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From My Perspective - - -

A long-standing trite comment is: “Don’t confuse me with the facts!” Of late, that seems to be the direction accepted and taken by many within our country and culture. There is a Blasé approach to life in general and facts in particular. The Blasé individual is one who is: “Uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence; Unconcerned; nonchalant; indifferent to or bored with life; unimpressed, as or as if from an excess of worldly pleasures…” This approach and attitude can easily allow for one being Duped as well. The one who is duped is said to be: “a person who is easily deceived or fooled; gullible; a person who unquestioningly or unwittingly serves a cause or another person; an easily deceived person; a person who functions as the tool of another person or power…”

An example of this may be the position taken by Retired Gen. Colin L. Powell. He has the right to endorse and vote for his particular choice for President. His rational for doing so is vital. His endorsement statement for the Democratic nominee included these words: “…the election of Obama would electrify the world…I think he is a transformational figure, He is a new generation coming...onto the world stage and on the American stage…” Powell also said: "I would have difficulty with two more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, but that's what we'd be looking at in a Republican administration." There are grave consequences to this latter reason. The next President will most likely nominate 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justices. The issue for many is to prevent the overturn of Roe V. Wade, and partial-birth abortion.

The Partial-Birth Abortion procedure is frightening at best and hideous at worst. A report done for is entitled: “Partial-Birth Abortion:' Separating Fact from Spin - by Julie Rovner.” In that report, she makes these remarks: “The further along a pregnancy is, the more complicated -- and the more controversial -- the procedures are for aborting it. Abortions performed after the 20th week of pregnancy typically require that the fetus be dismembered inside the womb so it can be removed without damaging the pregnant woman's cervix. Some gynecologists consider such methods, known as "dilation and evacuation," less than ideal because they can involve substantial blood loss and may increase the risk of lacerating the cervix, potentially undermining the woman's ability to bear children in the future…Two abortion physicians, one in Ohio and one in California, independently developed variations on the method by extracting the fetus intact. The Ohio physician, Martin Haskell, called his method "dilation and extraction," or D&X. It involved dilating the woman's cervix, then pulling the fetus through it feet first until only the head remained inside. Using scissors or another sharp instrument, the head was then punctured, and the skull compressed, so it, too, could fit through the dilated cervix. Haskell has said that he devised his D&X procedure because he wanted to find a way to perform second-trimester abortions without an overnight hospital stay, because local hospitals did not permit most abortions after 18 weeks…”

Consider these things with me - - - and be cautioned by the words of Dr. James Dobson: “We need a President who will nominate…strict-constructionist judges to the Court. If that doesn't happen, the highest court in the land could become stacked…with justices who will endeavor to legislate from the bench and impose a liberal agenda on the nation. It will likely affect the definition of marriage, religious freedom, and the protection (or lack thereof) of life in the womb.” The problem with being matter-of-fact, blasé and duped about such matters is pointed out in Proverbs 24:11-12, “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?” One cannot dismiss his/her responsibility with a shrug of ones shoulders. It is vital how one votes! We have already destroyed more than 45 million lives by way of abortion – how many more do we want sacrificed? This one vote may change this nation forever! Be careful and prayerful how you cast your vote! This is no time to be either blasé or duped! The Lord is watching and He knows! No one can fake it with Him – and – all will be accountable to Him!

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