All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Since the Dispora, Cannanites have been a thorn in the side of the Jew, since they began to flaunt not too long after the flood, it was a spirit of Sodom this spirit has emerged today as  disgised as a harmless life style but is it harmless. No it is not, it is a death sentence as the word reveals the sodomite and the effeminate dont have a place in the Holy City and on the outside are dogs and the like and anything that is practicing , or being a supporter of those who do those things are partakers of thier evil deeds by proxy. There isnt anything wonderful and fearfully made when man had taken something that was beautiful and made it perfect. Before the garden there wasnt any birthdefects. There wasnt any insubordinate children born either...thank God, just kiddin on that......well no, any ways Gays arent ok, the life style is hideous, should be kept from children so they dont get  confused.. There is no picking on a certain lifestyle, or bashing here its just the facts.....homosexuality is a mockery of the life God intended for man. He created man  and took out of him a rib...and caused this rib to become a separate individual only something was different.....this was  brought to Adam as a gift and she was beautiful, we all know the story so Im not gonna get into details. The othertype of life style that got God's attention is the slaughtering of children If we think we are hard on our children, we arent  we are lienient, even in the worst of the worst " go play", or bringing a bribe......we live in a snake den or a cockatrice many poisenous snakes  but the worst is the western diamond back, where the venom actually destroys the flesh....back to the context----->We have to watch where we step,how we step,and who we step with.......because your known by the company you keep....and the bible says  that bad language can pervert good mannors....and its hard for me sometimes because I had worked in a public bus garage.I heard every degree  going up the scale and down its there  I had to choose before I opened my mouth gate.

I dont think we fully understand how great  the need there is for being more like Jesus to really know him , everything about him and be 1 with him.........There is freedom in the  Lord,there is Love in the Lord, there is fulfillment in the Lord, there is satisfaction  garanteed in the Lord,check it and see. I left the end of this dicussion open because there wil no doubt be some negative feed back and alot of young christian misunderstanding.

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Are you representing the Canaanites as those who oppose the true Gospel? God eliminated them or attempted to eliminate them from the land because of these exact type of practices. He knew their lifestyles would be a great negative influence on the lives of His chosen ones. We all have read the story. They didn't eliminate them all and the exact thing that God had previously warned of, did happen. Eventually, the Jews had male prostitutes and false gods all through the land. The result was God bringing destruction in the land. It is difficult to imagine, but it did happen. Today, we have so much corruption in our own land. It is as if we are copying the practices of the Jews throughout Biblical history. How did they get to that place. God had told them that if they did not keep His Word before their children day and night, this very thing would happen. I think that is a major part of our problem. We have kicked God out of our schools and have done little to nothing at all to compensate for that Court's actions. We are in trouble and better to do something quickly or it will be too late.

We have failed to teach our children God's Word.


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