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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Prayer is a key ingredient for national revival

From the book of Genesis up to the book of Revelations the Holy Bible reveals to us that the Almighty God purposed in eternity past to partner Himself with human beings in order to bring about meaningful changes on this planet called earth (Genesis 1 verse 26-28, 2 verses 1-15). This means that our Father God has limited Himself in what He can do to the extent to which we human beings can seek, find and embrace His purposes and pursue them. Even the manifestation of His kingdom on earth requires that we pray with passion and faith as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 6 verses 9 & 10.


A christian who thinks God can do whatever He wants on earth without the active participation of human beings, is not only ignorant of what the Bible reveals about God's interaction with men in the Scriptures, but is unwittingly facilitating satanic/demonic domination of the human race. Even though our God is the Creator and thus the Sovereign Lord of the entire universe, it is revealed that he does nothing on earth without the active participation of praying and working men and women (who are seriously committed to His divine will) (Ezekiel 3 verses 14-21, chapter 22 verses 30 & 31, Amos 3 verses 7 & 8, Malachi 3 verses 16-18, Matthew 5 verses 3, 5, 6, 13-16, chapter 6 verse 33, Luke 12 verses 31-32, 1 Peter 2 verses 6-11, Revelations 5 verses 9 & 10).


The Holy Bible reveals that when things are not going right in a family, community, or country, the duty of a christian is not to murmur or complain but to seek the face of God continually for the land, that it may be healed (Nehemiah 1, Daniel 9 verses 1-22). Daniel chapter 9 reveals that even though the timing of God is ripe for Him to move on behalf of a nation or a people, He still expects godly men and women to co-operate with Him in bring his purposes to pass in their communities or situations. Daniel was not a passive child of God who expected God to move to fulfil Scripture, without any human spiritual contribution. Daniel knew that it was an irresponsible attitude to expect God to fulfil His word, with any praying man or woman.


The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ was foretold in hundreds of scriptures, yet God saw it fit to raise two prophetic intercessors to pray for decades for its fulfilment, in the persons of the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna (Luke 2 verses 25-38). If the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ needed devoted intercessors, how much more the multiplicity of our personal, family, community and national problems? This short essay serves as an intimation to all christians of goodwill everywhere to rise up, gird their loins and pray for God to visit and shake things in our country for its many wounds to be healed. Indeed this article calls upon fellow christians everywhere to intercede for God to move by His Holy Spirit in our nations. This will greatly catalyze our Christ-given commission to evangelize our world (Matthew 24 verse 14 and chapter 28 verses 18-20). The only meaningful reason why born-again and Holy Ghost filled christians remain on earth is to change this world for our Lord Jesus Christ. He is banking on us to do the job and to do it thoroughly!


I, therefore, thank all christian brothers and sisters who will accept this call of duty. Our Father God and His angels will surely work on your behalf to bring many of your unfulfilled dreams, wishes and plans to pass, as you labour in His great vineyard (Psalm 37 verses 3 & 4, chapter 81 verse 10, chapter 91 verses 9-14, Matthew 9 verses 35-38, Mark 10 verses 28-30).


May our Father God bless you all in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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