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Has anyone ever heard of this way to study the Bible? If so, what are your thoughts regarding it?




Lectio means “reading.” In this stage of lectio divinia, you will focus simply on reading the passage. Please read the passage carefully, and try not to focus on interpretation or application. Just put yourself into the text. What is it like to hear and read through the passage? Listen to the wording of the passage. Are there any phrases or words that stand out to you? Read the passage out loud to yourself, again. What emphasis would you put on different words or statements? You may want to read the passage many times over.

  • Read the passage the passage through several times
  • Pay attention to key words and phrases
  • Focus on reading, not interpretation


Meditatio refers to “meditation”. Read the scripture again. Your reading will now focus on the meaning and significance of this passage. “What does the passage mean?” “What does this passage tell us about Jesus or about God?” “What relationship does this passage have with the overall message of Scripture?” “How would this passage affect a person’s daily life?”

  • Read the passage again, focusing on interpretation
  • Why is this passage significant?
  • How does this passage apply to me?


Oratio means “praying.” In this section you will be praying to God and sharing your reactions to the passage with God. Read the passage again, and please let your emotions arise as you read through the passage. What do you feel as you read through the passage? Tell God about your feelings; either speak silently or speak out loud about what you have read. Do you feel joy, sorrow, pain, comfort, or anything else? Pray to God about your response to the passage.

  • Pray to God based on your interaction with the passage
  • Respond to passage with feelings
  • Tell God what you are thinking based on the passage


Contemplatio refers to “contemplative” prayer. In other words, you will relax and let God communicate to you through this passage. You will need to find a comfortable and quiet place to sit, close your eyes, make sure you take several deep breaths, and allow your mind to be open to what God is revealing. As you relax your mind and body, you will be paying attention with your heart. Please focus only on listening with your inner being. If a thought or insight comes to you, quietly make note of it; then return to relaxation your heart open to receive more. If no thoughts or insights come to you, come back to the text in your mind. Trust that God wants to speak to you through His word.

  • Focus on listening to what God reveals to you
  • Eyes closed , deep breaths, heart open
  • Make brief notes, then relax and listen again

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First thing that comes to my mind is New Age. I may be one of those close minded old school type people but that's what came to my mind.


The following article states that lectio-divinia is not a form of Christian meditation.
God speaks to me through the Scriptures and I never hear an audible voice but I do think that the Spirit will speak to us personally but He will always align with what has already been revealed. The article seems to denounce all revelation received outside of the Scriptures and I disagree with that part for I know God speaks to us in several ways, including our circumstances, but, personally, I believe I should avoid this type of meditation myself that you have mentioned.

This is a wonderful way of praying and being in touch with the Holy Spirit. This is not typical of New Age or Eastern meditation which concerns search for self. Lectio Divinia  calls us to pray on scripture which is about connection to God and not self.



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