All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Lord, I'm sorry I'm this way...


I have anxiety attacks. You need people with faith. My faith isn't too strong...

You like it when Your children fellowship. Too many people are the reason I can get an anxiety attack. Why do I seem so useless...


You need people who's strong in witnessing...I'm a timid mouse...


Why am I this way...


Excuse me, I had to take sometime and hold my bear. That way it would help me not cry. I don't want my parents to see me crying. It'd be too difficult to explain to them...besides it'd be a sin for them to see me cry. And, I don't want to commit another sin if it can be prevented...


Lord, I'm so weak...I'm Your sheep, but I'm like the sheep in "baah, baah black sheep". I don't fit in with the others...


Lord, I don't want to bring shame to Your name because I'm so pathetic...


Why is there so much wrong with me? Even some of my toes are crooked....


I'm mentally and physically slower than alot of other people. My mind isn't as developed as other people my age. My body can't do physical things as well as others...I've messed up on push ups and I even can't do a tumble right(I do a crooked tumble)! It seems like I'm spiritually slow as well...


I want to see You. I want this pain to go away. Why do I seem so worthless-what good am I?


Forgive me whoever I'm depressing, I need to get this off of my chest...


I know Satan and his demons have a real good laugh at me! Lord, am I doing You harm...causing You shame?


I know there's so much potential and purpose for Your other children-but what purpose is there for the likes of me?


If the rapture happened today, please Jesus take me. I can't bear the thought of being left here longer than nessasary. The thought of being the only Christian on earth...Please I pray I go...if mom seen me left behind that would give the JW an advantage to tell her lies.


Jesus, when I see You are You going to be mad at I going to be a dissapointment?


Eating while typing this helps numb the pain...Sad thing is I only have two fruit snacks left. One I can't eat (blueberry), the other is great (I think it's lime or apple because it's green). It's Snoopy fruit snacks (only a 1$ something at the store for a box. Let's see which one is left. It's Snoopy and it's tastes like apple not lime (praise God for it tastes much better than blueberry). Linus is the blueberry one so I might as well give that to the ants outside (it's better it goes to the ants than it be thrown out).


Why can't I eat blueberry? It's nasty the smell is nauseating. And, I tried blueberry, I think it was a blueberry snack waffle when I was at school (I think it was in 12th grade). It makes it difficult to breathe. Who knows I may be allergic.


Am I worthless? If not why am I such a difficult person?


I'm backwards. I like sour things better than sweet. I'd prefer to sit outside on a dark night than during the day...


Lord, when will I see one of Your angels? When will I get to see one like I did when I was an infant...


Who understands this pain and fear that resides in me? Lord, please bless Your children and strengthen them. Please help sister Asia, Pastor Nadarkani and the rest of the persecuted Christians-and whoever will be persecuted in the future for these last days to never deny Your name. Hold them close to Yourself.


I'm Your child but why do I seem like I don't fit in with the Body of Christ?


Lord, when will I get to see You? When will the pain be no more? Does anyone care about a pathetic soul such as myself? If so why would anyone want to bother or care about me....


I ask You, please Lord hear the prayers of Your saints. They need You during their trials and tribulations.


Please save our loved ones...anyone of Your children who cry out for You to save a loved one or a friend please hear their prayers....


Why have I lived? You let me live dispite so much. Why am I still on this earth...


Lord, am I bringing harm to You, Your name or the Body of Christ? Why do I have to be such a messed up individual...


What good am I to anyone? My life is filled with sorrow. Why would anyone want to care about a creature such as myself? I have problems and it ends up hurting others...


Lord, when I see You will You be mad at me or have a tear in Your eye? How much heartache have I given You...I want to see You, get a I could bawl my eyes out,I'd soak Your robe with tears of sorrow, it'd help realese pain...


Life is so overwelming...Lord, who have I even helped out in my 20 years of life? What difference could I possibly make...I want to see You, to hear Your voice...You know what tears are, right? It's when sorrow fills your soul so much you can't handle it anymore and it overflows out your eyes and into tears.


Forgive me whoever I've saddened. I needed to get this off of my chest.


















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Comment by feet breath on May 29, 2012 at 9:01pm

Thank you precious sister.


Remain blessed as well.

Comment by Lina on May 29, 2012 at 8:41pm

Sister, I'll remember you in my prayers.  You can be sure that there are many more who pray for you each day.

Remain blessed Feet

Comment by feet breath on May 29, 2012 at 9:06am

Don't be anxious? Dear sister please can you say a prayer? For my life is one big ball of anxiety. I've had trouble with that verse since there's so much anxiety...


