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I am dealing with depresstion for the past 7 weeks or so. and I been losing my faith in Christ. I have talked to God today and prayed. I just dont feel his love. I feel alone sometimes. do you have some ideas on what I can do to get my faith back and stop feeling depressed. I am trying to go to church but my mom have to go to work and I am only 14. And I dont have on friends to take me. Please pary for me. thanks

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Dearest Aleenah, How wonderful, your only 14 yrs old and you have a heart for The Lord. Don't despair sweetheart, God loves you so much and he hears all your prayers and knows your in pain. God, our Father in Heaven I lift Aleenah to you this very moment, I pray Lord that you will show her how very much you love her in a very real way today. Encourage her to keep praying and NEVER give up. Open her mind and her Heart to hear you, either through your Word (The Bible) or through someone who speaks to her. Help Aleenah in every way she needs help Lord and send someone her way to help her go to church as this is the desire of her heart, in Jesus Name I Pray. Amen. Aleenah dear, you are not alone. God is always with you, he will never leave you, nor forsake you. I pray God place a double portion of protection around you and over you Aleenah and I tell this depression to leave you now in the name of Jesus Christ. Our Lord and Saviour. Aleenah when things look down, look up. I am new to this site, I came here to request prayer myself, but I read your message and felt it more important that I pray for you, for my prayer was actually for my daughter and grandson. Yet I felt you were very important. Jesus does love and care for you Aleenah. And you haven't lost your faith at all, because you stepped out in Faith and came to this site crying out for help.And that was Faith in action. God will help you, Aleenah I truly believe this for you. Just don't give up, read the Bible because it's how God speaks to us, I pray God's blessing for you today and always and I pray you will soon see new beginnings in the Lord. I pray God will send christians your way so you will never be alone or feel alone again.
Love your sister in Christ and Friend
Annie xxx
Dear Aleenah,

As Annie stated, you haven't lost faith because you are seeking God and prayers from the saints. I'm new as well to the group and had to reply.

GOD IS ABLE TO DO EXCEEDINGLY AND ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL WE ASK OR THINK ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKS IN US. (Ephesians 3:20) When you are feeling depressed start focusing all your attention on the positive and not negative things that is going on. I don't know what you are going through, but trust me, God does. We, even as christians, have battled depression a time of two. God knew that and has promised to deliver us. In Romans 11:17, it states that faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God. When you read the bible, read aloud that you hear the word of God that your faith will grow.

God says in His word in Isaiah 61:1-3 what He will do. He will comfort you, to give you beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning (Holy Spirit), Aleenah, now here's your part. You have the spirit to praise God over that spirit of heaviness (depression). That's great news, not only is God able, He has equipped us to participate in our own rescue.

Do you have any favorite praise and worship songs? If you do, fill your room with praise and worship music and sing out loud. Sing praises to God, dance before Him. Focus totally on Him, tell Him how much you love Him and thank Him for His faithfulness, mercy, goodness, love, salvation, deliverance and healing. There are so many things to be greatful for. Just tell Him, he knows your heart and when you do you will find that He will meet you where you are. He is so awesome. When you experience Him in an intimate way in worship, you'll find nothing else matters only Him.

In the book of Psalms, David praised and worship the Lord because he had a heart for God at a young age (like you), even when King Saul was trying to kill him. He was depressed sometimes and couldn't feel the presence of God but, through all of that he still trusted God to deliver, and guess what, He did. He will for you as well. I've heard that when the teacher is giving a test, he or she doesn't speak, but you know the teacher is in the classroom. I believe the same applies to God. When life trials and tests seem to overwhelm us and you don't feel or hear from God, keep in mind He is always present. He promised never to leave us nor forsake us.

Aleenah, I know you're only 14, but keep in mind that God has plans for your life and that He loves you so much. (Jeremiah 29:11) The enemy has plans as well and that is to keep your mind off Jesus and loose faith. Start pleading the blood of Jesus over your family and your lives. Satan can't do anything against the blood of Jesus, it's too powerful.

I know you said your mom has to work and your friends can't take you. Now the church you are trying to attend, do they have a transportation ministry? Call the church office, and if the opportunity arises, ask a youth leader or the pastor if there is someone you can ride with. Keep trying. It's a wonderful thing to worship and praise the Lord in a congregational setting where your spirit can be renewed and refreshed. There are people there young and old who have gone through tough times and came out with the victory as will you.

Be encouraged in the Lord. Read and believe that His word is true. Praise and worship Him. Assemble yourself with other believers. Most importantly love and believe in yourself and trust that God hasn't forgotten about you. He knows everything about you, things you don't even know about yourself. Know that you are loved by Jesus who paid a debt He didn't owe so you could be in fellowship with a loving Father and whose Holy Spirit now abides in you. Keep on keeping on.

Love you with the love of the Lord,


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