All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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  • janet walker
  • supryio.prodhan
  • LucyP
  • a servant  (Chris)
  • Pastor Joseph Sharif
  • jen
  • Ruel Z Chavez

All4Christ's Page

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Software Developer
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My story with God
I am a wicked wicked sinner. There is no good in me outside of His amazing love. My salvation is dependent on Him alone and that work is in His promise to keep me in Him until His return.
Other stuff about me:
I am a single man... single minded in following Jesus. My heart's desire is to follow Him wherever he may lead. I want to do incredible things in the name of Jesus Christ. My heart's desire is that He will prepare me to be worthy to be used mightily for His kingdom. My life is His, he paid for it in full. I have so much to learn on this journey but day by day I will put my faith in Him alone and follow Him wherever He may lead. He has my full attention and I am so in love with Him.

All4Christ's Blog


Posted on August 31, 2011 at 9:24am 2 Comments

“the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs. Makes perfect sense.”



Oh God, I have tasted Thy goodness...

Posted on August 30, 2011 at 11:13pm 0 Comments

"Oh God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscience of my need of further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, that so I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, 'Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.' Then give me grace…


Something to share

Posted on August 30, 2011 at 10:45am 0 Comments

This past couple of weeks God has been stirring up something in me to truly change the way I follow and serve Him. I have been reading this book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Chapter 5 truly kicked me in the teeth about the way I selfishly have been using my life to serve myself.

Last night I sort of did this mental purging in my life where one by one I mentally placed everything at the foot of the cross in my life. All material possessions and mental ideas of what I am…


What was the true cost of Christ purchasing His bride?

Posted on June 7, 2011 at 8:00pm 1 Comment

This is my first post. Though a little drawn out, be patient. There is a blessing at the end.


If we are to consider the attributes of God the following traits come to mind. He is loving, kind, full of grace, compassionate,…


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At 12:53pm on September 28, 2011, LucyP said…
At 6:19pm on August 31, 2011, Grace by the Lake gave All4Christ a gift
Hi all4Christ! Its great to meet a new brother and friend. Looking forward to fellowship. Welcome to this family. In His Grace,Nancy
At 5:52pm on August 31, 2011, LucyP said…
 am pleased to meet you, may God bless you. Lucy
At 11:19am on August 31, 2011, a servant (Chris) said…
Hey brother very glad to meet you.
At 4:58am on June 10, 2011, brianna gave All4Christ a gift
i love ribbons!!
At 11:14am on June 7, 2011, Ruel Z Chavez said…



Welcome to AAG!


May you find grace to set you free from all forms of chain.


May you find the love of Jesus sweeter than before.


May you find joy to remove all your sadness.


May you find renewed vision in times of darkness.


May you find passion for the Lord and for the lost in times of coldness of heart.


May you find the presence of Jesus far better than anything this world has to offer.


May you find power in times of weakness.


May you find the wisdom of God amidst folly and the wisdom of this world.


May you find all of these on that ancient mountain where Jesus our Lord demonstrated the real meaning of love when He gave up His life for us on that old rugged CROSS.


Grace and Peace!

At 4:24pm on June 6, 2011, journeyman said…

Hello, Greetings in the Lord! This is Journeyman, one of the moderators here on TheNET. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

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"CHAT" In consideration of those who wish to chat we are asking those of you who do not to please sign out of chat when not in use. This way persons wishing to chat will not see those who do not wish to chat and get discouraged when they do not respond. Click on the "green" dot by the man icon in the bottom right of your page. This will disconnect you. Thanks for your cooperation!

Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.


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