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Many people wonder about the future. What does the Bible teach us about the future?

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Comment by Michael on November 6, 2009 at 9:44am

What are the last two prophecies that are left to be fulfilled?
Comment by Charles Leroy Hayes on October 25, 2009 at 11:44pm

That all will be for fill in time. Nothing will happen until then so take heav to the things around you as we see the bible unfold the prophesy that was set before us leading up to the last days.Jesus Is Coming Back SOON Be Ye Ready
Comment by Natasha Mayes on September 22, 2009 at 1:41am
It is always so strange to me when people say that they do not undersatnd Bible prophesy. Through all the weeks that we have been busy here in this group, as I work through the passages, I cannot see how some of these, ESPECIALLY those in Revelation can be misunderstood. What is so mysterious about a passage like for instance Rev 8:8 "...great mountain of fire was thrown into the sea. And one third of the water in the sea became blood."? I have to ask: do you believe that the ten plagues of Egypt was literal? Were they REAL frogs? Did the water really turn to blood? If answer is yes, then why would you believe the plagues of Revelation to be symbolic? And if you believe that the ten plagues really happened, then what reason is there to believe that the events described in Revelation won't really happen? On the other hand, I know that our adversary, that old Devil, is cunning, sly, and though people don't like to think about it, he is also a genius who knows exactly what to plant in people's thoughts to undermine God's plan. Some-one once said that the Satan's greatest trick ever, was to convince the world that he does not exist. So, if he doesn't exist, then it would be safe to say that Revelation and all other prophesies are fairytales, right?
Yes, God gave us prophesy. And He intended for us to understand it. Satan will do his utmost to confuse us, and he is doing an exellent job at it. Just look at the divided church! Not a day goes by that I don't come accross some or other website from some or other church bent on pulling to pieces different denominations and people's different explanations regarding prophesy and the Bible in general. Since we are all limited human beings, it is safe to say that different people may have different interpretations. However before we know sit in a heap and say to our selves: everybody is wrong/right so why bother, we must never forget the following sound advice: don't just accept what people write and say about scripture. Read it for yourself, study the word, pray on it, meditate over it. The Lord would not have given us His Word and NOT give us the tools to understand it for ourselves. If you read a certain commentry about a passage, go and actually read that passage for youself. Sometimes people make mistakes. Sometimes people see something in a passage that others don't. Jer 29:11 is a good example of this. It says that God knows the plan he has for you. The fact that that passage was originally directed to Israel, does not stop people from taking that verse and applying it to their own lives! I should know, it happens to be my favourite text in the Bible.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on September 20, 2009 at 11:18am
Rev 8:13 “And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"
Whenever a word is repeated in the Bible like in the above text, it shows amount. For example: Rev 14:8 ”And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
The double use of the word “fallen” refers to the two Babylon’s that will fall: Mystery Babylon the church/religion of the beast, and Babylon the city/governmental seat of the beast.
In the case of the verse quoted above, the three woes refer to three judgments that are to follow.
Today I will only look at the first 2 of these woes.
The verses following the warning (Rev 9:1-11) have often been taken symbolically in its entirety. The reasoning behind this is that no such creatures that are described here exist, therefore it must not be literal creatures. My belief is as follows: these things do exist. Maybe we can’t see them in our physical realm, but only in the spiritual realm. Whether or not we can see them is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the effect they have definitely will be seen and felt.
Verse 1 speaks of a star falling to earth from heaven. Since we already saw in chapter one that stars are descriptive of angels, we know that this is an angel carrying the key to the bottomless pit. Together with the smoke that rises up from this pit, a swarm of locusts also comes out. They are described as follows: they look like horses prepared for battle; with breastplates like breastplates of iron; they have wings that makes the sound of many chariots and many horses riding into battle; they have tails like that of scorpions with stings at the end; they faces like men with teeth like lions’ teeth; hair like women’s hair (I assume long hair).
Unlike normal locusts they will not harm any green or leafy plant. They are sent to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads with their stings. The effect is described as being the same as when stung by a scorpion. The torment will of such a level that those affected by it will want to die but will not be able to do so. Verse 5 says that these things will not have authority to kill anybody but “…to torment them for five months.” Later, verse 10 speaks of the power of the stings in their tails: “ their power to hurt men for 5 months”. I think that the double reference to 5 months may indicate that although these creatures have authority to torment people for 5 months, the effects of their stings will continue for another 5 months.
We saw earlier that it is an angel that is given the keys to the bottomless pit that holds these creatures. What is not clear to me if this angel is the same as the one that is described as their leader. Abbadon (Hebrew) or Apollyon (Greek) translated, means “destroyer”. As we see from these verses God will use what was intended by Satan to be a force of evil – no doubt to torment God’s own - to meet His own needs and will.
Comment by john sentury on September 17, 2009 at 9:11pm
Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD(jeremiah17:7,nkjv).this verse says that those who trust in him are blessed many times we trust in our wisdom,knowledge and education,but these things never amount to anything eternal.only our hope in the LORD will empower us and give us everlasting life.thank you,God bless you.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on September 16, 2009 at 3:26am
The world has by now seen the rise of a dynamic, diplomatic, powerful leader. He came on the scene shortly after millions of people disappeared off the face of the earth. He came promising world peace, instituting a one world government. Instead of peace, the worst war in history followed by a world-wide economic melt-down and diseases and famine resulted in the death of a quarter of the world’s remaining population. This pre-empted the start of a persecution of Christians such as the world has never seen before.
A meteor shower and The Great earthquake called the Wrath of the Lamb shook the whole earth, killing and maiming countless more people and was followed by thunder and lightning and yet another earthquake. To add insult to injury a storm the likes of which nobody has ever experienced – hail and fire mixed with blood fell down on the earth, causing a third of the earth to be destroyed and a third of the trees and the grass on our planet.
Imagine for a moment what absolute terror the people on earth are facing. Those that were left behind and learnt the error of their ways and repented will by no means be relieved from this. Yes, when they die they will be with Jesus, but they would probably have suffered terribly. How much worse for those who did not turn from their sin? They die painfully just to wake up in a place of torment.
Those people that will be blinded by Anti-Christ will fail to realize that these are judgments from heaven. Then there will be those that KNOW that these are judgments but they will not turn from their sin. They are so set in what THEY want and how THEY want their will that they will not be swayed even by the threat of certain death.
What they will fail to realize is that all these horrible things will just continue to get worse, not better despite what they will be led to believe.
Rev 8: 8 & 9 introduces the second trumpet judgment. When the angel blows his trumpet, a great mountain of fire is thrown into the sea. A third of it is turned into blood. What is this fiery mountain? I suggest that it might be another meteor or perhaps a comet falling from the sky. What it is exactly I cannot say. What I can say is what the cause will be of this thing falling into the sea. The Bible tells us that a third of the sea is turned into blood. Not: “like blood” but literal blood. It causes a third of all living things in the sea to die and destroys a third of all the ships on the sea. I think that even before the water turns into blood that the impact of this thing will cause tidal waves and tsunamis that will make those disasters that we have seen in recent years look like nothing.
The next judgment will affect the fresh water supply of he earth. Rev 8:10 “Then the third angel blew his trumpet and a great flaming star fell out of the sky, burning like a torch. It fell upon one third of the rivers and the springs of water.”
The effect this will have on the water is to make it poisonous to drink. In verse 11 we see that it is called Wormwood and that it makes the water bitter so that many who drinks from it dies.
In a world already reeling from the effects of all the judgments before this and the chaos resulting from the Rapture, it is unthinkable what these people will be going through. In countries already ravaged by draught, to have what little drinking water they have be poisoned will have scores of deaths as a result.
I get very depressed when I realize that so many people will die during the fulfillment of these prophesies. People, who would have had every opportunity to come to God, will die and be eternally tormented because of their defiance. It is unfathomable that people will see these things happening around them and not realize that God is the One responsible. Yet with the knowledge that God is judging the earth, allowing a time of terrible tribulation, they will still not do His will.
To add further insult to injury, the next trumpet being blown has more devastating effects. Verse 12 says that one third of the light-giving heavenly bodies will be struck, so it will give less light. By my limited understanding, I am led to come to the conclusion that this judgment will have cause there to be one third shorter daytime hours. The sun will, in the daytime shine one-third dimmer, and because the light coming from the moon is but a reflection of the sun, it too will shine one third less bright. One third of all the stars will also be no-more. Whether they will be burnt up, and fall down, I don’t know. The effect I do know. There will be a third less star-light in the night-skies. What would less sunlight hours and a weaker sunlight cause to our day to day life? Farmers for instance need sunshine as much as they need water to be able to produce good crops. They already will not be able to irrigate their fields because of poisonous water and seas that had turned to blood and thus cannot be purified. Technology dependant on sunlight like solar heating for instance will be seriously hampered by weaker sunlight.
I cannot stress enough the importance of hearing the Lord’s call today. I know many people who had at one time or another said that if there IS rapture, they will definitely change their minds then about becoming followers of Christ. They simply do not understand the severity of the judgments that will follow the Rapture, or else they are just too wrapped up in their own pleasures to care. Maybe they are like Thomas who wanted to see before he believed. Or maybe it is not a question of disbelief but rather the fact of disobedience. There is a very serious warning to people like that. While it is absolutely true that we serve a merciful, loving God, it is also unmistakable that God is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY and He will not be mocked. Yes He is patient with us, not wanting any to be lost, but there will come an end to the Lord’s patience. God will in His all knowingness use these judgments to eradicate those whose hearts are so hardened that they will not repent no matter how many signs and wonders they see.
Comment by Abraham impraim on August 26, 2009 at 12:23pm
I need prayers so please help me ok this goes to any one please
Comment by Natasha Mayes on August 25, 2009 at 11:47pm
Revelation 8

