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George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer on trial for shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida last February, told Fox News host Sean Hannity in a televised interview yesterday that the events that transpired that night "was all God's plan."  Asked if he has any regret about what happened on that night, Zimmerman said, "No."  Shaking his head, Zimmerman added: "I feel that it was all God's plan, and for me to second guess it or judge it.


Zimmerman said that he wants to meet with Martin's parents to tell them he's sorry for their teenage son's death.  "I would tell them that, again, I'm sorry."  He went on to say: "I can't imagine what it must feel like.  And I pray for them daily," adding later in the interview: "I am sorry that this happened."


I invite you to share your thoughts from a biblical perspective. 

  • What you think about Zimmerman's statement that "God's plan" led to a deadly encounter with Trayvon Martin, and that we should not "second guess or judge it?"  Does this profoundly disturb you?  Is it sacrilege?  Could it have been "God's plan?" Why or why not?
  • Are Martin's parents right to rebuff Zimmerman's offer to meet with them and to reject his "I am sorry" apology as insincere?  Why or why not? 


Read more here ...

*/ Seattle P.I. |  Parents: Neighborhood Watch Death Not God's Plan /*
*/ NPR | "God's Plan" Lead to Deadly Encounter with Trayvon, Zimmerman Says /*
*/ CBS News | Trayvon Martin's Parents: This Wasn't God's Plan /*
*/ Fox News | Zimmerman Says He's Sorry Trayvon Martin's Family Had to Bury Their... /*

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Amen to that. You have spoken to the real heart of the matter .

 God bless

For whatever reason, God did allow this to happen. God has no problem taking responsibility for all that happens. What was the purpose? Was it that Zimmerman was wreaking havoc in the neighborhood and through this will be stopped? Was Martin a threat to the neighborhood? Are their drugs involved? We absolutely do not know the circumstances and cannot make rash judgments. God may make the statement that He is sorry that He ever made man but He is responsible for that decision. None of us entered into that discussion. He made man the way we are. We are not given much information about the first 1500 years or so of early man's history. It is obvious, however, that by this time man had become very evil. Every inclination of his heart was towards murder, immorality, recklessness, etc.  The first murderer was Cain. Right out of the gate man began to murder each other. I wonder how great of a man Abel may have been. Yet, before he had lived his life, he was murdered. Was this God's will? God certainly did allow Cain to do that. What is God's purpose for allowing His creation to do such things? It is obvious that He did want us to be able to make certain decisions on our own. Yet, is it fair that Abel did not get to live his life? You and I obviously see things from a different perspective than does God. He did allow the murder of Abel. We will never completely know His purpose?

Some will say that these things just play out on their own. That is obviously nonsense as virtually all of us can speak of a moment when God miraculously intervened on our behalf. Miracles are reported all the time. Yet, sometimes God does allow evil to happen. Innocent people are being murdered constantly in different parts of our world. All the apostles that are known to us except one were murdered before completing their lives. Why did God allow that? Did He have a higher purpose? Paul was beheaded years before he would have died naturally. Would not Paul have been more beneficial to God's plan alive rather than dead? Maybe someone like me we could do without quite nicely - but Paul?

One thing is for sure - we do know why God allowed the murder of His Son. Long before that murder happened God revealed His plan and purpose in that murderous event. It was for our iniquities that Jesus was slain. Yet, when we watch the movies about it, do we not get upset with his accusers and murderers? How many of us have watched movies or read books about unjust persecutions of different peoples. Do we not get upset about those things?

The populace is reacting to this slaying. Whether it was self-defense or murder is not the problem. The problem is the human race. God seems to allow for a season: cheating, stealing, murders and immoralities of all kinds. Everyday someone in your city was treated unjustly. Have any of you been cheated? Have you ever had something stolen? Has there been an unjust killing? What was God's purpose in all of that? His purpose is to bring glory to every situation. He purposes to bring glory to our lives. That is the higher purpose. He wants our faith to be strengthened. In order for that to happen, we must face trying circumstances - some of which have cost men their lives.

In all of these things we must learn to trust God and stop complaining about those things that happen around us. However, that is a lifelong process that all of us must come to grips with. I wrestle with the fairness of situations everyday. I want so desperately to learn to trust Him in all of these things. It is so difficult. Maybe we can learn from Job:

Job 13:7
Will you speak wickedly on God's behalf?
Will you speak deceitfully for him? NIV

Our lack of understanding causes us to say things we should not say. We say that is the devil's doing not God's. The devil can only go as far as God will allow him. That is why there is still a world and still a human race. Satan would love for us to worship him but we know that would be wicked. Giving Satan too much credit is also a mistake we often make.

Job 2:10 "...Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" NIV

Because of Job's attitude during the terribleness of the situation that was handed him, Job was perfect before God. I pray that I will be able to attain to his attitude. I grumble and complain way too much.

May the Lord receive glory in this and may His will be accomplished.

Roy, I used to be terrified because I did not believe God was Sovereign enough to keep me from departing from the faith. I believed I had so much free will. I am thankful now to know that part is not up to me. Now I believe we have liberties. People do commit all sorts of atrocities against one another. Now, if I thought God was not in control, then I would be in total despair, even much more than I ever was, because I would be terrified that God, in my life, would never be able to turn evil for good and bring me through it or receive me on home. I ask God to work and move on the human will of each lost person on earth so as to bring them to faith in Him, according to His will.  


Roy and Amanda,


You both have made some great points here.  Thank you for contributing to this discussion. 


As I reflect on what I've read in the Scriptures, I find far more has been written about the climactic and titantic struggle going on between God and Satan, good and evil, lightness and darkness, than there is about the reasons why God has allowed sin and suffering to come into the world and how this fits into his grand plan. 


Thus, I don't know that we'll ever know the answers this side of heaven to questions that have vexed even the most learned theologians for centuries.  Why does God allow sin and suffering to exist?  Why doesn't he stop it?  Why do bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people?


The good news is that God is dealing with the problem of sin and evil in the world.  God has a plan to deal with it.  That's why he sent his son to live among us, die on the cross (to atone for our sins), and to be resurrected (defeating death so that we might have eternal life).  The prophetic writings of Scripture assure us that God will ultimately emerge victorious over the devil, and that in the end all things will be restored.  So, if the world is still messed up, the end hasn't yet arrived--though it may be near.


Amanda, you and indeed all that have been born anew as children of God can be certain that the good work that Christ has begun in you as a new creation in Christ will be completed, sustained by the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit.


Grace, peace and blessings,




Another thing about this situation and anything else like it...we have been in the process of throwing God out of our lives along with His commandments and His Instruction Book.

We don't allow God in our schools where children are present. We don't allow prayer in our schools. We don't encourage our children to attend church. We turn a blind eye towards immorality. 

When God was thrown out of school, His rules and laws were thrown out too. We now live by our own laws. In Zimmerman's mind it was okay to kill this boy. He had the right. Who gave him the right? Our morality allowed it. The rules governing killing another person have been discarded. Zimmerman lied. It wasn't God's was his.




Good points.  The irony here shouldn't be lost on us.  Zimmerman isn't saying "the devil made me do it."  Far from it.  He's invoking the name of God.  He presents himself as a law-abiding citizen, a neighborhood crime watch volunteer, concerned about criminal activity in his neighborhood.  He would probably say "amen" to your commentary up to the point of saying "it wasn't God's plan."  Martin's parents strongly disagree with Zimmerman's "it was all God's plan" defense.  Tracy Martin, Martin's father, said: “I really don’t understand what God he worships because it’s not the same God I worship.”


Grace, peace and blessings,




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