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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I was diagnosed with a learning disability and was put in special classes to help me make it through Elementary, Middle, and High School.  I don't want to get specific about all the details.  Because then I'd haft to explain "why" they did this, this, and this to me.  All that is in the past and not necessary for this prayer request.  I also don't want to get into discussions over what a learning disability is, and how it effects various people.  That also is not necessary for this prayer request.  All I want people to know is I have a problem with my head.  It learns slow.  For the "real world" it learns too slow.  That is why people like me got stuck in special classes to help us make it through School, because our brains are too slow for it too.  What angers me is that people seem to think that "help in School" is all you need.  For an Example People have told me if you go to Collage they will "help" you make it through.  What I would like to say to those people is:  Ok good, but what happens to the person after graduation?  Because the learning issues don't just go away.  Who is going to "help" the person once they are out in the real world?  Once again it is not necessary to discuss this for my prayer request.  It is necessary for me to mention my feelings on the matter so you as the reader can understand where I'm going with this.  The problem with Discussion is once it gets going then I will haft to add in my experiences, my arguments, and parts of my life.  That will cause frustrations that don't need to be felt. 

I hope I haven't offended anyone.  I just don't want this to turn into a discussion because I'm not mentally or spiritually prepared to go down that road. 

I think I tried posting prayer requests similar to this one before.  But Yesterday I was at work listening to the Bible on MP3.  I realized that not everything that I was hearing was registering in my head.  It was then I thought about why I listen to my Bible instead of just reading it.  The reason is, I have trouble processing things I read.  Often times Listening works better for me.  But I wish things were different.  I wish I could process the information better.  Some people tell me to just go and seek out a doctor and experiment with medications.  For me that is easier said then done.  That's why I open up prayer requests like this.  It's not about getting out of doing things that are hard. It's about going to the Father for help.  It doesn't matter to me if He chooses to open the door for Medical Help, or If He chooses to just fix my head.  It's all up to Him.  What I want you to do is just ask the Lord to help me in this area of my life.  And if He chooses not to change my head, to at least help me absorb the Bible better.

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First I'd like to say a couple of things:

1. Medicine doesn't cure slow thinking but sometimes people just want to feel superior and toss out whatever idea sounds good like there's a cure for everything.

2. Faith comes by hearing...not reading, so why think it's not good enough? I read the Bible cover to cover twice before I began to understand much of what I read and I've always been an avid reader.

Now...for the prayer...

I attended a lesson/seminar at a local Baptist church last night, given by a pastor with 2 special needs sons...One having had brain surgery and relegated to a wheelchair, suffering 3 to 4 grand mal siezures per DAY at 14. He said he's been angry, questioned why God would want to see a child suffer so much, in tears, numb...and everything in between. He didn't get peace with this until God revealed something to him. And that is...

Sometimes it's not what parents can teach their kids but what they can teach the parents.

That said, I won't pray that God helps you think better, but I will pray God helps you have peace with it and see that there is no problem with YOU, but with those you've been put here to interact with to teach them how to not feel superior to those who may learn or think differently. You're here for exactly what God put you here for. be a blessing in helping others see truth in themselves. You are doing the work God created you for. So I will pray you have peace with that and come to a point where you no longer feel you need to strive to be like others and instead learn to be happy with who you are and live life to YOUR best ability and not others expectations of how you should live.




Seek (Char) said it

I'm praying the same thing she is for you.

Grace and Peace, Bro.


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