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I was asked some time back, "does it get easier, our walk w/ Jesus?"

And my answer was not what it was before. I said, "different, not about easier or harder, just different."  Do we get stronger and gain wisdom for easier?  Experience does it make things easier or, are the things we face more complicated?

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Hi Chris,

It gets easier in the sense that we gain wisdom and knowledge of how to operate in the Word, so satan can't trick us with the same stupid lies. But it gets harder in that satan will never stop attacking until the day we die and his attacks will become more vicious the longer we live. But the good news is, our growth in the Lord will sustain us no matter what he throws at us and God will always make a way of escape for his children. We are the beloved of the Lord and the wisdom, knowledge, gifts and courage He affords us are superior to anything the enemy can throw at us.


Here is an example of how God put me over recently. A dear family member died last summer. I was left part ownership in the home, possessions and especially a diamond ring. Unsaved family members completely blocked me from knowing I was in the will.  I'm not stupid so I called lawyers etc to determine what was going on. However, the lawyers told me that if family members want to cover up what is going on with an estate, there are ways they can get away with it. I was shocked that the court system would tolerate such a thing. They were beyond deceitful in their cover-up. For a year I had to suffer not knowing what was going on. But the day came when the Lord shined His light on what they were hiding and as it turned out, I got  the largest share of the sale of the home, every possession that was so meaningful to me, every picture when the unsaved members didn't even care about our loved ones pictures, and most amazing of all, I got the diamond ring when the Lord blinded them from recognizing which ring was the real diamond! So, we continue to suffer satan's hateful attacks such as being betrayed by our very own family members, but we win every time!! That's why I love Jesus so much- He is our faithful, loyal Lord who will not let satan get away with putting anything over on us. Praise His holy name!!!!!!!!!!!!


I always love hearing how the enemy is defeated everytime.  Praise God that we were able to stand for a year. Not alot of folks would.  I just felt when I was asked, I understood the question, but I just felt different not easier.  Somethings  are easier but, why have the strength and wisdom and not do warfare.  ( thank you Father, not asking for to much more right LOL) Thank you for your story I will remember it and share it.

Yes Chris, greater is He who is in us then he who is in the world! I thought of another thing to add to my response. The closer one is to God the more the devil will attack. satan doesn't mess with lukewarm Christians, those who are into false doctrine  or the unsaved- he's already got them. He goes after those who are on fire for God. Shows that he's not very bright as one who is on fire for God will never bowel the knee to satan. So, if one is going along in life and never get's roughed up by satan and his demons, he should get out a heavenly ruler to gauge how much he is doing for God. And not one of those little teeny weeny rulers, but a big full-sized yardstick lol.
Thanks Jane will have to wear my bib- overalls to carry a yard stick.
Lol Chris! Or you could wear the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness and the sword of the Spirit..

Yes beloved!!!! It gets easier as we are cemented in eternal biblical principles.

When we see the big picture and we understand/know what is really going on, then life in Christ gets easier. :)


Do you find however, the older you get, w/ the strength and wisdom gained.  That you are is harder battles, and the strength and wisdom gained, put into test?

I realize some of what i've said may discouraage some.  Please if that is so don't be.  So it does get alot easier.

With His strength and His Wisdom we can do all things.  Sorry if any of this was confusing. 

As faith deepens our root system expands and strengthens. I believe we face different types of trials and the intensity grows as we mature and seek to expand our service for the King, but we are better prepared for the more intense battles. Thus to us it feels about the same overall with some easy battles, medium battles and tough battles at every level of maturity.


God says He will never gives us more than we can handle. This is true at every level of maturity.


Lord Bless,



Hey Bev,


Thanks for asking for clarity. Actually I was not referring to 1 Corinthians 10:13, but rather contextualizing what we have been promised by God regarding the battles we face. I could have worded it better. For something to be greater than we can handle as a disciple means that the enemy actually would win in our lives. As we follow Christ and walk in the Spirit we will overcome and handle every situation, even if it means being burned at the stake or torn to pieces in the arena by lions or experiencing a dark or difficult situation for a period of time. Romans 8:28 gives us a clear promise that all things work for the good and if we were given more than we could handle in Christ that would not be true.


