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God gave Israel King saul,  He gave a ruler in His anger.  are we to vote at all for yes we are voting for the lesser evil,  PLEASE LOOK AT VIDEO  ^   WHAT WOULD JESUS VOTE^

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Are you taking a vote? :)    I say absolutely!  We should make our voices heard! The rulers of this world are making some very bad choices. Yes, we need to vote for the principles of God.



I think that wherever there is a community, there are always positions of authority. These positions have to occupied. Whoever occupies those positions have to be appointed by someone. The bible tells us that God is the appointing authority. Now the choosing is delegated to man, but ultimately a community gets the kind of leader it deserves according what their values. Leaders are the cream of their society. This goes on until God decides to the state of that community according to His purposes in that community.

     Israel had desired to have a (human) king like the rest of their neighbors.One who could lead them in their wars. So the Lord chose Saul, the most befitting of them all. He was a head taller than the rest. Quite 'warrior like' in the sight of men. He was not after God's heart, although he desired God's victories. Israel had rejected God as their King and Saul went ahead to rule over Israel without the ark of the covenant. When God wanted to bring Israel to another level He chose David son of Jesse. 

    During elections, I pray that the Lord shows me His choice. He has been faithful. But if He does not show me then it shall be me to set the suitability standards based on a candidates integrity. If no one meets the standard, then I may not vote. But then I am bound to submit to the authority will result after the exercise. One thing I know is that my God is so great that He is able to make all things work for my good. I know I am called according to His purpose. That does not mean that it can't hurt at times. 


    I think we not only need to vote, we will be accountable to God based on if and how we voted.  Since God knows our hearts, He knows how we voted and why.  I know it is always clear how and for who we should vote.  That is why we must Pray and seek Wisdom, about our vote.  Talk is cheap, and a great many people lie.  The Spirit will lead us in all things.  As already shared, He sets up authority and He takes down authority.  Even though we are not of this place {Praise God} we are to be good stewards.  I believe voting how you are lead to, is apart of that.  Great question Sis.



This is a very controversial question and one I've heard much arguments for on boths sides .  I do vote in the general elections. I cannot vote in primaries as I am registered as an independent and have no party affiliation. Do I believe my vote matters ?  Not really.   The scripture states that there is no government that God has not allowed. Or something to that effect .  As with nebucanezzer (sp?) said after coming out of his bout with insanity , God sets up and puts down whoever He pleases .


So why do I vote? I'm a little embarassed to say this but I will be voting against a candidate and not necessarily for another.  So I guess I am , as you have stated , voting for the lesser of the 2 evils. However , as others have stated , I have no confidence in any government official or party.  I have no confidence in the fact that any will ( or in all fairness, are even able ) to carry out any of the things they say that they can or will.


I also believe that the human government is to be treated in an entirely different way than church leaders.  God calls church leaders and allows civil leaders to rule.  Church leaders are for the perfecting of saints and civil leaders are be used by God to advance His puposes in His ultimate plan for mankind.  Church leaders are aware of their calling ( we hope anyhow )  while civil leaders are ( most of the time ) used by God without their knowledge or awareness.


God expects us to honor those in authority over us in both the church and in civil government . Chosing a preference only if the civil authority goes against the council of God.  I feel that I must go along with those who say that they don't believe that God requires us to vote. I believe that whether or not we vote is between God and the individual . I don't think we sin whether we vote or we don't.   When we have no confidence in man isn't that somewhat like ignoring the admonition that whatsoever is not of faith is sin?


Please don't get the idea that I'm trying to encourage anyone to vote or not to vote. I believe that this is a decision to be made between the individual and God. At this time I do plan to vote , but that could change before the election here.   I am thankful to the person who stated that  " we fought for our rights to freedom " . 


I have been told at times that he ( whoever is in office) is my president whether I like it or not. I simply respond by telling them that ' he ( whoever it may be ) is not MY president but the president of MY country . That may sound a little strange but what I'm trying to say is that I believe in the founding principles of this country but have no confidence in the leadership( whoever that may be). I look on voting as a 'right' and not an 'obligation' .


God will rule and reign over the affairs of men irregardless of who is in office so I feel no urgency or resposibility to vote for anyone. Even thoug , as I stated before , I do vote .  If God influences me to vote for one or the other on moral grounds then I will vote that way . If He does not then I may not vote . But my decision to vote or not will be at God's leading and not some 'moral obligation' .


