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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I know the elder's wife has very rarely visited for a long time. And that I think is because she couldn't open up the gate.


Awhile back mom taught her. She is still too short to reach the latch but I know she could just get someone else to do it.


I don't know how often she will visit. Whether it'll be once a month or twice or whatever.


You probably already know how mom feels about the belief that Jesus is God. I was comforted when the Holy Spirit let me know that they will only know about the Deity of Christ if He reveals it to them.


But what is going to happen if the elder's wife ever finds out I'm in "Christendom" or atleast some how finds out I know very dangerous secrets concerning the JWs? If they even ever found out about me telling you guys this there'd be a lot of trouble.


I know for sure I'd be called a goat. I mean after all I've been around JWs,been in their Kingdom Hall a few times,went through "Bible Study" and yet never joined.


They would deffintly say I've been sent by Satan to "persecute God's people". And they'd try to keep mom away from me to "protect" her. She'd be seen than as "safe" and start to be convinced only JWs care about her [mom's trust issues are bad enough,she don't need that]. And they could eventually start on other family members. I'd be seen as a threat and it'd be best to keep them from being tainted from being around me. And I know I would be kicked out. They'd tell my parents to choice between Jehovah or me. By than they'd already probably have them convinced I've been sent by Satan to "persecute God's people" so I can see how easy it'd be to pressure them to kick me out of the house. That wouldn't be so bad if they were allowed around other Christians. But I know that'd be forbidden. Dad wouldn't even be allowed to talk to his sister,she is a believer. I know they don't ever see each other. But there would be atleast hope if she seen him [and mom] in the store.  


There are dangers. JWs have murdered people [not all of them have. Infact some have murdered other members from their Kingdom Hall. So,they don't all want to kill,please don't get me wrong on that. Only some have killed.] There's been spying. And this has been said in two WT articles "Slaughter of Apostates" and "Apostates are mentally diseased".


Ok,so there is danger. I'll be fine,I have Jesus. He will get me through whatever would happen. I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about what will happen to my family. They are being put in spiritual danger.


While I don't understand to the full extent I think I am starting to understand what the brothern overseas have to go through when they know they may be kicked out of their homes. I've read about it happening before. I think I'm starting to understand better. But how can I live with knowing what would be in store for my parents...this family? They'd be deceived into a religion that they may never come out alive. We are in the end times. Getting involved into this could cost them everything.



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