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Principles for Life Series: Adversity


Greetings all,


What has God used to help you to overcome adversity, daily struggles, in life?


Lord Bless,


TheNET Coordinator


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So, does anyone have any suggestions that might help others?

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Hey LT,
1.Prayer has always been my first resort in dealing with or accepting a situation. I am always in fear of reacting spontaneously and causing God to be angry with me. 2. Referring back to the scriptures, mostly Proverbs which are a fountain of encouragement. 3. I often think, "It could ALWAYS be worse" or "I know there's someone out there that would love to have my trivial problem right now". 4. The Holy Spirit also reminds me that, I HAVE to conquer each trial or tribulation in accordance to the word of God, because the day WILL come when I will have to encourage someone else and say "I know for myself that God CAN bring you through", oppose to looking like a hypocrite that folded when I was going through.

The daily struggles will always be there, so before my feet even hit the floor in the morning I'm thanking God for another day, asking for guidance and patience for whatever awaits . The Holy Spirit often brings to mind the scripture that deals with entertaining angels unaware. The job I have brings me into one on one contact with 20 -100 people an hour daily, so I never know what type of spirit I'm about to encounter, so I HAVE to stay in a constant state of prayer.

Sadly, my biggest struggle is the last place it should be, at home, but that's a different platform. I can never allow adversity to take me out of the race of salvation. God and his word are like water to me, they can take you out from the lack of them in your life, or keep you going from their constant supply.

I hope my reply falls in line with what you're asking.

Always Hoping

Excellent reply. Thanks.

Looking for others to also provide input to be of help to people who might read this.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator

It made sense to me. Learning through the lesson and at the same time building evidence to look back on tomorrow that shows God is at work in our lives the next time we go through a new trial.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator

Yes ... every situation we face should be faced as an opportunity to bring glory to God, even when it doesn't make sense to us. There goes that eternal optimist in me spouting off :-)

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Hi LT,

This is an important topic for discussion to help us apply our lessons from the bible to living them out.

Adversity strikes in some very unlikely places. I've been through many different kinds.. And honestly, I have to say sometimes I don't respond to Glorify God, which leaves me disappointed in myself. I also find that I have to bring my motives for my responses to God so that He can shine His light on them also.

When I respond in a sinful way, God allows me to reap the consequences.. When I respond in ways that Glorify Him, I am rewarded in different ways. The most blesssed reward from God is strengthened fellowship. My husband said something ot me the other day that I perceived as very hurtful...and actually it wasn't given in the way that I perceived it. Normally, I have a pretty thick skin, except when it comes to my marriage..that's where I can be easily hurt. (I guess that makes sense).

The thing that my husband said was a knock against my faith..and what he believes to be true of 'Christians'. I took it personally, i thought it was stated as a personal attack--it was not! God has shown me that he said his comment because something he had believed in the past..he can see now (in the present) is not true (by watching my life).. so he said he doesn't understand that thing that he thought -- and it leaves him in a place that he cannot explain. (does that make sense?).

God is using this to teach me Grace and Forgiveness. And also compassion extended to someone who does not know Him.

I continually have to bring my motives before God's Throne to make sure that they are pure. I know of myself that I need to guard against pride and self-righteousness. I was complaining to God about my husband just the other day.. God responded many things to me... This is some of it (i actually remembered to journal):

My daughter, I created Craig, and I know all about him even though he doesn't know me. Just as you were created for a purpose, he was also created for a purpose which I will show him when he comes to me. Abide in my love and I will show you how to love the unlovable. Remember beloved, Love is a choice not a feeling. Even Craig caught a glimpse of this when your heart was weak and needed repair. He could see then, that through the choices he made, even though it was hard, he could live for someone other than himself, he loves you Beloved, and he has shown you that he is faithful. Beloved, he makes many mistakes, but so do you, and I continue to love you and nurture you..this is what I want you to do for him for MY sake. Love him as I have loved you. Come to me continually to be renewed in MY strength. You can do nothing apart from me. I have imparted my Spirit and ability to love to you. Live in my Love, Abide in My love.

I wrote this as the Lord spoke to me...tears streaming down my face. God was holding me accountable, showing me my own weakness and loving me.. His Grace and His Mercy is Irrestible...

Adversity can sometimes get the best of us..But God knows how weak we are--he understands. He just wants us to come to Him. When we do, He will renew us, change our hearts, strengthen us, guide us, teach us, embrace us, correct us... God wants us to forgive and extend Grace to others, serve others, and pray for them.. This is what it is to love them..

Blessings, Carla
Amen Beloved..

..the part of the 'relinquishing'.. even spelling that word is hard...never mind doing it. ;-)

...oh but how we need to do it... Blessings sis.

Thanks for sharing. I am sure this will be helpful to many as they read it. BTW, the part you asked whether it made sense makes sense to me.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
I wonder how often we create our own 'adversity' or makes things worse simply by 'reacting' rather than 'responding' in any given situation!?

I'm glad i made sense.. ;-)

There are many little quips that people use. I like the following one:

Stop - Listen - Pray

Stop your emotions from causing you to respond through them. Often times an emotion response ramps up the problem instead solves the problem

Listen to what is being said and ask questions to get a full understanding of the situation. Check to see what the Bible says regarding such a situation. Often times problems are the result of misunderstanding, not conflict itself. Conflict often is only the bi-product of the misunderstanding.

Pray for wisdom and guidance in dealing with an issue for yourself and the pther person/people.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Very good L.T.
I just read a book called “Three seconds” by Les Parrott, PhD.
Foreword by “John Maxwell”
The power of thinking twice,
Let the first impulse pass, wait for the second.
Three seconds separates those who “give it their all” from those who “don‘t give it a thought” ___ Literally, Three seconds. This brief buffer is all that stands between those who settle for “whatever” and those who settle for nothing less than “whatever it takes” end Quote.

I feel to stop your emotions though, one must first renew the mind, because emotions follow your thinking.

Hey Joe,

I have had the privilege of hearing Maxwell speak several times in different settings. Good insights and great humor to go with it.

Good input. Thanks.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator


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