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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Fema is another agency that will carry out many executive orders signed by our president, many of which have nothing to do with disaster relief. But have all to do with containment,confinment,and execution.......I remember the oath I took upon entering the Marine Corps back in defend this nation from invaders both  foriegn and figure that one out........just like what Hitler did during the second world war. The gathering of  so called criminals of the state,putting them on trains that took them to camps they had put together......we have those type of camps here right now they were put together by FEMA. Ive been  keeping my eye on whats happening on a local level but now and then keeping the national level on mind as well.....we are in for it......dont be discouraged, dont think Im lying to you either I wouldnt do that...especially about something as grave as prayed up, seek out those who are close to you...your spiritual gifts will really  mature  as all this unfolds....the last  chapter of Revealation says we win. The object of this discussion is to make you aware, our government surely wont.....and if I dont say anything your blood will be on my hands along with our nieghbors everyone must know. The last thing I wanted to say is...remember Katrina......FEMA didnt do squat for those people......of course not its not thier job...they reserved  for another mission......tell your nieghbors and friends...before we cant tell anyone anything due to survailence yeah I said it eve's dropping on converstaions,watching your every move...yeah  technology is here...everyone with an I-phone can be located by GPS, the government has been spying on us for a while. If you havent heard the Drone program is just that, its not just for over seas. Its to watch us....scary stuff but its reality.

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Hi Chip, God bless you!

I wrote this paper while in school. It involved a government agency which will remain unnamed.  Students were given a list of government agencies and questions to answer. The assignment was to choose one and find the agency's website, research court cases involving the agency and answer the list of questions we were given. I wasn't thinking that much about it, but I love doing research.  I'll dig for hours on court cases. I was going back and forth online reading different cases and comparing and trying to decide which case to use. I was so intrigued. I got blocked, after my first evening researching the court cases, that was it. I couldn't enter the agency's website anymore. One of the questions was to find their address which could be why I was blocked. I found a great case anyway this couple sued the agency.  They must have people monitoring their website 24-7. They were probably wondering why I was researching the court cases. I think I reviewed 10 cases back and forth back and forth. I was just a student doing homework, but they didn't know that. 




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