All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Isn't Bible knowledge is wonderful? I love it!! I love the Word, because it is God's personal letter to me. And I can tend to be a bit of a Bible freak!! I can't get enough of it!!

But here is something I've learned from from an online buddy, and he's always challenged me on this one.

When someone asks a question, it is so easy to give a pat answer, an answer from the Good Book. What I say probably does mean something to me (I've had a revelation on it), but to someone else, it can be just words.

Or as my friend put it, "It's not that the pat answers are wrong, is it? But somehow they aren't connected to real life - or the connection isn't made. That's the problem."

So the challenge is, to give answers that do connect to real life... real, practical answers!! Answers that hit the target! Answers from the heart, where I share from my own experience ... those ones are often the best!

Can anyone else relate?

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Comment by Jeanette B on January 29, 2009 at 4:14pm
Charles, thank you so much for the encouragement.

It's all a matter of being led by the Spirit. The Lord has had me writing (especially blogs), and there are times when I'll have something on my heart I want to share. I don't know exactly how to say, but I sit down and start writing, and then the words start flowing.

At the end, I look at it, and marvel, "Where did that come from?" I hadn't planned to say is when I started out, but the Lord just let the words come. And those blog entries end up being the most viewed.

So the secret is, quit striving to make it happen. God will do it!! We just need to be connected to Him.

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