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About two years ago, I befriended a woman who was in great distress at the time, and one who I thought was a Christian. I brought this woman into my home, and have had nothing but difficulty ever since.

She still maintians that she is from God, but, I believe there are wrong spirits involved, as I and others around me have experienced great warfare on our minds, from time to time, along with depression and anxiety, and a feeling of being distant from God, another woman experienced a nightmare, that she awoke from in tears, with great fear, and this woman explained this dream line upon line, maintaining it was from God, and it was a warning to the woman to whom it came, a man that is close to the situation said one day that he knew he was not right, as thoughts were being inflicted upon his mind, and those around him, could tell that he was forgetting things, and repeating other things that had already been said.

I would like to hear if anyone else has experienced warfare of this kind, and I would definately like to have your prayers concerning this, that this could be broken off, and everyone that is affected by this could return to normal, and if this woman is truly walking in a wrong spirit that she could be delivered from it.

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Gayla, this sounds like a demonic attack, God will not put people into your life who make you depressed and anxious, excepting if they need help, but never take them into your home until God has shown you that it is alright to do so. A good friend of mine was robbed and attacked by someone "who was sent by God" that she tried to help. I find that as soon as someone says they are sent by God I always question it. God gives me peace when I meet someone who is really from Him, they don't have to tell me this. the Holy Spirit is very quick to put a stop in my spirit when things are not right. even some of the so called "great men of God" cause this stop in my spirit and it is not long before the reasons become clear and don't even ask about the TBN network....just sends shivers up my spine. I rely on  the holy Spirit 24/7 to help me discern all kinds of things.......even when traveling I ask for guidance etc and always get good advice. start taking the Holy Spirit seriously and you will never be in trouble, but listen and obey when He talks. Be Blessed AMEN

Gayla, satanic people are notorious for claiming to be christians and then bringing havoc into the lives of those around them.  The Word says that the weapons of war that we are to use are not carnal, but powerful in bringing down strongholds and principalities in high places.  Most likely, she is using witchcraft and stirring up a host of demonic powers and without knowedge of how this stuff works, many christians suffer due to lack of knowledge. 

First of all, don't let this scare you.  If you have the Holy Spirit living inside you, the power inside you is more powerful than any devil on the side of your enemy.  You just need to learn how to use it.  Let me give you an example of some very effective spiritual warfare using the power of God in the name of Jesus.  Always remember, it is not the person you fight, it is the spirits behind them, so here we go.

I take authority over demons of witchcraft operating in Gayla's friend and I command them to be bound by the power of the blood of Jesus.  I bring the fire of God against every foul demonic activity in operation against Gayla and her life and I stomp it's power out by the power of the blood of Jesus in Jesus' name.  I break every hex, vex, spell, hoodoo, voodoo, and incantations using the firey hands of God and I send them back to the sender and bind it to her in Jesus' name.  I ask Father Lord, that You cause her to know this comes from Your power that she might repent and turn and serve You.  Lord, please send Your warring angels to go and drive out the darkness from around Gayla and surround her with Your firey wall of protection.  Every dart shot at Gayla, backfire in Jesus name.  Every curse against Gayla, return to the sender now, in Jesus name.  I draw the blood line of Jesus around Gayla and bind satan off her and everthing that concerns her, in Jesus' name.  Father Lord, please show forth Your glory today and let Gayla see Your power unleashed and give her wisdom on how to fight back.  Thank You Jesus that You said in Your Word, "ask in My name", and it's a done, so I ask this all in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen 


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