All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Over the years I've come to realise that everything has a purpose in my life. Nothing happens in my life without a reason.  The all seeing, all knowing God is always around when we go through life's blessings and difficulties... nothing happens behind His back. I've learned to accept that there is a lesson to be learnt in whatever situation I find myself.  Whenever we encounter challenges in our faith journey, the way we deal with them determines whether we move a level forward or a level backwards in our journey.  When we trust that the Lord is the author of life and is in total control we manage to move on.  As believers, we always ask for God's guidance in whatever we do, knowing that His will is always the right one.  When we ask for His guidance we should accept the outcome as His will and give Him thanks for it.  If we trust Him, He'll show us the way. A friend once told me that this attitude of accepting everything as God's will is wrong.  She might be right but I believe that  if good things are allowed to happen to us for a reason, there sure should be a reason why bad things also happen. Let us learn to trust God in all things, good and bad. He has promised that He will never leave us and He being such a faithful Father always keeps His promise.  His will is not always what we want but His love for us guarantees that  what He gives is what we need at that point in time and for some purpose. I've realised that what ever He gives me, whether good or bad, turns out to be beneficial in some way.  I wouldn't be at this level today if I had turned away from Him when times were tough. He is worthy of our trust.  Let our marriage to Christ be for better , for worse, in sickness and in health until death, NOT part us, but bring us together face to face with HIM. AMEN!!!


Be blessed   

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Comment by Richard L. Broch, Sr. on January 30, 2012 at 12:24pm

Hi Lina,


Excellent post.....thank you.

I've believed for a long time now that there's a reason for everything that happens.

Sometimes the reason is evident......... sometimes we never find out the reason.


And God either causes all things to happen...... or allows things to happen.

Stay the course, Sis.


Grace and Peace. 

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