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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Acceptance the broad definition could be seen as, giving up one way of looking at things and seeing another. In this term we give credence to new ideas, there is a admission of truth we may not of seen before. Now, it does not mean how you saw things before was wrong, but it might. It will always be balanced on, why and how we see things. There are thing to be single minded on, but not when excludes Love of the Lord. The Bible shows us how to be and not to be. Many of us have been pulled out of wicked things and changed forever by the Blood of the Lamb. Yet, some have forgotten the very words of Jesus. Did He say, “Only those w/ the best pitching arm, can throw stones ?” Can the healthy help the sick by telling them, how great they feel and how horrible the sick look? And do not get the wrong idea, healthy people are no good when they get sick helping others. This happens more often then one may think. People get seduced and fall into old sins or new shinny ones. Even w/ this, I did not start writing w/ this in mind. And so to be clear, this is not in response to anything or anyone. I thought this was going to go in a different direction when I began, but here I am. Many fall into sin because of the stand they are taking. In Matt 7:1-2 Jesus tells us, "Stop judging so that you will not be judged. Otherwise, you will be judged by the same standard you use to judge others. The standards you use for others will be applied to you. When we judge other people, we do not know their heart. We may think we can see clear, but we don’t. So right then we tell God, “ do not concern Yourself w/ my heart, just pass Judgement on me.” We depend on God to know our hearts. That is a part of Grace that, I am anyway greatly depending on.
I am trusting I can move on to what, I originally thought this was going to be on. Acceptance is not settling on 2nd best. Oh, well I will never have that, so I will accept this. No, acceptance in the idea of faith in God anyway is, Father I will trust You in this. I will not only accept what you have for me Father, I will be glad in it. I may not understand it but, I will receive it and wait to see, all that You are going to do w/ it.
As we face things, we Pray and ask for help from God. So in faith we believe He hears us, not only hears but, answers us. So in and by faith we accept, what we have and where are. Once again acceptance is not settling, we simply have a platform on which we will by faith grow. God knows our heart, if we are only settling, where is the faith to build on, to be blessed in? We keep ourselves in a place, unable to continue until, we Trust God by accepting His Wisdom in our life. We all know this verse, Ps 118:24 I love the Aramaic in plain English version, This is the day that Lord Jehovah has made; come, we will leap for joy and rejoice in Him! Leap for Joy, Rejoice in Him, these are not just nice words to say at times. No, they are a proclamation of Faith. We are able to stand defiant against the enemy, against any and all negativity in our life. We are going into each and everyday knowing that, This day, today, right now, Jehovah Our DAD, has His Hands in and on the time we are in. Leap at the very least. Rest assured know that you are Loved, Rest and accept His Way and His Ideas. He brought you here, He will bring you and the rest of His Body Home.

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Comment by David Velasquez on October 29, 2011 at 7:33am

Great post my brother.

Comment by Arnie on October 28, 2011 at 5:27am
What a great word. Sometimes we do view acceptance as defeat instead of a platform to grow strong in the Lord. If we truely trust, rely and wait with anticapation God will lift us up. It is not by our scheme's or bargining with God but it's through accepting his will for our life's, keeping in mind that the things of this life are temporay, and through our faith we are building our relationship with God.

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