I will now get off of my soapbox.   God bless you , my friend.

AAG is not a political site but I do believe it is a responsibility to vote and a responsibility to check out the positions of the candidates and vote that which is closest to Scripture. God gave us a free nation but that freedom is in trouble. I think there were around 14 million Evangelical Christians that did not vote in the last election. I pray that won't happen this time.

Our government was never designed to dictate how a person would worship or what doctrines they would maintain. Our government was a collection of free ideas designed to enable persons to advance their own lives to the best of their ability in a free system. That system does require the input of the masses in their desire to advance their own ideas. You do have ideas as to whether or not which system best serves you and your family. Yet, you seem to be advocating that your government also begin the task of preaching the Gospel so you won't have to go out and do it yourself. Do you want more government, less free enterprise, more debt or do you want more free enterprise, less government and less debt for your children to be responsible for? If you do not get involved in the electoral process, others will decide that question for you. At that point, you will have no excuses nor reason for complaining as you did nothing to help decide the direction of this nation. We are at a critical point and there are forces in our government that do not want any of the Christian influence that was so prominent in our beginning remaining. They are diligently working to remove every semblance of God from our schools and government. We still have "One nation under God" in our salute; our motto is still "In God we trust." Yet, that all will soon be removed if Christians stay home on election day. If Christians don't get involved, you can simply kiss your freedom goodbye. There is no excuse for a Christian to not be a good US citizen and get out and vote.

You must be from Canada. We are right behind you coming your way.

Our hope is not in a political party; our hope is in Christ and in Him alone. I kind of think (even I so hope I am wrong) that we have crossed the point of no return. It is not the Democrats or the Republicans in America; it is us. We have fallen away from our God. We are so far in debt that I really don't think either party could bring us out. We obviously have similar views. I will vote as I am an American. However, I don't think a political party change will do the job. It is going to take a revival in our country to turn things around. We have a mess over here. We have walked away from our God. We have removed Him from our classrooms and introduced naturalism in His place. Then we wonder what is wrong. It has been nearly forty years since we began a murderous campaign against many unborn babies. Since 1973 we have murdered 56 million babies. Naturalism or the philosophy of materialism is the reason we can do such a thing. We have had both parties in complete control of the government and neither party could get this atrocity reversed. One party says they care but I am beginning not to really believe them anymore. Bush did very little to get rid of abortion. Obama did nothing. In fact, he did everything to make it more legal. Please, give me reason to be encouraged. The candidates I have to choose from are not telling me anything to make me encouraged. I have not heard Romney say anything about the importance of God in our society, nor anything about overthrowing Roe v. Wade. I feel like all that is being done is throwing a bone my way to get my vote. I will vote and I will do my best to vote the best I possibly can but I have no illusion that either party is going to make things better. I worry about our nation's future. I hope no one is reading this. I don't want to discourage anyone. Please, get involved. If you are a Republican, demand more. If you are a Democrat, demand more. I hope no one has the illusion that Romney is going to save us from anything.




Separation of church and state needs to be understood in the context in which it was understood in the way our founding founders meant it instead of how our people in authority think it needs to be meant. They (the founder) meant that no denomination should dictate how our country does business. They never meant that God shouldn't be included in the decision making of our country but in the last 50 years we have actually agreed to throw God out of our government completely. By Christians not voting we fulfill Edmond Burke's saying " All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

I think we have been sitting on our hands. We are doing nothing. We aren't protesting the things that are happening that condones evil nor our we taking part in trying to select a person who holds God uppermost. We need to work our way back to God and that after we repent of what we have been doing for the last 50 years. Many of the things that our nation's *blind eye* sees is because people of Christian values have because we have develop that blind eye. 

If we do a study of the Old Testament, we see how God deals with pagans. Our nation is becoming a nation of pagans. We need to stop this now. We need to stand behind the people in authority that WOULD promote God. We need to look at how God dealt with things when He was uppermost in the country's mind. And then we need to go back to what He did and how He handled it. God has not changed. He hasn't changed His thoughts on morality and neither should we.

We should recall God when we vote and get the closest we can to His Will. Use the Old Testament as our instruction book as to how He wants us to operate.

Amen Rita - Good word sis.


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