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I just read through the first three chapters of Colossians. 

It talks in chapter three about putting off the sinful deeds of the flesh because we are new creations in Christ, and to put on love etc. 

The message seems to be, Yes you still struggle with sin, but because you are raised with Christ, you are to strive to put off the old sinful deeds, and put on good things. 

But then it comes to the final verse of that chapter: 

"But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons." (Col. 3:25)

What exactly does this verse mean?

It seems to be saying that even if you're a Christian, if you sin, you will be punished because God is no respecter or persons (meaning, He doesn't distinguish between believers and non-believers)? 

I know that can't be an accurate interpretation since it goes against the very message of the gospel and how there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. 

So, what does the verse mean? What does is mean that God is no respecter of persons?

Thanks in advance, 


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The hopelessness is my own sinfulness. I can't obey Jesus. I want to, but I can't. It makes me wonder, maybe I'm not His. Because if I were His, it seems to say in the bible, that I will have His power giving me victory. 

I once told a friend that I just cannot drive 55 mph (the max interstate speed limit at that time). My friend responded with you can drive 55 mph, you just choose not to drive 55 mph. She was right. I could drive 55 mph, I just did not want to  and rationalized why I could not do it instead of simply obeying and moving on. 

Believe it or not (not picking on you, not my style) you can live for Jesus. If you are not living for Him or failing Him it is because you are making choices to not obey. Not wanting to sound harsh, but we have to take responsibility for our actions. The devil does not make us do something, our circumstances do not "make" us do something. We act by making a volitional choice. The sooner we take responsibility for our choices the sooner we begin to adjust those choices in most cases.

It's interesting- my husband just told me something similar to days ago. That if I'm not trusting in God very well it's my choice not to- probably because I'm cherishing a sin over choosing to trust and obey instead. 

So even though it's impossible for us humans to obey, that's not a good enough excuse. Is that what you're saying? Because we have to trust God for a miracle... like stepping into the raging Jordan river before he parts it...?

In essence ... yes. because we will fail does not excuse failure. The positive side is that when we fail the Holy Spirit convicts us to where we acknowledge our failure as sin instead of trying to justify it. Then we ask for forgiveness which Jesus gladly extends (1 Jn. 1:9)

I've been having a pity party for years I think. Oh dear, I'm a poor lowly human and this is all impossible for me... maybe that excuse just isn't going to fly. Maybe I need to look to Jesus more and less on my flesh's weakness....

AMEN!!! and when we come to that place God really has something to work with.

Lord Bless,

Thanks for your help, this has been clarifying for me. 

The question remains of what it means in verse 25, "But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons." 

What do you suppose this is in the bible for? 

I would say that it must mean that there are consequences for doing wrong for the believer and the unbeliever alike. But for the believer, it is not for our destruction but for our ultimate good. It's discipline, not wrath. 

Maybe in this respect there is no respect of persons: sin is sin and will be dealt with. How it's dealt with by God may differ person to person, but the fact that it IS dealt with always is the way that there is no respect of persons. 

Am I getting this?

I would agree with that understanding.

Here is what I believe in my heart is going on with you. You are measuring the amount of His grace by the amount of 'good' things you are doing. If you're not so obedient that day, then you're either not saved or not getting it. It seems to me that for you, it's a list of do's & don'ts instead of absolutely. I think you beat yourself every time you feel you have displeased Him & feel like 'Oh well, I guess I have to start all over again at the starting line.' This can get very tiring & very unprogressive. You never move forward for always making sure you don't trip right now. You're watching your feet instead of looking up & running the race. Now, how to get you off of the starting line & closer to the finish line has to be up to your choices. Look to Him instead of looking to yourself to make all the correct choices & decisions. Whenever you're looking at your feet all the time, you can't see what is in front of you. It's easier to trip, run into an obstacle. I think one of the biggest downfalls for most Christians is they've allowed themselves to believe that they are only human so they will never be perfect. They've accepted defeat before even starting the game towards victory. As we grow, perfection is in view. I'm not saying you ever cross that finish line of perfection until we see Him but we should get closer to seeing that goal as time continues. 

Thanks Tammy. Very true. 

I think a helpful tid-bit is seeking to define the term "continuing in sin." There is a difference between a child of God who fails and sins by thought or deed followed by conviction that leads to repentance and a person who openly chooses self-will over God. The child of God does not "continue in" sin, at least for any length of time without coming under conviction and repenting. Those who "continue in" sin are rejecting God and His way choosing their way over His. The salvation of anyone who continues to choose their way over God's way at best is suspect.


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