All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I'm not looking for advice, because I don't think there is any advice worthy of hearing.  I think all any of us can do is work on our relationships with Jesus Christ, but beyond that Life isn't necessarily going to get any easier.  Like all of you I live in a Sinners Body.  Sometimes judging from Scripture it is hard to know how much is sin and how much isn't.  It's like what some ministers often say "many people ask the lord how far can I go and still be saved"  While I don't want to push it, my body still has feelings that probably does.  I just finished watching two documentaries 1) Fallen Angel: The Outlaw Larry Norman  and 2) Frisbee: The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher.  Both of these Ministers impacted many lives.  However Larry Norman was the biggest Hypocrite of any I've seen.  He wrote great songs about Jesus etc, but Lived a life of complete sin.  And then there was Lonnie Frisbee who performed awesome signs and wonders, which lead many to the Lord.  It appears that many of those people are still following the Lord today, however Lonnie Frisbee struggled with Homosexuality in 1993 He died of aids.  It really does appear to me, that God used these two despite the fact they both still had some serious sins in their lives.  The documentaries point out that God also used Sampson while He was still a sinner, and that sin later contributed to his Death.   I have often wonder about some of the people in the old testament.  Is guys like King Saul in Heaven?  (That might perhaps be a good discussion)

You can buy these two documentaries here:

BUT I am not writing this to advertise them...  This is a prayer request...  So allow me to continue.

The other day I listened to a Sermon Book by George MacDonald.  Called "Getting to Know Jesus"

Here is a link that book:

In this book George MacDonald challenges believers that in order to get to know Jesus, one must first obey Jesus.    I'm not sure that I do a very good job Obeying Jesus.  My prayer request is that You will pray that I will learn to Hear and Obey Jesus.  Because I feel like God is telling me to turn off the Flesh and It isn't easy to do.  I always thought that God would provide me the Biblical way to what some Pastors call is the right way out of my sinful situation.  But as the years have gone by and I keep getting older and older with no end insight.  I have begun to wonder...  Lately one of my issues is I blame God for this one sin.  Especially since the scriptures seem to point me in a direction that Life hasn't allowed me to go.  At least not yet.  I don't want to keep Blaming God for this.  But blaming myself is too hard.  Sometimes I do try and put the blame on myself, it really brings out my inferiority complex, which is yet another thing I struggle with.  I often wonder if I really am a child of God if He's allowing me to be stuck in the middle of this.  I realize that people like Moses was stuck a few times, and would have been dead if God wouldn't have worked a miracle.  But I don't like to compare myself too much with guys like Moses because they were struggling against a sinful people.  Where as my biggest struggles have been in my head, and with my own body.  I realize that the Apostle Paul struggled with His body, and yet I don't like to compare myself too much with Him.  I feel that at least Paul was given a clear Mission by God.  He was able to be out doing something.  Now If I do anything, and believe me I have tried to do something, it is at such a little scale, I couldn't tell you if it has ever done anyone any real good.  Most people are like 'eh'  In other words they just take an advantage and I think that is as far as it goes.  Mom always says "do it as onto the Lord"  That is easier said then done.  Especially when what you are required to do causes you to become so tired that you feel like you can barely get out of bed in the Morning.  Like your not sure if your legs will hold you up today.

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I struggled with something I felt God asked of me and yet I couldn't seem to do it on my own. I began asking him to help me do it. There are other things I struggle with and sometimes even struggle to know if its God convicting me or satan condemning me. To which I have learned, if God is saying it He will make it clear with confirmation. Also conviction doesn't just show you the problem but should also show you a way out. Its up to God to change us from the inside over time. Until then we do our part to lay down that which we feel is wrong and ask forgiveness when we fail to keep it laid down.

Obeying God means we do all we can to keep His commandments but when we fail we ask forgiveness and get back up and try again. Like Frisbee, he struggled with a sin yet he did his best to obey God and therefore God used him. This is why God sent Jesus because He knew that of our own accord, none of us could ever be perfect.

I'll be praying. But I will also pray you don't get too hard on yourself if you fail, cause I know how that happens.
I am in agreement with Char she has pretty much said it perfectly well, Amen , Amen.

Brother in all my years I have yet to meet a "perfect Christian."   We are called to follow only One; to follow the examples of Jesus.  Then Jesus told His disciples, "If anyone wants to follow Me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross, and follow Me continuously Matt 16:24    What good does it do if, when you sin, you patiently receive punishment for it? But if you suffer for doing good and receive it patiently, you have God’s approval. This is, in fact, what you were called to do, because: The Messiah also suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in His steps. 1 Peter 2:20-21 Gregory these are but two verses that show us what we need to do.  The skinny is, we must die to our flesh.  To be clear we require His help.  Only One walked in perfection.  

I posted these verses in a discussion in, Walking in The Spirit.  

2 Because they are united in love, I pray that their hearts may be encouraged by all the riches that come from a complete understanding of the full knowledge of the Messiah, who is the mystery of God. 3 In Him are stored all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. Col 2:2-3

15 Therefore, because I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 I never stop giving thanks for you as I mention you in my prayers. 17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, the most Glorious Father, would give you a wise spirit, along with Revelation that comes through Knowing the Messiah fully. 18 Then, with the eyes of your hearts enlightened, you will know the Confidence that is produced by God having called you, the rich Glory that is His Inheritance among the saints, 19 and the unlimited greatness of His power for us who believe, according to the working of His Mighty Strength, 20 which He brought about in the Messiah when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His Right Hand in the Heavenly realm. Eph 1:15-20

What we must see and know is God knows our hearts.  He is not looking for perfection.  He looks at our desires.  These verses are Prayer, make sure you do not skip over how they begin.  Our walk in and for Jesus again requires a humble heart.  When our hearts are both broken and humbled, His Healing and Building us up can and do begin.  Never forget true repentance means, is defined as change.  When we ask to be forgiven, we receive what has already been done for us.  Is it difficult to let go of the things of the flesh?  Yes!!!  We need help.  And, help is available.  It is always come down to a heart matter.  When our desire is focused Him; on pleasing Him; on dying to our flesh; on wanting our life to bring Glory to Jesus.  Then His Strength and Power is there.  Allowing The Spirit to lead and guide us.  Again Brother, I will end as I began.   I have yet to meet a "perfect Christian."  However, I do know a great many who are working on their Faith.  Gregory you are one of them.  By sharing your struggle and asking for help, shows a hungry to please God.  And, obedience is better than sacrifice.  When you look at others, those in the Bible, those in here, and those around you who are working their Faith out.  Gain and use the Wisdom of others.  So you do not have to go through what others have.  Brother we all fall short.  We all need Jesus.


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