- Job handled his situation.

- Joseph handled his situation.

- The martyrs in NT times handled their situation.

- yet, they were not overcome, but victors in Christ Jesus.


Handling our situations requires several things:
- God's grace is sufficient for every situation when we are walking with Him (2 Cor. 12:9).

- We recognize that everyone born of God overcomes the world (1 Jn. 5:4). His promises apply to us.

- We recognize that as a disciple we do not walk this road alone, but are united with Christ. Matthew 11:28-30 gives us the clear picture that the burden is light, not overbearing when we are walking with Him. Does it always feel light? Compared to what? When it seems out of balance we need to stop and check to see if we are still walking with Him or have we chosen are own path.

- 1 Peter 1:3-11 gives us the promise that through His divine power we have been given everything we need for life and godliness (in this life). The disciple participates in the divine nature of Christ (v.4). We are called to be growing in measure and as we grow our scope expands. Yet, we are given all that we need at each level of growth to live for Him as He lives in us.

- The armor of God is designed for spiritual warfare and victory. As our Commander He knows the battles and the foe and will not put us into a position where we will be overrun beyond what we can handle.

- Philippians 4:4-13 helps us to understand the power of God at work in us. We cannot be called to rejoice and to not be anxious if we are going to face more than we can handle. He promises us peace through the trial, but there are some stipulations in these verses. We see in another account Peter was walking on the water and overcoming the raging storm until he took his eyes off of Jesus.

- Romans 8:37 says we are more than conquerors.


Further I will say that as we look at this life we have to envision it as a campaign and not simply individual battles that are unrelated. How long did Job fight his fight and how long was Joseph in jail before being freed? I may appear overcome if I retreat, but that need not be viewed as a failure. For in the end the war is won. An apparent defeat in a skirmish would only have significant value if that decided the war, but it does not … Praise the Lord.


Lastly, from another angle. The enemy can have at us, but only as much as God allows. We are His children and are assured that we will overcome whatever we face.


I did not quite understand your last question.


Hope this helps clarify my intent.


Lord Bless,





Great thoughts Amanda and Beth,

It's really so simple, but takes time to figure out. Like you said Bev, it's true that we fall down and He picks us up, or at other times He lets us fail so we can gain the wisdom to know what to do next time. He is our Heavenly Father and the parenting we got in childhood is patterned after the relationship we have with Him now in Christ.Then like a cocky teenager, we go through a time in our lives when we think we're all big and bad and don't need our parents to tell us what to do. The rules totally change when we enter God's kingdom through salvation. It is now a life of faith and dependence on God rather then self-dependence. The just shall live by faith. Irregardless of what our physical senses tell us, we must learn to put God's Word first in every situation. Every time we walk in obedience to the Word we grow. Amanda, your prayer please help me God is simple, but is all it takes to get God's attention. You see, it is the person who does not call on God that does not grow. But for those who give God permission to work in their lives, they will have God and the forces of Heaven to strengthen, protect and mature them. Like Bev, I rely on the Lord for everything. I am in close communication with the Holy Spirit all day long. I wouldn't think of making a move without Him. He's the boss. I must decrease so He can increase. That's the way it works and God's way provides fulfillment that nothing I could do out of my self-will could. Something very important, we can never try to "be like Jesus" in our own effort. A great prayer that God  loves is when we ask Him to live His life through us. In other words, If we are weak ask Him to give us His strength, if we are afraid ask Him to give us His courage, lack knowledge- His knowledge and so on. the Lord is preparing us for our reward of Heaven. What this is all about is He's teaching us to live by faith since it is impossible to please Him except by faith.


I am a firm believer it gets harder as we become stronger...


Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.


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