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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

From My Perspective - - -

As our nation is represented in foreign countries, we have heard our national leader offer an apology for the attitude and arrogance of the USA toward other nations. One wonders if this is an attempt at amelioration, or a reintroduction of a proven failed approach 70 years ago of attempted appeasement by then Prime Minister of England, Neville Chamberlain. He returned to England in 1938 and waved a Document and “,,,delivered his famous ‘peace for our time’ speech to delighted crowds in London.” This was on the eve of World War II.

Currently our leadership is going to the Middle East and the BBC reports: “US President Barack Obama said Monday that the United States cannot impose its values on other countries, but argued that principles such as democracy and the rule of law were universal… the United States must lead by example…The danger I think is when the United States or any country thinks that we can simply impose these values on another country with a different history and a different culture…Democracy, rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of religion - those are not simply principles of the West to be hoisted on these countries, but rather what I believe to be universal principles that they can embrace and affirm as part of their national identity…I think the thing that we can do most importantly is serve as a good role model. And that's why closing Guantanamo, from my perspective, as difficult as it is, is important. Because part of what we want to affirm to the world is that these are values that are important even when it's hard, even especially when it's hard, and not just when it's easy (Obama has vowed to close the camp by January 22, 2010).”

Appease the Liberal Base; appease Europe; appease the Middle East; don’t HOIST our values on others; etc. It’s almost as though our Leader is suggesting we are trying to FOIST (To impose something or someone unwanted upon another by coercion or trickery; insert fraudulently or deceitfully) such as the appeasement act of 1938, rather than HOIST (to become raised or lifted) and champion democracy in its most pure form. This week we commemorate D-Day. “The D-Day operation of June 6, 1944 brought together the land, air and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest invasion force in human history. The operation, given the code-name OVERLORD, delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France…The invasion force included 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. Almost 133,000 troops from England, Canada and the United States landed on D-Day. Casualties from the three countries during the landing numbered 10,300. By June 30th, over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles, and 570,000 tons of supplies had landed on the Normandy shores.” Shall we apologize to the thousands of the brave Americans who are buried in France as we “Hoisted” liberty upon them? Shall we apologize to Saudi Arabia for “Hoisting” our commitment to right and defending that kingdom from the attempts of Saddam Hussein? Shall we apologize to Kuwait for “Hoisting” our sense of integrity by the removal of Iraq from their small kingdom and Iraq’s seizure of the oil wells there? Shall we apologize for the young men and women who are maimed or who have died as we “Hoisted” a standard of values and rights in a war against terrorism and terrorists (even if we change the name, the war is still the same)?

The Lord Jesus Christ left His followers an Imperative (a Command and Mandate) in Matthew 28:18-20, “…All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” In many ways, we fail to do this adequately in our own neighborhoods and communities, and have allowed other things to dim the vision for reaching our world for The One Who has ordered us to Go…Make…Teach – Hoist all of what Jesus has taught and commanded… Shall we apologize to our Master for failing to adequately obey His Command? Shall we apologize to the nations for our fear or failure to share this Teaching and these Commandments with them? Will we one day stand in shame before our Master for our lack of follow-through to His Mandates? Think about this with me…

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