All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The heart is the center of the spiritual life.
If the fruit of the tree is bad,
You don’t try to fix the fruit; you treat the roots!!!
And if a person’s actions are evil, it’s not enough to change habits;
you have to go deeper.
You have to go to heart of the problem, which is the problem of the heart!!!
That is why the state of the heart is so critical.
What’s the state of yours?
When someone barks at you, do you bark back or bite your tongue?
That depends on the state of your heart…
When your schedule is too tight or your-to-do list too long,
do you lose your cool or keep it?
That depends on the state of your heart…
When you are offered a morsel of gossip marinated in slander,
do you turn it down or pass it on?
That depends on the state of your heart….
Do you see the beggar on the street as a burden on society
or as an opportunity for God?

That, too, depends on the state of your heart….
The state of your heart distastes
whether you harbor a grudge or give grace,
seek self-pity or seek Christ,
drink human misery or taste God’s mercy.
No wonder, then, the wise man begs,
“Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life--- Prov.4:23

David’s prayer should be ours:
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and
renew a steadfast spirit within me.—Psalms 51:10

And Jesus statement rings true:
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God—Matt.5:8

Glory to God!!!
It's good to be back... I miss you all..Have a blessed day... -- Kathleen

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Comment by Dennis Lovoga on April 23, 2010 at 5:24am
am touched and God bless u so much
Comment by CESAR HUSMILLO on April 21, 2010 at 10:45am
Amen. God Bless.
Comment by Tikkie on April 21, 2010 at 1:34am
What you have written is true but Only OUR GOOD LORD can change OUR HEARTS.So we have to submit to HIM and Let HIM GUIDE US.May GOD Bless You and Guide You
Comment by Christy Gabriel on April 20, 2010 at 8:37pm
Thank you for sharing this with me dear. I luv it. Praise the Lord. Haleluja!!! CG
Comment by Andrea Haase on April 20, 2010 at 6:21am
Praise God, A beautiful good morning to you. Glad to have you back, glad for your words of comfort.
Scriptures says that, the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?
Scripture gives us the answer again, God knoweth the hearts and trieth the reigns. Hallelujah.
Therefore as we continue to guard our hearts let us make sure that we do our best to keep it pure and clean.
Only those that have clean hands and pure heart shall see God.
Love you, God bless you continually.
Comment by Abonjo T. Titus on April 20, 2010 at 6:10am
And now may the Lord who turneth the heart of the king turn our heart unto righteousness and love for him and for all men for then shall we have victory over all unrighteousness. Praise God!

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