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I've asked this question to several people that I have witnessed to...and I keep getting the same answer. What I thought would be the #1 answer...nobody mentioned. Just wondering others thoughts or experiences.

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My reply to your post I realllllly need to point out something I wrote, so it isn't taken out of context. I feel like an idiot! The 3rd paragraph, I was answering your question...Who? Christians who have accepted Christ as their Savior. The next paragraph was the answer to a different question...reguarding introducing 'church' or 'Living Savior'. When I put myself, I meant "what I like to do is..."
However, it looks like I could have responded "myself" to the who question...which if that's how it is read would make me extremely self righteous...and I am so not like that! (on the contrary actually)
If that was taken out of context I sincerely apologize...I really need to learn to read before I push that reply button:)
In Christ,

I understood it the way you meant it in the first reply. I have read enough of your stuff to have never even given the other possibility a thought :-)

A food for thought. I not only read most responses over before I post it. I will often read it out loud (to myself). In the spoken form I catch things that don't sound right quite often. All my other mistakes just slip right on by. :-)

It is encouraging to see so many people active in the forums. There was a time when this was not so. Keep up the positive input.

Lord Bless,
Good morning, Debbie. I've read over the answers here, and want to have you consider different denominations. There are many, with all of them calling themselves Christian. Yet their beliefs are different. New believers don't know which to choose. How many of these different denominations have different beliefs? All of them. Their one common ground is Jesus Christ. However, there are many denominations that teach different things. The entire truth lies in the Word of God. The Bible. There are many denominations that do not embrace the Bible. Or they choose to believe a slightly different twist to what is in the Bible. In the Word it tells us explicitly what we are to do, yet we want to twist it slightly to embrace more people. The Bible tell us not to do that.
Some of you that read this might think that it's ok to have slightly different beliefs but I don't think the Bible would be explicit on things that can be changed.
When I talk to people about going to church, I advise them to get into a "Bible believing " church. I also advise them that they may have to shop around for one. Hopefully, they take the time to do that.
The Bible was given by God for instruction, and I think we need to follow those instructions very carefully or we could go down the wrong path. I try to provide a Bible to all I come in contact with that don't have one but are needing one.
So I would have to say "confusion over what to believe". I hope my response fits into your question.
Have a great day in the Lord.
Hi Rita,
I have to say The Bible I have used since 1988 is The Living Bible, however my husband just bought me the NKJV (with the column reference). I absolutely love it!! But even with my old Bible I check and recheck everything, whether via the internet, or I have the NKJV New Testament on cd...
I feel ( own opinion), there's no need to twist The Word...when read or studied it embraces people itself:)
God Bless,
I am new at this and my first time responding on this AAG forum

Several things that turn people from Christianity, To me # 1 would be that they love darkness rather than light John 3:19 (KJV)
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

They just don’t want to make that commitment.
We, as water and electricity, have a tendency to take or follow the path of least resistance.

Another one would be that they are mislead by some of the televangelist that all you have to do is come to Jesus and He will meet all your needs, financially, physically, all you have to do is ask and wala, there it is. ( it’s a misguided truth ) But when they find out that it takes a true and complete commitment to Christ and all these things have been given to you through the knowledge “epignosis” (full discernment) of God and Jesus our Lord. 2Peter 1:3 They try it and when it doesn’t work for them; then they think there is nothing to it and will give up hope.
They are seeking the gifts; not the giver, the love of money and the deceitfulness of riches; Matthew 13:21-23 (KJV)
Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.
He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.
But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

