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Why is it so difficult for Christians to unite. Why do we sit around and do nothing to protect our Christian heritage ?

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I'm glad it was helpful and you are welcome.


Lord Bless,




Hi LT,

Thank you for the wisdom. I liked your example of plastic food, and I am still hungry. I clicked the link for and I like what I heard when I listened to a few of the recorded sermons. I am thinking of driving down to Gainesville and attend a sermon since I live not too far away in Wellborn. I sure hope I find the church I need to be in soon.

Many Blessings to you and yours.



Thanks for the positive word. We would love to have you join with us in worship anytime. May God guide your steps to the right place where you will experience the love and presence of Jesus in the midst of His body.


Lord Bless,


Hi Raul,

Many thanks for your kind words and encouragements. I enjoy our discussions here. God bless you brother.



Thanks for the encouraging words. May God guide and bless you day by day.


Lord Bless,


Often are eyes and ears are setting a wall between us and the author and the finisher of our faith. Prayers is really a big factor in preparing our heart and mind for any services and fellowship. Philippians 4:6-7

Awaken at the bad side of the bed, traffic, bland music, unprepared leaders, not a challenging  preaching and  a lot of things can really take our eyes, mind and heart to real purpose why we attend any gathering of believers but if our eyes, mind and heart is focus on our Creator, Lord and King. Bad experiences, lousy environment, and others will not be a hindrance to attend any church, fellowship or christian gatherings. Maybe it is a question of what are our purpose why we attend a church services? Who and what we want to see? Are we there to be blessed by God only or are we there to praise and give Him thanks, to be a channel of blesssings?

Are we the encourager or the discourager of the church members? are we one of the builder or are we  one of the destroyer?




I must disagree with you on one of the things you said about our purpose in attending not being affected by what goes on there.   When we attend a church where the traditions of men are sometimes taught on the level of the word of God then our attendance is an endorsement of what is being taught.  Much as if we attend a place or event that does not promote or even goes against the morals of scripture then we , by implied consent, endorse the purpose and meaning of the activity.


I do however hearitly agree that our purpose should be on lifting the name of Jesus , drawing closer to Him and being an encouragement to others. Total agreement there. But if what is taught are traditions of  men with some losoe based scriptural endorsement we bless no one by amening  the acceptance and endorsement of such teachings or tradtions.


God bless


Thank you for your kind words , but I assure you I have no desire to pastor any type of church anywhere.  The main thought that I was trying to convey is that the Christian life must be lived 24/7 and we cannot live any way near that time in an institutional church.   God wants us every minute of every day to have our hearts and minds on Him. By that I don't mean just sitting around meditating on God and scriptures but to be in a constant awareness of His spirit around us.


When we have a daily fellowship with other Christians in our everyday lives and activitiesGod becomes much more of a reality that when we only experience His presence when we gather in an institutional church.   And in order to live a life truly pleasing to God we must do all things as unto Him. To me anyhow , that means literally everything  . I read a small book by a monk whose name escapes me at the moment , but he spoke of what he called ' practicing the presence of God' . He simply did everything with the very conscience awareness that the Holy Spirit was always with Him.  One day we will be in His visible physical presence and I feel that we must strive to cultivate that relationship with Him now.


As far as the ' home church' you are absolutely correct in saying there is a danger of the same things happening there if the attenders are not careful .   I do not think that home churches are the answer because that is simply another institution , though possibly of a much looser structure.  I'm talking about people walking the life of Christ together on a daily basis , in all given situations and activities. 


 True fellowship can take place in a coffee shop or restaurant or fishing on a lake as well as it can in an institutional church.  And many times with more significant help towards spiritual growth because  there is less need for any pretense or putting on an act to try to measure up to the way we feel were ' expected ' to act when we are in church.  We can sincerely just talk and share of God's working in our daily lives where we can relate to each other in a more open and honest forum.


I have been incredibily blessed by simply driving somewhere with a Christian friend and just sharing with each other ( and God of course ) how were getting along in our daily lives away from the formality  of the institutional church. I just like the more personal aspect of relatonships than the corporate gatherings. I can more freely speak of the things of God that mean the most to me in the context of aa more informal gathering. I have many people at the church I attend that I like as people and love as brothers and sisters in Christ but whose outside- the - church activities are way off from mine.  It's not that I don't care about them it's just that I cannot relate in a ' group situation as I can when I gather with a few brothers and sisters in a less formal. 

i'm running out of time on this computer but I want to clarify one thing that occured to me.  When I use the term ' institutional church' I simply mean the services in a building where people are gathered , as opposed to the 'church' which is the body of Christ.  I don't mean this term to be degrading in any way I simply use it to contrast between an organized meeting place and the ' body of Christ ' , which is the real church.


God bless you , my friend .



I believe that wherever Christian will go, we should  think, feel, speak and do the same thing. Place and groups of people is really not a factor if our purpose is to praise and glorify God, especially if the environment is Godly. I says a very loud AMEN! if i agree but  i examine every words if it is not agreeable and hold tight that amen. Only blinded followers follow blind teachers. Pre-set of mind and heart will never be an avenue for new sets of blessings and new Gods dealing... tnx and God bless everyone.



If the pastor from the pulpit threatened to kick someone out the door he is lacking in a demonstration of love. He invited questions and then gives this inappropriate response. I think his response revealed that addressing him would most likely have been a waste of time. God can do anything, but he appears to have made up his mind.


Leaving a church where you have close friends and long ties is difficult, but some times necessary. I cannot tell you if you were suppose to leave, but I can ask you if you have peace about it? I am not asking if you miss the people or the familiarity of the church, but peace about leaving and moving on. If there is peace I would move on. If there is no peace I would go back and see what the Lord leads me to do. Am I here to address the pastor and discuss these things or ???





You are welcome.





You are welcome. May God guide you, bless you and give you peace.




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