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From My Perspective - - -

The world has become a comparatively small place since the advent of satellites and internet, etc. Almost instantly, events unfold at a rapid pace. The affairs of our nation are universally known, and the world is disinterested in what our diplomats state or the talking points they attempt to share. The world sees and knows! In terms of our nation, an old phrase – from the sublime to the ridiculous – is no longer apropos! It is more like moving from the ridiculous to the absurd. This week there have been some instances that indicate the world’s thoughts regarding the United States – its trends and behavior...

On Monday, June 1st, PRAVDA published an item: "AMERICAN CAPITALISM GONE WITH A WHIMPER". The article states: "It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple…" Cleverly using the word “sheeple” PRAVDA masks their scoffing and derision of the USA. The intent and meaning is: “Sheeple is a term of disparagement, a portmanteau (a blend of two (or more) words) created by combining the words "sheep" and "people." It is often used to denote persons who acquiesce to authority, and thus undermine their own human individuality. The implication of sheeple is that as a collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by authority figures, without processing it to be sure that it is an accurate representation of the real world around them. The term is generally used in a political or religious sense. (the singular form of the term is sherson).”

Also on Monday, June 1st, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was in China to reassure the Chinese government that its huge holdings of dollar assets are safe and reaffirmed his faith in a strong U.S. currency…”Chinese assets are very safe, Geithner said in response to a question after a speech at Peking University…His answer drew loud laughter from his student audience, reflecting skepticism in China about the wisdom of a developing country accumulating a vast stockpile of foreign reserves instead of spending the money to raise living standards at home.” Laughter and Derision is the response of a discerning world regarding the USA that has chosen a pathway of bankruptcy in areas of financial responsibility and credibility, as well as the overall approach and lifestyle in terms of ethics, mores and morals.

The Washington Post reported yesterday, June 3rd: “The nation needs to begin planning now to reduce the budget deficit, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday, arguing that even as the government acts to bolster the economy in the short run it must ensure that spending and revenue will come into line in the longer term. Congress and the administration face formidable near-term challenges that must be addressed…But he warned that the economy will suffer “unless we demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal sustainability in the longer term…he even connected recent swings in the market for U.S. Treasury bonds to worries about the nation’s long-term deficits. The interest rate that government must pay to borrow money for 10 years or more has risen sharply in the past two weeks as investors in the United States and around the world have become more wary of the nation’s growing debt load.”

If PRAVDA is correct – that we are a “sheeple” nation – laughter, ridicule and scoffing are among the least of our concerns. The descriptive words in Isaiah 59:1-2, 9-11: “The Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear… justice is far from us, righteousness does not overtake us; we hope for light, and behold, darkness, and for brightness, but we walk in gloom. We grope…we hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us.” Also, Matthew 9:35-38, “Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages…proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom…When He saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd…” The solution is not seeking appeasement with Muslim nations. This nation must return to the Lord, and seek Him, and obey Him! Think about these things with me…

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