1 Timothy 6:9-12 (KJV)
But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

So instead of the Love of or for God, humility and compassion. Sometimes all they see is these big ministries wanting and needing money with the promise that if you give and or make a pledge, God will return back to you a hundred fold. If they would just look at the promises God gave to Abraham; before they start forking out all that money expecting great returns and know that we are the seed of Abraham. ( if so be that ye are in Christ) Look at Deut. 28:1-14 ( It shall come to pass, that if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God to observe and to do all His commandments which I command you this day) then!…….He will set you on high and etc.…..
May God Bless
Very thought provoking, thank you.
When people see "the light" in about it, even accept it, the darkness doesn't go away. (the enemy isn't going to give a soul easily) The enemy is the darkness of this world and there's a battle, some believe the darkness is the path of least resistance...but it's a lie. Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden light."
All of God's promises will come to pass, but with someone who is 'new' to Jesus it's important for them to understand every promise "will come" in "God's time" not our own.
Tell that to an alcoholic, To him it is easier to take another drink and drown his sorrows, than it is to suffer the withdrawals that comes with: even the thought of abstinence.
We as Christians know that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. But look at it from his (the alcoholic’s) perspective; the picture changes. I am not now, nor have I ever been an alcoholic, other vices, well that’s another story. What is the difference? Even the slums and poverty is a comfort zone for the slothful. More food for thought!
We are blessed, Acts3:26
Dear Joe,
The memories this response has brought to mind...I have dealt with many alcoholics and I absolutely agree, I would never present that scripture to an 'active alcoholic'. There is a time...and that's not it! There is scripture that is very helpful at the right time. I just spoke with a friend of mine today who will be sober two years in July.(that was kind of strange, I haven't talked to him in about a month, and I read this right after he called). I couldn't respond earlier, to be honest with you I had a horrible experience with an alcoholic in 2006, when I think about it I get a little emotional.
As you I am not an alcoholic, so I can't ever say "I know what you're going through", but I have been through enough to feel great empathy. I listen but more than anything I genunily have love for these people. They're humans and they're hurting. For an alcoholic I think the thought of quitting is worse than actually going through detox...which I witnessed 48 hours of that with someone and I wouldn't promise to do it again!!
You said it perfectly "comfort zone"...that is what feels safe. When you look at the big picture...where do these people have to turn? When everyone has given up on them? Where do they go? AA I guess. (sorry...I'm not asking you the ?'s just trying to make a point). To me no human being is disposable. Which goes back to the point of LOVE! Sometimes just hearing "God loves you" means the world. One thing breaks my heart when I think about this one man, his family gave up on him...he was crying and went on and on about his life, he said "God cant fix me", I said "God can't fix you because you're not broken, you only think you are". He stopped crying, I think he felt hope.
It is a very difficult subject...but then again we all "self destruct" at one point or another. With God all things are possible! But I totally agree with you, there is a time and place for certain scripture, given at the wrong time could lead someone further from God.
Between you and I, we know John 9:1-3 It was neither that this man sinned , nor his parents but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
*instead of struggling against God, realizing we can't make it right, God has already taken care of it. You never know which recovered alcoholic will go on to ultimately fullfill the purpose God has for them. Praise the Lord!
But we will know...eventually!
In Christ,
Sorry, I didn’t address your last thought, This could be one of the biggest reasons that most Christians are walking so far short of the blessings that God has provided for us.
They are still walking in expectation, “Expectation” was before the Cross, When you look at the New Creation in light of God’s Word, we see that He has given you all things that pertains to life and Godliness, 2Pet.1:2-3, When you pray; believe you receive, Mr.11:24
This is the confidence we have in Him; if we ask anything according to His will He hears us, and if we know He hears us: We know we have the petitions we desired of Him. Isn’t it amazing that His timing is the same time we are in need, or ask? 1Jo.5:14-15
Check out Peter and John at the gate beautiful, Acts 3:6, again amazing that God’s timing and the time they went to the temple to pray were the same? I could go on but I think you get the point. You say to the mountain, What you say will come to pass. We are waiting on God ( to heal, deliver and etc.) and I believe that God is waiting on us to take Him at His Word, All the promises of God are, 2Cor.1:20, Just look at the promises He gave Abraham Deut.28:1-14, You are his seed, if ye be Christ. And if you obey His commandments and hearken to His Voice.

Walk in the light while it is still day,
Amen brother! His timing is awesome...I have had so many miracles in my life, I could write for a very long time. I feel extremely blessed, and I know they were all based on faith.
Some do expect things quickly, but again that's back to the whole "instant gratification"...We wait on His time. I admit sometimes I pray about something over and over waiting for an answer and if I don't feel moved by the Holy Spirit, I wait on it. I have an abundance of patience with others, but myself I just want to get going! Oh well...He's in charge not me! When I wait it out all turns out well. When I studied Deut. and found out Moses jumped ahead of Gods plan and ended up killing the egyptian. That was a big red flag for me to sloooooow down!
Thanks for you response. Have a great night.
God Bless,
I've heard people tell me they aren't ready, that they have to do things first, like quit alcohol or swearing, for example. Then there are others who say they don't want to have to change anything in their lives.
Hi Judy... Prayerfully tell your friends that 'Everyone can come to the cross'--Love this song!


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