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David Velasquez's Comments

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At 4:34pm on January 16, 2010, Mona Sianipar said…
hi yo bro Dave!
yup...we'll be waitin' till the AAG chat room reopening again..
so keep on fire!!!
Jiayou ;)

In HIS Love,
At 11:56pm on January 14, 2010, Jessica Robertson said…
I would never take offense to a kind gesture done out of love :)

I'm so happy to be in this life....right in the middle of Hell itself facing down demons....because they have confirmed that my God is real. Without them I would never have KNOWN. The Lord's ways are indeed the most magical and mysterious, huh? You and I share the same secret. A secret we wouldn't wish on most people due to the intensity of the battle, but at the same time....we wish they all knew the way we do.

Maybe one day.
At 4:15pm on January 13, 2010, kay said…
hi david ...i have known the LORD for 24 years and still getting to know him more each and every day ...thanks for the compliment...i pray for u
At 10:33pm on January 12, 2010, Deserey Lynn Velasquez said…
Sad to say that was the most descent picture I could find of myself. I absolutely do not like having my picture taken. I always look like a convict or my family wants to take a picture on a bad day so I look like a person from a horror movie hehe jk.
Right now I I've studied about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. I was actually trying to look at the people of Sodom and Gomorrah but ended up reading about theories of what happened to destroy them. I also looked up the significance of the sacrifice (or what it meant) that God had Abram do when God made His covenant with Abram. Did I confuse you? I can email what I found to you. Some of it is interesting. Not sure about Sodom and Gomorrah though.
Tonight I read in chapter 17 about circumcision? That had to hurt so bad!! Makes me glad to be a female even with our hormones. Anyhow..... tomorrow I read about the three angels coming to Abraham and how Abraham pleaded for Sodom. Will be interesting. Of course Sarah gets into trouble but I think it must be inherited or just a girl thing JK.
Okay I will stop rambling. If you have any input please let me know. Thanks for your help.
At 3:45pm on January 12, 2010, April Lipinski said…
thank you for helping me understand Romans 16. i am still learning. I want to change and by His grace i will change. It is a blessing to know you brother.
At 12:49pm on January 12, 2010, Christian marcel Fellerer said…
cool music
At 9:41pm on January 11, 2010, Debra Carol Wooten said…
Hey David.... Thank you for the nice comment.... Don't fret my brother. God is molding me to lean 110 % on him. As for the other guy,,,,, well.... i feel he has issues that only God wants to handle. I luv u... I have confidence in you. Will you please just say a little prayer for me, every once in a while. God is using you as a very strong weapon against Satan. God took care of me the other night, as he saw you had your hands full protecting us and this wonderful sight against Satan. Thank you, my Brother,
At 8:10pm on January 11, 2010, Ginnybee said…
Thank you, Sir Dave. I assure you that I always do smile :D

May our Lord bless you continually!

kindly, in Him,
At 5:51pm on January 11, 2010, Jessica Robertson said…
Isn't it surreal when you face "one" down and and realize that all the hype about Jesus is real afterall? So inspiring....

I'm still battling but I'm closer now than I've ever been to Jesus and for that reason, I consider this war my greatest life's blessing. This is the hardest thing I've ever been through....and I'm no stranger to the trials of life BELIEVE me....but this has been a true test of my soul and where I choose to go from here.

Hell can wait. Jesus has my life now!
At 4:29pm on January 11, 2010, Sandra said…
please tell me again the web address to get to the theology group to make a comment and to view the theology questions. I can get on the allanoutgod web site but cannot find the theology group page. Thank you for you help. Sandra
At 2:40pm on January 11, 2010, Sandra said…
I commented on Arminianism and Calvinism. I thought I sent it. Will
it appear on "the wall" for all to read?
I am a bit older (55 years) and just
learning all this new computer stuff.
If my comment to the group question
isn't there, I will send it again. Sandra
At 12:09pm on January 11, 2010, PoiemaDei said…
David, thanks for your kind and encouraging words. I am praying for you. I know, like I, you recognize our absolute dependence on God to do what He has assigned us to do in the Church. May God continue to bless and use you.
At 6:38am on January 11, 2010, brateng said…
Greetings In Christ Jesus!

Thanks David for your kind words...and the links to the sites proposed. You are very kind.

I feel honoured to be your friend.

In His love-Ev. Bernhard C.
At 10:38pm on January 10, 2010, maggie hancox said…
I know brother, but I am finding myself becoming what I do not want to be. and this is not edifying to the body as a whole.
I have approached the person (you know who) personally and in love many times, the head of aag as i understand it is aware and chooses to do nothing and as you saw yesterday a person that really needed help ended up walking in on the battle he started and left discoraged. I do not like whom i am becomming, bitter and basically..wantint to knock the sucker out! So best those who desire encoragment or even just to chat, email me. I am always responsive in the time I am allowed and will always love.
At 9:31pm on January 10, 2010, neeseM said…
Hi David,

Thanks for sharing..

The reason why I probably miss you online I don't really stay on I just check my messages send a quick message to someone,or read a quick blogg then logg out.respond to comments quick replyThen I get offf.Because I try not invest to much time with being onlineTruth is I never chatted with anyone on this line I try to use what spare time
I have on the Lord with my studying and have that intimacy time with him.
He has much for me to know through reading his word other materials audio cds,books
I use to study I try to be consistent on a daily basis.
At 2:18pm on January 10, 2010, maggie hancox said…
well I've lost my rag!
Now I need your advice on how to temper my rebuke.
Much love x
At 12:03pm on January 10, 2010, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA said…

with love in CHRIST.....Bro.RAJESWAR,INDIA
At 8:04pm on January 9, 2010, April Lipinski said…
i come to your webpage and i hear a song that i so needed to hear. Lecrea. Awesome. I rarely get into rap...but i am open to hear more christian rap. Thank you for your friend invite. I have read some of your comments, and you seem like a cool person. Nice to meet you brother. God loves us.
At 4:54pm on January 9, 2010, littlesheep88 said…
Cool. Thanxs for the group invites. I'm sure it will help me grow stronger in the Lord.

God Bless!
At 3:57pm on January 9, 2010, Deserey Lynn Velasquez said…
Yeah I really enjoy the job that I'm at in a way. I want to be over a house that has CPS and JPO kids (preferably boys house because sad to say they don't act as crazy as the girls. They mostly just whine a lot and try to act tough hehe. But I will go wherever God puts me and I know He will grant me the patience to deal with the girls too. Watch now He will put me over a house of hormonal, and moody girls to teach me patience. Better watch what I say.jk) I don't necessarily trust my bosses but for now God has me at this RTC and I am learning a lot. I bothers me to see how bad parents these days have failed in preparing our children for battle. I see more now than ever parents turning their children over to the state to raise them and any problems they have is blamed on a medical condition and their given therapy and psychotic meds. Some of these kids complain about hearing voices that them to kill themselves and we have kids who will cut themselves and when you ask them why they did it they said it made them feel better. They think in killing themselves they have won some battle but they don't see the real battle they are in. For their very lives. And what are we doing for them. Unless we reach them and show them how to fight the battle then we have done almost nothing. Anyhow I will stop preaching.
Yes for a short while I was so proud of myself and thought I was the best athlete on earth. I woke up fast from that dream when I realized what I had done. hehe
I wouldn't say my daughter has a blast with me unless she is picking on me. She already thinks I'm not cool. sigh She is growing up too fast.

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