All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

After raising him in church for 15 years, then backsliding myself for his remeining years until recently, my son has been researching science and terrible internet sites that try to prove God is imiginary and a fairytale and that prayer is a coincidence. He now believes these things and says they make more sense to him than christianity. I have prayed and talked and done everything I know to help him find his way back to God. I try to show him by example and by my words but he still thinks I am delussional in my beliefs. In his past everyone who has ever hurt him or let him down claimed to be christian. i don't know how much this has to do with how he feels. I feel so lost and like such a failure for not giving him a better foundation as a younger man. but do I just give up and pray everyday? What else can i do to show him God is just waiting to bring him back into the folds. I want to help all lost souls but he is my baby and I love him so much and can't imagine what will happen, well, I actually can, if he never finds his way back to God. He says he is open to hear my arguments against the scientific facts that he now believes, but i am no bible scholar, in fact still a baby in my walk as I have returned to Christ after years of turning my back on him. What would you do in this situation. It wears on my heart and soul everyday and I feel like Im carrying the burdon of the world.

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I pray something or someone will lead your son to the truth. Remember Paul, the Apostle. He started out not believing until Christ met him on the road to Damascus. Paul became a new man. If your son was in church in his early years, he will return. He has God written on his heart whether he realizes it or not.

God is so mighty and His Word is amazing. Sometimes, we take His words lightly. I would challenge your son to actually read the Word, which is truth, and compare it to what is said by the world. You didn't mention any specifics on what he believes so I can't refute it with what I know from God's Word.


I think that if you post some specifics of his beliefs, one of us could respond.

Have peace in your heart about this. God has heard your plea.



Thank you for your words. I don't think he has any beliefs at this point. He does the internet thing alot and tends to read sites like"God is Imaginary", which I became nauseated when I looked to see what he was reading. He seems to believe anything scientific. But it does seem odd to me that he tries so hard and so often to make the statement that there is no God. Don't know if he's trying to convience himself or others. He was in church every time the doors were open until he was 17. Then just turned away. But never like this. He doesn't just not believe, but actually tries to convience others who do believe that they are having dellusions or are incapable of handling life so they need God as a crutch to survive. It has all been so disturbing to me but I stay on my knees in prayer and appreciate all of your prayers as well. I know one day God will deal with him and I have faith that somehow he will come back to what he was taught. I just have to have faith and hope this world has not completely overtaken him.

"are incapable of handling life so they need God as a crutch to survive."

This part of his remark is least for me. I couldn't survive without God and no one will survive without God. If he chooses to call Christ my be it. He is my crutch. I lean on Him from morning til night. I can't imagine Him not being there for me through happiness or sorrow.

He might well be trying to show his *one-up-man-ship* on you. It sounds like he is trying to prove to himself that there is no God rather than trying to prove it to you.

There is a quote *Me thinks thou dost protest too much". And perhaps that is what he is doing. Young people have many peers. In their youth they try to please these peers. There will surely come a time, hopefully soon, when he realizes his peers are wrong.

Until that time, I speak peace in your life regarding his belief---or unbelief.

Blessings, Autumn...



Between my wife and I we have raised 8 kids.  The youngest on 18.  All walk a different path.  Not all are living the best way we would what them to.  Yet, all were raised in church we believe all will return from where they began.  The fact that your son has questions, and is trying to prove christianity wrong.  I believe that shows that he is not trying to prove you wrong, he is trying to prove himself wrong.  Jesus is inside him, and that power, that knowledge, inside him is what he is raging against.  All have sinned we all fall short.  When we say, " well all I can do is pray for him" and we think that is something at the very least.  No that is the most powerful thing we could ever do.  His salvation is not in your hands.  It is in holy Spirit's.  I know the feeling a parent has, however we have to let them go.  Trust in God.  My wife and I will be praying for you and your son. 



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