All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Many things happened during the time of Jesus on earth but not everything was captured in the bible. However, the things that are written there-in; by the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost are more than adequate and sufficient to meet ALL of the needs of man. Is there a problem in life that the Bible doesn't not proffer a solution to? 

For those believing for a life partner: “He keeps the solitary in families”. For those waiting for the fruit of the womb: “He makes the barren keep house and become a joyful mother of children”. Needing financial breakthrough: “He became poor that we may be rich”. Sick? - “The chastisement of our peace was upon him, by His stripes we are healed”. Recurring threatened abortion? - “None shall cast their young” Wayward or erring children? “Your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace”. Misbehaving spouse? -“The hearts of kings and men are in God’s hands”…Business breakthrough? - “For the Lord your God teaches thee to profit”. Weak? - “He gives power to the weak and to them that have no might, He increases strength” Needing Visas? - “The Lord is the Governor amongst the nations”….The list is endless, get the scriptures that address your needs…

The devil cannot cause more chaos than he has done and even if he does, in the beginning was The WORD, the WORD still exists and the WORD will be forever. The WORD is the antidote ("ajesara"; inner chopchop) to the devil's machinations and it is the complete package for all of Life’s problems; The WORD is the answer for the world today. The Bible; both the Old and New Testament is God’s WILL (testament) for His children. A WILL is a legal declaration of a person’s wish of how he wants his property shared. All the promises in the Bible are legally ours by redemption. Getting your desires in life is hinged on the weapons of the WORD and FAITH. The WORD is your Sword of attack and FAITH; your Shield of defence. You can’t do without either. 

Get into the Word today and appropriate it continuously. If you don’t see an instant change or manifestation of your desires, keep at it: then you will see a gradual manifestation. “For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head” (Mark 4:28).

He is not a man that He should lie….. Having done ALL, STAND!

I leave us with this Donnie McClurkin’s song…

Lord, You promised if I keep my mind on You,
You'd keep me in perfect peace
(Yes you would, you'd keep me in perfect peace)
With a sincere heart if I called upon Your name
You'd never turn away from me

(No, no you'd never turn away from me)
Said you'd give me everything I need

(You'd give me everything i need)

I came for deliverance( healing, salvation, provision etc)
Deliverance I'll receive
You said You'd deliver me
And that's what I believe

So now every promise is mine, Lord 
(It's mine) I claim it 
(Oh yes, I know It's mine)
By faith I receive it it's mine 
(It's mine)
Won't leave here like I came 
I'm never gonna be the same
I know (It's mine)………

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