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Hello all,

I have been wondering and thinking about how we now have digital technology and how the Bible has become available online and through digital apps. 

Do you think it is possible that one day, since all this new technology has come about, that paper versions of the Bible will become less important and obsolete?

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Not as long as there are paper loving bible huggers like me haha


I like the digital ones for reseach etc but nothing compares to my paper bible.

Being as my husband is in computers, he uses technology but still owns many many Bibles. Me, personally, I like to physically have it in my hands. Something about having the pages next to me.

I agree with you both. I'm also a paper bible hugger ! Also over time we get to know the copy we have. It takes on a friend persona, well it does to me. I currently have a duct tape version. It is my well used NIV held together with duct tape!! It will be difficult when it finally falls to pieces and has to be replaced.

Interestingly I was recently speaking with a friend who owns and runs a Christian book shop here in the UK about this very point. He is convinced that there will always be paper book lovers who keep 'real' books alive and well. Praise the Lord for that ! I was asking as he has some copies of my book for sale and it is also in a Kindle version on Amazon. I always encourage people to go to a book shop to buy a real copy, if they can't get it from me personally.

I hate the thought that paper books could become obsolete. It seems so barbaric. Hey ho, the challenges of being older than modern technology !!

However, which ever way people read the Bible is brilliant, as long as they are reading it.It is in knowing His truth that we are set free.


Interestingly, my wife and I are volunteers with Bible Society here in UK. Getting Christians to read the bible is great big challenge ! How crazy is that !! Statistics show that only about 3% of believers read the bible between Sunday services. 50% of church leaders do not have any confidence in the scriptures. How scary is that? No wonder so many do not know how to really live and walk in Jesus.Yet across the world the demand is so great that copies cannot be produced quickly enough.There is a printing press in China, yes, China, which tried to destroy the faith, which is producing one million copies of the bible every month, but still the demand is greater. I love such hunger !


>>duct tape version


haha I have a couple duct taped my self. That is funny, here i thought i was the only one doing such a thing.

I enjoy books and appreciate handling the real deal ... paper and all, but also recognize the advantages offereed by digital books. I have a fairly good size collection of Bibles, but find that most of my study is done through my computer programs, like esword. I believe both are good and in the end it is a matter of preference. I do not believe paper books will disappear, but they will diminish and more and more of the box stores will be closing as has been the case in recent years.


Lord Bless,


Hi Cassandra,

Good question.


I would say......they'll have to pry my well-used,  pencil-noted, underlined, margin filled, lop-eared, note-filled, many markers placed,  New American Standard Bible out of my cold, stiff, dead hands......before I would give it up.

And that goes for the other 12 - 15  Bibles scattered around the house.............


Grace and Peace.

Paper or digital Bible?  For me, it's not an either-or proposition.  I make full use of both.  I don't think print Bibles will go the way of the dinosaur, but who knows?  

Technology has helped make the Bible more accessible than ever before.  We sometimes forget that mass produced Bibles translated in English weren't available until printing presses came on the scene some 15 centuries after Jesus walked among us.  The impact of the printing press was nothing short of extraordinary.  Even so, in those days, only a small number of people were literate.  Until then, what few copies were available had to be produced by hand.

The irony is that is that despite the Bible being more accessible today than ever before, people aren't reading the Bible.  As one author whose name escapes me wrote, many Christians will defend to the death their belief that the Bible is God's Word from cover to cover, but few bother to read it from cover to cover.  We pay a lot of lip service to the Bible, but we don't make time for serious study of God's Word.  That's a sad but true indictment.

 As another writer once asked (and answered), what's the best Bible out there?  It's the Bible you'll pick up and read. 


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