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Hi all

My name is Samuel Thato Magana, I have a problem of being aggressive and I am unable to control my emotions, I give small problems a big shadow and forget in the process I am hurting myself and the ones that love me.

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Hello Samuel, I love your honesty. Be assured I will pray for you and your life, that the Lord will take control of it in every tiny detail and that His spirit will fill you and mould you to His image. Have you had any hands-on prayer at your church? I have seen wonderful things happen at healing services. I'm in Australia but they're everywhere. Do you know why you're angry? If you do, it would be good to work on that underlying stuff with the help of a Christian counsellor. Weed it out and get rid of it. Don't underestimate God's power, as I feel sure you don't. He loves you and wants you to have life to the full, as He told us. Go for it. You are His special son. satan will do anything to destroy our relationship with God. There's an old saying that when the devil knocks at the door (in your case, when you feel your aggression rising), send Jesus to answer it. God bless you dear Samuel. I'll start praying right now. Damask
Hi Samuel, lovely to receive your message! Wow, with faith like yours and the prayers of members of this site including me every day, you are already the victor! Praise the Lord, and be assured I will be praying daily, from here on in. Love in the Lord, Damask
In Jesus name help and heal this dear one. Thank you Lord for all that you are doing amen


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