All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hi i'm writing this with so much pain , i was in a relationship for past 3yrs , she ment everything to me she came from no where to change my life , i used to thank god for giving her in my life , she is from a family with financial problems , she cant even afford to buy good dress she was a student , i'm a student too , i used to save my money which was given to me by my parents for my food expenditure , and get her dress and all other stuff , i did help her study , and 6 months back she got a job , i was the one who helped with resume to even searching job , i was taking care of her like guardian , the companies managing director is not a guy with good motives he is trying to sexually exploit her , he has spent a great deal of money for her and got her extravagant gifts , she never realized that  this man had bad intentions , i did tell her more than one occasion , she felt i'm suspecting her and she broke up with me feb 17 , last month , i tried talking to her we live 100miles apart , i tried thro telephone she never returned my calls , so i did pray to god to give her back but never got any answer so , i decided to visit her in her office , that boss of hers hit me and they got me imprisoned and he persuaded her to file a complaint against me  , currently i'm in bail , my parents aren't talking to me much any more , she is blindly trusting that man with out realizing what she is doing , that man is trying to ruin her life , he did ruin my life for past one month i have been crying every min , have so much pain in my heart , i still love her ,why god is helping that man even though he is  ruining her life , why god never judged that man , i pray god for my gal friend's forgiveness why isn't god not listening to my cry , why he isn't wipe my tears , and the man who ruined my life is happy , all i got is pain , lose of my loved ones and tears , so when will i get justice , why wont god gimme back my gal friend all i want is god to protect her and answer my tears , i want to see a proof that god does justice , i feel totally dejected , i'm left with  nothing , me depending on my parents for money is not my mistake , this is what i got for being honest and truthful in love , what should i do , will god listen to me

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Replies to This Discussion

Please stop blaming each other. this is not the place for blaming, abusing and accusing one and another. You both of them have faults but justifying self. You both have to repent. submit yourselves to God and confess sins and become in reconciliation. May Holy Spirit lead you both in right way. Grace be with you
I understand the deep hurt and pain of a broken relationship, but you need to surrender all this to God. Sometimes unanswered prayers are a blessing, because what we want, it not in God's plan for us. If we believe, have faith and let go and let God, he will take care of us and heal all wounds. May God bless you and open your heart to forgiveness and his guidance.


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