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 There was a recent discussion about 'debating ' the truths of the gospel. I personally believe that little , if anything is gained by ' debating' .  I was recently reading an article by Ray C Stedman entitled 'Jude , contending for the faith . "   In this article  he quoted  C. H. Spurgeon as saying :


    "  The truth ( he was speaking of the truth of the gospel at the time ) is like a lion.  Whoever heard of defending a lion?    Just turn it loose and it will defend itself. "


Stedman then goes on to say  that  ' this is the way the W ord of God is.  If we proclaim it , it will defend itself .


This is the point I was trying ( albeit unsuccessfully ) to make concerning 'debating ' scripture' .


I am interested in knowing if any agree with this stance or not .


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I am in 100% agreement beloved with the fact that the truth is capable of convicting any man (is like a lion) and in itself without a cinch of explanation can accomplish what is set out to bring about. I will add that in order for the word to do what it does, one must proclaim it and is that very proclamation that many will see or consider contending for the faith. One must at times explain what the scriptures are saying for the new Christian or for old Christian in the faith that do not have maturity in Christ, also for the unbeliever that does not understand it. Is up to us to explain it in context.


I believe that debating the truth though is worth the effort and engage in such an effort as the Lord leads me. For me is a joyous exercise and one I look forward to. I firmly believe God gifts some for that task and is not for everyone in the body. We are all passionate about different gifts, callings and service in the body, as it should be and as long as we understand that, all should run smoothly among us.



There is a real difference ( in my opinion ) between debating and proclaiming which I believe that Spurgeon was eluding to and I remain convinced that he is right on concerning this.   Even the apostle Paul only ' debated ' the scriptures with the Jews or false teachers. I find no where in scripture where Paul ' debated with the atheist or gentiles. Though he did passionatelly proclaim the gospel to the gentiles as he felt was his calling from God.


You asked " how does the truth get out if no one is speaking it? " .  I don't exactly understand why you asked that because I did not say to not proclaim the gospel , I simply stated that I don't believe ( my opinion only ) that God calls us to 'debate' the scriptures  with the atheists.  


As far as debating creation and evolution ; the bible clearly states that God created all things and that is good enough for me. I have read extensively both side of the evolution debate and am fully aware of each sides arguments. To me this is not the ' gospel ' and debate concerning this will not convince anyone to accept the Lord. It has been stated that if a man can pusuade you of anything that another man can pursuade you of the opposite.


To me ( again my opinion only ) we should be proclaiming the ' gospel ' as we are told by the scriptures , and allow the Holy Spirit to convince because that is HIS job and not ours. 




You are absolutely right that we should ' give a reason for the hope that is in us.'   But debating evolution and creation is not ' defending the gospel ( again in my opinion only). By the way, in my original statement I made no reference to science, evolution or creation. 


 I am reminded of the story of Voltaire , the famous debater and devout atheist. It was told that he was at a party and asked a man who was a Christian why he believed the things he did.  The believer was very intimidated because he knew of the oratorical skills of Voltaire and told him that he was no match for him.  Voltaire told him that he didn't want to debate the man , he simply wanted the man to tell him why he believed what he did.


The man simply gave his testimony of how the Lord had saved him and what he had been delivered from. The story  goes on to state that Voltaire ( at the conclusion of the man's testimony ) simply state " wish that I believed as passionately about what I debate as you do about the One you've just proclaimed to me." Was Voltaire converted ? GOD alone knows. But it was the simply testimony of a devoted believer that left even the great Volraire with no argument.


Proclaim the gospel? Absolutely.

Give a reason for the hope that is in you ? Absolutely

Engage in trying to convince anyone of the merits of the gospel by debating or using science or any such thing?  I don't see that anywhere in the scriptures but that's up to each individual.


God bless you all in whatever you choose but I still take the same stance as Spurgeon.

What does it mean to earnestly contend for the faith?  Does that not include debate and what you were speaking of creation and science?  

We should be passionate but on obnoxous in our defence of the gospel. 

What about the Messages.. Don't throw pearl into swine.. Don't give what is holy to the dogs..Have to do with debating abouth faith..



I totally agree that staying quiet is the worst thing Christians can do .  Ithink that we only differ on the approach to 'not staying quiet' . I believe in ' personal evangelism ' and living the life before men as a testimony to the reality of the gospel.

 Kind of like ' letting your light shine before men that they may behold your good works and GLORIFY YOUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN" .


As I said before , if you feel called by God to ' debate then by all means do it and may God bless you in your efforts.  It's just that I don't believe that the truth of God needs to be ' defended' it will be just as effective when presented to people and allow the Holy Spirit to convince.  


I think I feel this way because I see ' debate' as applying too much of ' man's wisdom ( in my perception only )and I recall the apostle Paul declaring that he came not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in the spirit and power of God.    The times I have 'debated I've only managed to get my self aggitated and no good even came of that.  I simply present the gospel and try to live it before men and then allow the Spirit to do His job.


Anyhow , whatever you choose to do I pray that God blesses you in your effort.



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