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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

This is not as hard as so many seem to make it. We Serve a Loving Father Who has given us Lots of Grace! We must learn to Trust that. He knows our hearts!!! Let go and allow God... I have my share of difficulties!! But, I know that I am Loved by the Creator. Jesus walked our steps already! Let Go.... Trust that the Spirit is with you! Know that Jesus is with you! This is Not that hard!! If you know me at all, you know I say all of this in Love... Chris

Why do we at times lose our Trust in the Love we are given?  When we first received His Love, what wears us down to the point that we forget that Love, and how we felt the Power in His Love?  When we first were washed clean by the Blood of Jesus, that knowledge and how it changed how we looked at things.  What takes place that we lose the Trust that we given in Him?

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Love you! You are a blessing Amanda.

lolol. Good point Amanda

Yes Tammy I did add those questions after David's suggestions.  I understood what he was sharing, and it gave me the ability to shed a little more light on what I was sharing.  So you are not as confused as you might think.  LOL  Continue to lift up your boys.

Love ya Sis

Thank you so much Chris. They have 2 more days of testing. He seemed to think he did OK but please continue over the next 2 days.

Why do we at times lose our Trust in the Love we are given?

I have lost trust in God's love and in the love of others in the past. When we lose this trust, that is when we lose peace, too. Why did I lose it? I will have to think about it but promise to get back to you. Good question.

Why did I lose trust in God’s love? For me, it was related to PTSD. They say if you just have a need to sit with your back to the wall in a public place, then you probably have at least minor PTSD. I don’t know how true that is but I know when you have severe PTSD, you don’t trust anyone, not even God. I stay indoors a lot and I dread going out in public but I do go out at least once or twice a week now. I’m not back in church regularly yet but I have been going about every other Sunday to morning worship service which lasts an hour. I didn’t go this past Sunday. One of my friends from church sent me an email yesterday saying that “the girls” from church were going to go out to eat later that evening and she wanted me to think about coming to be with them. I emailed back, declining. I told her my being there would just spoil their fellowship and meal. I don’t know when I will be able to get my life back together. But I’m starting to trust God again.
This is probably not the kind of answer you were looking for with your question.

Yes Amanda it was exactly what I was wanting to hear.  Your honesty is real and that is what I was wanting to hear.  I Praise God that you are well on your way not so much as back where you were, but return as who you are now.  It is a hard thing when we do lose trust in others as well as God.  Yet, as I have told you before, I know you will get to where you want to be.  Your relationship to God and how you desire to be at the place where you desire to be.  Your heart is true, and that is part of what I was sharing.  Lord Bless you Sister. 

To add Rom 8:38-39 ...And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We have this and so many more verses to stand on.  Smith Wigglesworth shares, "You will be put in places where you will have to put your whole trust in God."  He goes on, "Every trial is to bring you to a greater position in God."

So to these we must say Amen and Amen


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