All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Father, You know the beginning from the end, You put us in situation for our good, for our growth, to live the Perfect Plan You have for our lives. We are here temporarly, Sometimes I think we forget that, and we fail to consider how wonderful forever will be with You. We complain about everything, and I am so ashamed of myself. I was born in America, what a blessing, no matter whatever else is our life situation. I am humbled when I think I am an American. There is food for all, shelter, clothing in abundance. We can ask our fellow man here for help, that may hurt our foolish pride, but, this too is a lesson for us. From the beginning You have Loved us every one, we don't even know all the times You have blessed us and protected us from harm, and evil. Forgive us, and help us to forgive all who have harmed us or our loved ones. I thank you for blessing us with the families You gave us, help us to understand, and soften our heart with Love one for another. I ask you to bring all our families into unity through You. I ask that anything that is hidden in darkness - to cause disunity - will be brought to light. I ask You to lead us into Your perfect truth and help us to be the families You intend us to be. Lord, help us to be a blessing to one another and to all others. I pray for Your Many Blessing on all that are suffering in this world. Peace, I pray for all Your Children all over this world, Reveal Yourself to us and let us come into agreement with You. Lead us in Your ways. Grant us compassionate hearts, fill us with Your love that does not keep records of wrong, and bring joy to our hearts when we think of one another. Bring Your perfect peace and unity into our families, fill all our hearts with the desire for Your Perfect Will in everything in our lives, I pray the Sweet Holy Spirit will go before each of us, and make the crooked path straight...Help us to Praise You, and to not get in Your Perfect Way in all our lives. Don't let us forget Your promise that You will never forsake us, and You will supply all our needs. Praise, Honor, and Glory are Yours forever. Come Lord Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!!.

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Yes Lord yes in Jesus name amen


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