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Dry spell - Persecution – Discouragement ... VERSUS … Faith – Hope- Love!!!


Dry spell -  Persecution – Discouragement ... VERSUS … Faith – Hope- Love!!!

I just putting my though into writing. If we open our eyes  We will see many people are struggling, some are believing that they don’t have the ability to endure, Some think  their existence is so painful and becomes too much for them to bear.

Dry spell -  Persecution – Discouragement comes in many different forms and in different degrees of intensity.  Its really hard for everyone to be there in that situation, some people used to blamed, some give advices for the benefits of their own. Some uses that situation to manipulate people and the worst is some can do nothing but to add more pain .. An even harder truth how do we face it when our own families, friends and people we know persecuted us… we know it very hard to accept but we have to accept persecution as a fact… it’s the time we ever feel like it's too difficult to continue on in faith? Losing Hope? and Love. ( my friend what is the best way to start when u are in this situation)

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Hi Sheyen, God bless you!

You have a lot in your post. What I see missing is asking for God's help. Going to God and giving it to Him. When you ask for help, be patient. Adding extra pressure and pushing yourself and pushing God, may put you in deeper. Ease up on the pressure valve. Expect God to help you and look for His help. It's an attitude. His help may come immediately and then it could take longer. But expect His help. It will come.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;     I will be exalted among the nations,     I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)

I would say God is with you. He is your fortress. God will keep you in safety. He protects the oppressed.

Have a little faith that the things I am telling you are true. Remember the mustard seed.



I don't think I'm speaking out of turn when I say that there are things God wants to teach us when we are in a dry spell, are feeling discouraged, or suffering in anyway. 

I think that anytime someone feels like he or she is being attacked (persecuted) or feels like there's no escape (trapped in a wilderness, desert) if they're honest, they will admit they feel afraid.

Fear can trigger either one of three responses -- flight, fight, freeze. This response is about survival -- well, the freeze part is what happens when one feels there's no hope -- but the fight or flight response is about outrunning or outfighting something or someone scaring us. 

It carries over into less stressful situations, too, and, in fact, if you're going through a time where you are experiencing hundreds of small hurts, you can still begin feeling like there's no escape, just as much as if you were experiencing just one sudden, terrible event that's over in minutes.

After awhile, in trying to protect yourself, you may find that you have alienated those you love -- you're fighting too much.

Or, anytime someone gets angry with you or shows disappointment in you or frustration with you, you flee from the confrontation -- you're running too easily.

Or, you completely withdraw and isolate, shut down -- freeze.

I'm not sure if you can identify with any of this. If you can, I'd like to encourage you not to run from God during this time. I'd like to encourage you to grieve for the hurts you've suffered or are suffering and forgive where forgiveness is needed. Stay in fellowship, ask for prayer, pray as much as you're able, even if only to say, "Help me, Lord." Be real with God -- don't hold anything back. Tell Him exactly what you are thinking and feeling, even if you feel He has abandoned you or you think He is punishing you or that He has failed you. Yell, cry, whatever, but get it out before Him. He can take it, and, in fact, He says cast all your cares on Him. He cares for ---> you. Let that sink in. 

Last, I'd like to say that the response you are having - fight, flight, or freeze (when it's not about escaping immediate danger) - is linked to the past. In fact, whatever emotional response any of us is having in the present to a present experience most likely has roots in the past. If you can trace that feeling back to a previous time when you felt it and discover what you began to believe about yourself during that experience, then it can help you determine if you began believing something about yourself that wasn't really true (e.g. "no one loves me" "I'm all alone" "God doesn't love me").

I know I've said a lot. I hope some of it helps.


My offer is to read about Joseph.  He was in prison for 13 years and continued to place his trust and belief in God...then think about after he was out and Potipher's wife put him right back into jail.

God is always with those who trust in Him.  

The best way to start and end is always with God, we trust God, nobody else.  This always brings peace to us.

If you read about everyone in the Bible who trusted in God, you will find that no one was left without hope.  

Be Encouraged and Stay Strong!

And...Amen Mary!


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