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Whatever happened to the salt in American churches?

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

What has happened to the salt in America? Back in the early days pilgrims spread the gospel. It aparently worked since alot of Cherokees became born-again Christians. Now forward to the 21st cent., what do we see/hear?


Preachers with big homes, really nice clothes. Certainly not the humblness Jesus told His followers to have. All the while brothers in sisters in Christ actually winning souls to Christ overseas, some don't even make a dollar a day and some don't even have a pair of shoes to call their own. They go through some of the most awful things imaginable. But, let's give some preachers,let's not mention any names though, the benifit of the doubt,shall we?


What do we hear? "God wants you to be rich!" Actually, He already made us rich through His Son. We don't need money to make us "rich". Anyways, people talk about selling items they were supposed to have "annointed". Can you say rip-off? Ray Stevens' "Would Jesus Wear a Rolex" sums it up quite nicely. We're supposed to be yearning for His coming. That's kind of difficult when you're riding in a really expensive car and getting ready while leaving a really expensive home. 


I hear there's a "prosperity gospel" that the preachers talk about. I don't know what that is but I do know it's a false gospel. And,God has a strong warning about that.


King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

I don't know about any of you but I see alot of rotton fruit and no salt from people who claim to be speaking for God. There's even some who support Crislam and support a one world faith.


Now don't get me wrong. There's preachers who actually don't have the stench of rotton fruit coming from their souls. For example Zola Levitt, who is with the Lord now,He was a man of God and produced good fruit. There's just certain preachers who supposly represent Jesus and they're bad fruitage has rubbed off on Churches in America.


I guess that's another reason why I like AAG. There's good fruitage from the Spirit on here. This forum has more value than alot of churches.


There's other people like, that guy, who is now with the Lord, from Coral Ridge Ministries-now "Truth that Transforms" who had good fruitage. Don't get me wrong not every church is "dead". And, LT you preach,right? You've got good fruitage from the Spirit. You're a man of the Lord. It's preachers like you, the man from Coral Ridge and Zola Levitt that we need now in America more than ever.


Anyways, is it no wonder the AntiChrist is probably going to appear soon? There's Churches that now except homosexuality and possibly even abortion. Christians are facing discrimination even in America now if they're not "politically correct". In the book I'm reading "Silencing the Christians" someone even wanted to make it to where Christians wouldn't be allowed to vote because "they're citizens of heaven".


No wonder people think we're hypoctites. We say homosexuality is a sin yet say it's ok in the church. There's even Christians who worship with Muslims and say we worship the same God. One World Religion here we come...


I shouldn't have to apoijize for anything I just said. What I do apolijize for is I was a little strong in wording and offended anyone with an old fasioned gospel,soul winning preacher. It's not preachers like that I'm talking about, it's preaches who care more about money than lost souls or preaches that just have rotton fruitage and a watered down gospel that I'm talking about.


This world is just getting so bad. I yearn for His coming, what about you? What hurts the most though is those loved ones whos still lost...

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Comment by feet breath on June 8, 2012 at 7:47pm

I know. We're one body-the Body of Christ and geographical location isn't one group for Christians. We're suppose to listen to Jesus with the great comission,correct? That includes America. God has slowly lifted the blinds off of my eyes when it comes to U.S.A. For within the U.S.A are all sort of material items and fleshy desires. One doesn't tend to think of spiritual matters when it comes to U.S.A. Instead, materialism comes to mind. When in truth,a harsh truth mind you, that is just used by Satan to blind people.


When in reality this land (America) is just like any other. It's a land filled with lost souls. Take away all of the fancy houses and shiny cars and what do we have? People who need the gospel. Satan uses materialism to blind people of thier spiritual reality and need of the Savior Jesus.


I think there's some end time bible prophecy about a falling away, right? What you said about those who call themselves Christians yet don't hold onto Christian values/trust the Bible sounds like a fulfillment of the end days.


You being in the Lord longer than me probably already knew that harsh truth. I didn't understand until very recently and God took the blinds off of my eyes.


Lord bless,


Comment by Leonard T on June 8, 2012 at 7:08pm


There are numerous reasons, too many to list, regarding the situation in the USA today. There has been an errosion on many fronts and at meny levels within those fronts. One thing to remember along the way is that "Christians" are not a geographical group, but a people group disspersed all over the world. The USA is not a Christian nation, but rather has been a nation founded on and guided by Christian principles and Christian people (for the most part). That has been changing steadily over the last 50 years. God is in control and we need to trust Him and serve Him. What the future holds for the USA and the church in the USA is known by God and yet to be revealed to us.


Also, be aware that there are a large number of people who call themselves Christians who do not hold Christian values or trust in the Bible. Many who claim to be Christian do not believe the Holy Spirit, Satan or hell are real. This is just a tid-bit of what children of God face today.


Lord Bless,


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