All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Good Morning! Have you ever noticed that when we choose to be thankful, it changes us?

It is that time of year--the one day we set aside to give thanks to God. With all that goes on, with all that we involve ourselves ... can we
just stop and thank God for all of his good gifts to us? Now to focus
our hearts and minds...

I love to read from the writings of believers of years gone by--I pray that these renderings will fill your heart and mind with thankfulness toward our great God.

Eternal God, my sovereign Lord, I acknowledge all I am, all I have is yours.

Give me such a sense of your infinite goodness that I may return to you all possible love and obedience. John Wesley, 1703-1791

founder of the Methodist Church

I thank you, O God, for the relief and satisfaction of mind that come with the firm assurance that you govern the world;

for the patience and resignation to your providence that are afforded as I reflect that even the tumultuous and irregular

actions of the sinful are, nevertheless, under your direction,

who are wise, good, and omnipotent, and have promised to make all things work together for good to those who love you.

Susanna Wesley, 1669-1742, Mother of 19 children, including John Wesley

"Now thank we all our God, maker of Heaven and earth. . .

while much is uncertain on a daily basis, we know who holds the future, and we know who holds our hand.

We look to You, O God, and lift our hearts in thankfulness to our great God.

Daily, we underestimate your power; often, we fail to note how you are working around us...

We thank you, Lord, that you would choose to involve us in your work; we thank you that indeed you cause all

to work together for good to those who love you.

Thank you for life and breath and strength--we offer ourselves to you this day." Amen and Amen

Here's an idea. . .

put a pad of paper and a pen on your bedside table; before you turn off your light tonight, write down

five things for which you are thankful. Then, go to sleep with thanksgiving on your lips. Awaken to see it,

and smile as you start your day. Ah, it is good to be alive! Do it again next night. Sow a habit, foster an

attitude of thankfulness.

I am thankful for all of you!


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Comment by Charles Burwell on November 19, 2010 at 10:46am

Excellant post. Especially the quote by Susanna Wesley. We certainly do not , many times , give God full credit and thankfull appreciation for all that He is to us and does for us.

God bless.
Comment by Leonard T on November 19, 2010 at 9:41am

Excellent blog. Thanks fro sharing it and reminding us to be thankful.

Lord Bless,
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