4:6).
Humble hearts seek grace, and therefore they get it. Humble hearts yield to the sweet influences of grace, and so it is bestowed on them more and more largely. Humble hearts lie in the valleys where streams of grace are flowing, and hence they drink of them, Humble hearts are grateful for grace and give the LORD the glory of it, and hence it is consistent with His honor to give it to them.

Come, dear reader, take a lowly place. Be little in thine own esteem, that the LORD may make much of thee. Perhaps the sigh breaks out, "I fear I am not humble." It may be that this is the language of true humility. Some are proud of being humble, and this is one of the very worst sorts of pride. We are needy, helpless, undeserving, hell-deserving creatures, and if we are not humble we ought to be. Let us humble ourselves because of our sins against humility, and then the LORD will give us to taste of His favor. It is grace which makes us humble, and grace which finds in this humility an opportunity for pouring in more grace. Let us go down that we may rise. Let us be poor in spirit that God may make us rich. Let us be humble that we may not need to be humbled but may be exalted by the grace of God. 

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At 4:38am on January 27, 2011, swtswan said…


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

At 5:09am on January 14, 2011, swtswan said…
LUKE 12;1-31
At 5:05am on December 14, 2010, David Velasquez said…


i have down loaded that program before and it does not have bugs, but read the pre-chosen options and deactivate some that want to add other things along with the program.

At 2:54am on December 8, 2010, swtswan said…
This was wonderful Dear Brother Dan, Truly; ....
I wonder how many times we think as this human did all his life that he didnt deserve such goodness in his life and passed up these blessings in his hurried , way to do as he thought would bring him happiness. How many times as Ive rushed to be "independant" of my own family have I sacrificed my journey, and goals to not put a strain the families resources, by not going on to college; so my other 2 sisters could go instead, and went to work instead, to make my way in the world? was I being selfish, by acting out of love & respect for my parents by doing this?
So many times Ive tried to do what is right in the Fathers eyes, and yes, Ive relied on my own ego & resourcefullness to be independant in the world, But at what cost?What have I gained ; besides great Christian friends? Surely its something I will always treasure, as they have kept my feet on a solid foundation, I am grounded in that, which is far worth more than all the gold in the earth;
I know that TRUE happiness is found only in the Lord, and we have to be still to be in His presence; with So much noise & distractions its not easy to just become still at any moment in time, as we have children, families & many other responsibilities to attend to. I am in the valley right now, and searching for my way back to the mountain top, it may take some time before I am there again; but I wish to attend Christmas midnight mass, to pray & Thank the Father as He's blessed me many times over; I just hope He takes my hand & helps me to see the vision He has for me.

At 6:40am on December 5, 2010, swtswan said…
Still dont understand why I am not able to view my videos , Puzzling to me,....

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