

United States

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wife, mom to 5 kids including 3 int'l adoptions, homeschooling, artist
I'm here to...
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art, history, cello, tattoos, homeschooling, adoption, fashion, church history, orthodoxy to pentecostal to silent meditation.
I'm passionate about...
everything mentioned in the interest section...

but most of all my God and my family.
My story with God
Raised in a severely legalistic christian environment that limited my understanding of a relationship with Christ. However, God started me on my own spiritual journey once we started growing our family. The book "How Now Shall We Live" by Chuck Colson started my journey into knowing my God the way He wants me too....
Other stuff about me:
I'm gregarious, somewhat outspoken but humble at the same time, I have a hard time fitting into "church" (though our family attends weekly and we always have....) because I get frustrated with so many things like the pushy altar call or the pushy old lady in the back row shushing the young mums with babies.

I am praying for more friends that are true and understand my heart.

My husband is my love though we are wired so very differently that I do need a strong female BFF .... of which I do not have.

All of our family are in ministry and do not live close. We find that frustrating....but we deal.

I adore art and am currently diving into "iconography" but with a modern slant ....

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