All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have never really used the post anything personal, but I have been very burdened by many of the responses here.  I don't understand...the hatred and contempt that I have aroused here.  I don't understand why the very words of Jesus are being tossed out and excused, for instance, judging false teachers.  This is now a bad thing?  We are to just let alone and be silent?  That is inexcusable and disobedient to God.  

To state that someone will be saved even if they pursue drunkeness is a LIE.  Have you not read the Bible?

I see that someone opposed me and called me a "self appointed watchman".  I'm not self appointed in any way or stretch of your imagination, we are ALL called to be watchman according to the Bible.  Not just one or a few, ALL of us.  We are to respond to those false teachers....well....exactly how you have responded to me.  You do well to judge me and implicate that I am severely deficient in my beliefs, but yet you will go the extra mile and condemn me in front of brothers and sisters alike.  I don't care about what your feelings are towards me, I care about what you claim God to be and are suggesting as the rest of the world reads what you write.  

I am tired of the same folks with the same jokes.  It is time to get real about God's Word.  It's time to warn, encourage, help, defog this generation.

Then we've got another member here who came out of the blue to suggest that for generations people have been declaring Jesus' arrival.....isn't this typical of what happened in Noah's day when he was ridiculed day after day for 120 years warning the people...they didn't believe him either.  

You claim, indifference, and it is deceptive and even worse, damaging millions of souls, to believe that you can/might/will not believe the words of Christ.  It's excruciating for me to read what others are giving their lives for,that you make such comments.  It's deplorable and inexcusable.  

You say I wish I had a million dollars to give to my children....REALLY?  I would encourage you as to look to Hollywood and see how that money is working for them?  

You have said time and time again, that God's Word is a burden to you.  Not in that way of course...but in that way....Youseem to be of the belief that following God's Word is not important, but that following it the conundrum, what really do you believe?   On one hand you believe it's safe to say that we "ought" to live live's giving God glory, but on the other hand you say that we can't always do so......and shouldn't feel as if we must.  I am getting this doubletalk on many multifaceted levels and would just like a clear and concise answer.  

Either we do as God asks or we don't.  Will we be saved no matter what or we won't? 

I will not even address the Calvinism that is a whole 'nother subject, but I am willing to participate.  

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Comment by thewatchman on September 22, 2014 at 8:00pm

I love you too Ribbon.  I think I do understand....but don't want to.  If you can understand that.  You have always been an encouragement to me and loving...I have no words to express to you how much you have meant to me, even in our little bit of learning.  God has taught me much and is still teaching me so much  I hope we can continue to learn together, you are so much fun to learn with, you bring up many good points.  And....get rid of that coffee table for cryin out loud...seems like it's holding a lot of wonderful books captive.  :):):)

Comment by Seek on September 22, 2014 at 8:05am

Isn't it very probable that many disagreements are over misunderstanding of what people say and reading into things what they were not intending?

And people are always going to have disagreement, Christian or non-Christian.  No two people come from the exact same walk of life, nor does God show each of us the exact same things.  Even scripture shows how God dealt with individual situations.  Because we are all individually unique and all have differing backgrounds, all are going to have disagreements over many things.  But all here believe in Christ...don't they?

Comment by Mary O on September 22, 2014 at 7:09am

Hi Watchman, God bless you!

To me, the forum is a discussion area. People won't always say what we hope they will say. I enjoy your discussions. I saw your online name, and I was wondering...Is watchman a watchman. You are. I think that's great.

One thing about true prophets, somebody's always mad at them. A false prophet, usually says what most people want to hear. The truth can be uncomfortable. I had this moment when some friends at church were mad at me for what I said. My response to the minister...If there's anyone else I can get mad at me this week, would you please let me know.

Jeremiah spent time in the slime pit. Our Lord received lashes I couldn't say what else. There's a period of time in there where the Bible is silent, but we know He was at the mercy of Roman soldiers. He was so marred people didn't want to look at Him. The true prophets were hunted down. That nasty woman named Jezebel, I think God has something special to say to her someday.

Don't let your feelings get so hurt. Be a little more thick skinned. Sometimes you say what you need to say and move on. Give people a chance to think about what you said. And don't try to cover every single thing about the subject. Pick a couple key points. If you have a teaching about the subject, put it in the blogs. I would love to read your teachings.



Comment by ribbon on September 22, 2014 at 2:02am

I don't understand it either , the way some adults treat other adults. Sometimes its like instead of being in a room with God fearing Christian adults, its like being in a middle school with a group of middle school bullies cornering someone with rude remarks  and spitting spit wads at the person because the person isn't liked by them.


 I haven't been following the forums lately and one reason is because of the things you mentioned above... but not entirely the only reason.  I am not saying I have been treated like you have been treated but just saying I have seen the way you have been seemingly deliberately ridiculed and haven't yet figured out why you are treated that way. Please know though that when I ,myself, read the stuff that you write about our God ... it helps me to stay focused on God instead of 'myself' and that is  good thing.  I love your teachings..  Please don't allow others whether it be here or wherever to cause you to ever stop being bold about the God you serve and love.for the Lord...... not saying you would.  My comment may seem corney and off the wall but I couldn't sleep and I decided to pop in here at aag and saw your blog post.  I love you and its great to see Christians putting God before personal feelings of their own self and I believe you are one of those that do that.

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