God bless you as well sister!

Comment by Lina on May 29, 2012 at 8:52am

Dear sister, you are so blessed to be where you are at this age.  My life at 20 years was so chaotic and I don't think I was as close to the Lord then as you are now.. I believe the Lord has so much for you and is preparing you for greater things.  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God: and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philipians 4 : 6-7).

God bless you sister. 

Comment by feet breath on May 28, 2012 at 9:41pm

Thanks to all three of you, thanks for caring. I'm more calmer than I was. I can really have emotional breakdowns which I have to get off my chest or it's only going to hurt me in the long run. I'm better than I was though. Things get frustrating. If as many times as I have an "emotional meltdown", if instead I kept the pain inside I'd be a very bitter and hurt person.


Sister, Amanda, the poem makes sence. As someone who has weaved before it makes sence. The project doesn't seem that great until it is finished.

Comment by Leonard T on May 28, 2012 at 6:13pm

May this chapter by C.H.Spurgeon encourage regarding your faith:



“By grace are ye saved, through faith”


<490208>Ephesians 2:8).

I THINK IT WELL to turn a little to one side that I may ask my reader to

observe adoringly

the fountain-head of our salvation, which is the grace of

God. “By grace are ye saved.” Because God is gracious, therefore sinful

men are forgiven, converted, purified, and saved. It is not because of

anything in them, or that ever can be in them, that they are saved; but

because of the boundless love, goodness, pity, compassion, mercy, and

grace of God. Tarry a moment, then, at the well-head. Behold the pure

river of water of life, as it proceeds out of the throne of God and of the


What an abyss is the grace of God! Who can measure its breadth? Who can

fathom its depth? Like all the rest of the divine attributes, it is infinite.

God is full of love, for “God is love.” God is full of goodness; the very

name “God” is short for “good.” Unbounded goodness and love enter into

the very essence of the Godhead. It is because “his mercy endureth for

ever” that men are not destroyed; because “his compassions fail not” that

sinners are brought to Him and forgiven.

Remember this; or you may fall into error by fixing your minds so much

upon the faith which is the channel of salvation as to forget the grace

which is the fountain and source even of faith itself. Faith is the work of

God’s grace in us. No man can say that Jesus is the Christ but by the

Holy Ghost. “No man cometh unto me,” saith Jesus, “except the Father

which hath sent me draw him.” So that faith, which is coming to Christ, is

the result of divine drawing. Grace is the first and last moving cause of

salvation; and faith, essential as it is, is only an important part of the

machinery which grace employs. We are saved “through faith,” but

salvation is “by grace.” Sound forth those words as with the archangel’s

trumpet: “By grace are ye saved.” What glad tidings for the undeserving!

Faith occupies the position of

a channel or conduit pipe. Grace is the

fountain and the stream; faith is the aqueduct along which the flood of

mercy flows down to refresh the thirsty sons of men. It is a great pity


when the aqueduct is broken. It is a sad sight to see around Rome the

many noble aqueducts which no longer convey water into the city, because

the arches are broken and the marvelous structures are in ruins. The

aqueduct must be kept entire to convey the current; and, even so, faith

must be true and sound, leading right up to God and coming right down to

ourselves, that it may become a serviceable channel of mercy to our souls.

Still, I again remind you that faith is only the channel or aqueduct, and not

the fountainhead, and we must not look so much to it as to exalt it above

the divine source of all blessing which lies in the grace of God.

Never make

a Christ out of your faith

, nor think of as if it were the independent source

of your salvation. Our life is found in “looking unto Jesus,” not in looking

to our own faith. By faith all things become possible to us; yet the power

is not in the faith, but in the God upon whom faith relies. Grace is the

powerful engine, and faith is the chain by which the carriage of the soul is

attached to the great motive power. The righteousness of faith is not the

moral excellence of faith, but the righteousness of Jesus Christ which faith

grasps and appropriates. The peace within the soul is not derived from the

contemplation of our own faith; but it comes to us from Him who is our

peace, the hem of whose garment faith touches, and virtue comes out of

Him into the soul.

See then, dear friend, that the weakness of your faith will not destroy you.

A trembling hand may receive a golden gift. The Lord’s salvation can come

to us though we have only faith as a grain of mustard seed. The power lies

in the grace of God, and not in our faith. Great messages can be sent along

slender wires, and the peace-giving witness of the Holy Spirit can reach

the heart by means of a thread-like faith which seems almost unable to

sustain its own weight. Think more of H

IM to whom you look than of the

look itself. You must look away even from your own looking, and see

nothing but Jesus, and the grace of God revealed in Him.

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