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Felixpadua's Comments

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At 7:41pm on July 7, 2009, Rosario G. Romero said…
Center point bldg.Garnet lang po yung free namin 5 to7 pm at SYNERGY WORLDWIDE OFICE.Hope you can visit maganda po yun DPWA test po yun.makikita po dun yung arterial age can be 40 years old but your arterial age is 70.its free for today but we charge it 700 to the US is 150$ per test
At 7:29pm on July 7, 2009, Rosario G. Romero said…
Yes kapatid you know today we have a campaign.HOW HEALTHY IS YOUR HEART.We have free heart test in our ofice in Ortigas if your interested just contact me here is my cel.09213834496.Im willing to help to those who need my help but bawal utang ha!hehehehe.GOD BLESS YOU!!
At 7:09pm on July 7, 2009, Rosario G. Romero said…
thank you for adding me as your friend.GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!
At 8:25am on July 7, 2009, AAG Netguy said…
Thanks for the notice, Felix. I have banned Damion.
At 8:39pm on July 6, 2009, Jacy PIckett said…
Love the joke it really lifted my spirits. I was so down today that I just entered God in the search box and this was one of the site that came up. I'm so down. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and due to complications from it. I can't work. My husband is the only person working and we run out of money way before all of the bills are paid. Our house has been forclosed on, our car repossessed, and the bad news keeps on coming. I keep praying and waiting on a miricle.
At 1:43pm on July 5, 2009, Jeanne Stapelberg said…
Hi Felix,
Thank you for the humorous welcome. I believe God guided me to the site when I was down and needed some upliftment. Now I can be part of a community in Christ and I don't have to feel so alone anymore as I try to find my real purpose in life.
At 8:23am on July 5, 2009, jenshe said…
Hi Felix I hope that you are having a great day. Sorry I did not reply to your message sooner, I was ill for a while with pains, I thank God the pain is getting less each day. Its a beautiful day here in The Bahamas. I just uploaded a new picture I took recently, the beaches are very beautiful, white sand, crystal clear waters, many tourist come every year, especially from the US and Canada. The locals go to great extremes to cater for tourists, Great care is taken to preserve the natural environment, especially the beaches. I am not a citizen but I am working on that. The crime rate is very low, so you will see a lot of tourists on the streets late at night, even in the heart of downtown. The downtown area looks like the suburbs in many cities. The thing that I enjoy most here is going to the beach, tourists go to the beach regularly and they are very friendly. The main thing that tourists complain about are the prices, but since the economic downturn I notice that prices have been going down. I will upload more pictures. There a lot of people here from the Phillipines. God bless you, talk to you soon.
At 5:45pm on July 3, 2009, Ginnybee said…
Thank you for your prayers, felix'. It means so much to me. My dad is very ill. We learned that he has late stage lung cancer that spread into his liver. This is the worst shocker of my life. I pray continually that my dad will not experience too much suffering before his time. He is saved, so it is truly comforting to know where he is going and that I will meet him again one day. Thank you, my friend. Your friendship is a real blessing!

in His service,
At 9:56am on July 3, 2009, Adebayo Olayinka Matthew said…
Thanks for that beautiful joke

Hope to hear more from you. Its nice to belong to a family
where you are recognize and treated as a friend.

Hope to hear more from you soonest

Thanks for been there.
At 5:51am on July 3, 2009, florencio m. cañete said…
a good one felix... kathleen aldea, endorsed me to this website...
At 3:10am on July 3, 2009, James Mugalula said…
Welcome my brother and God bless you so much.
What is your time there now? Ours here is 11 pat midday.
Be blessed.
At 2:54am on July 3, 2009, James Mugalula said…
Hello br!
Thanks for your welcome. I was directed by my friend to this site and am blessed to be a member. Hope to be your friend.
At 9:07pm on July 2, 2009, becky brightwell said…
Hello and how are you feeling? I hope your doing well .
At 6:59am on July 2, 2009, felixpadua said…
ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
At 8:51pm on July 1, 2009, Laura Griffith said…
Dear Felix. Thank u so much for letting me know about the prayer group. Today is my first day joing TheNet. and dont know much about site so far but hope to soon. Please keep me in prayer. In Christ, Laura Griffith.
At 2:48am on July 1, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Hi Felix, I don't have quite the original one, but this pretty much the same...

At 1:29am on July 1, 2009, Claire said…
Thanks for the add, and Scotland will indeed welcome you if and when you manage over ..
God Bless C x
At 10:10pm on June 30, 2009, Melody D. Enemido said…
hello sir,,, this is melody. im glad to make friends with you in Christ Jesus my Lord.. my school is nice and about my picture dont mind it because sinadya ko talaga na baliktad ito cause mostly people looks at the outward appearance of a person and not the inside... have a nice day with God and your family...
At 5:07pm on June 30, 2009, God Knows said…
Thanks for the add.
At 4:54pm on June 30, 2009, God Knows said…
Thanks for the welcome & the joke. Hv a good day!

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