All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What a friend we have in Jesus;
A Brother who will never leave us.
The One with all the power;
Whose a lily as in flower.
In order to leave the sinking flood;
Just call on the Mighty Precious Blood.

I have a friend who lives within me;
and remember He's the one to be.
He is nothing pathetic;
But He's marvelously majestic.
Have faith in His word to believe it;
and whatever you as 4, you shall receive it.

So while in Him we praise,
He will then give us a raise.
He's a friend as not just a testimony,
remember to marry only in His Matramony.

This friend is not a fin,
and He's the roadway out of sin.
Jesus is not someone from the Spinners,
but He sure loves all the Sinners.
Big Brother "J" is not a laim man,
Just remember after praying to say Amen.

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Everyone should have
a friend like you
You are so much fun to be with
And you are such a good person
You crack me up with laughter
And touch my heart with your kindness
You have a wonderful ability
To know when to offer advice
And when to sit in quiet support
Time after time
You've come to my rescue
And brightend so many
Of my routine days
And time after time
I've realized how fortunate
I am that my life includes you
I really do believe that
Everybody should have a friend like you
But so far it looks like
You are one of a kind!


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