The breaking of the seventh seal causes silence in heaven for about a half an hour. This is so unlike the normal sounds in heaven that I cannot help to wonder: why silence? From the beginning of Revelation, we are exposed to a vast array of sounds: trumpets, rushing waters, angel choirs singing, seraphim continually crying out: ‘Holy, holy, holy!’This causes me to think that either this seventh seal is purely there to serve as an introduction to the next set of seven judgments or the effect of this seal is so severe that it causes silence in heaven.

The picture being described here is of seven angels with trumpets, standing before the throne, making ready to blow on them. Before they do, we see another angel with an incense burner at the altar. The NLT speaks of a great quantity of incense being mixed with the prayers of God’s people, to be offered before the throne. These prayers could be those very prayers that Followers of Christ had prayed throughout all the ages: “YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE”. Since these prayers are to be offered here at this point, it could be that the symbolism here refers to the fact that these prayers are about to be answered. After it was offered, we see that this angel takes the incense burner, fills it with fire and then throws it down upon the earth. This action in heaven causes a severe reaction on earth: thunder, lightning, and another earthquake.

Then it becomes time for the seven angels to step forward and blow on their trumpets. Just as the breaking of each seal in heaven causes a reaction on earth, just so will the blowing of each trumpet in heaven cause a reaction on earth. And what a reaction it causes! When the 1st angel blows his trumpet we see in verse 7 that: “hail and fire mixed with blood were thrown down on the earth, and one third of the earth was set on fire. One third of the trees were burned and all the grass was burned.”

For many years, well meaning people interpreted this book to be symbolically. Now I have to ask: what is difficult to understand about these verses? I believe that they should be interpreted LITTERALLY.

Towards the end of 2000, we here in Cape Town experienced some of the worst bush and mountain fires ever. The damage these fires caused to our wild- and plant life was catastrophic. Conservationists predicted that it would take decades for nature to repair itself after those fires. And in some places, the damage after those fires is still in evidence. In one section, people’s houses were in danger, and as we were busy evacuating apartment blocks, I saw fires jumping from one section clear across a road to ignite another section of the wooded area surrounding these apartments. This was made possible by, we were later told, some of the trees’ seed-pods that, when it caught fire exploded and the burning pieces then shot all over. I can very well remember the terror of those people whose houses were burned down. I was in the Navy back then, and we were called into emergency duty to help put out the fires. Imagine fires like that covering a third of the earth all at once. Imagine a world that is scorched black from the fire that is poured out from heaven. This will be the judgment of the 1st trumpet. The terror people will feel when this occurs, I cannot even imagine. Seeing hail and fire mixed with blood falling on the earth is not something I would want to see ever!
We will see as we continue to study Revelation, that these judgments become progressively worse. To people thinking that there will be time to change their minds about God after the Rapture: life in the tribulation-period will be a time of trial so severe that you will regard this period that we are living in now as a picnic. With the true body of Christ having been removed off the earth, I predict that the world will be a very scary place to be. Most people left behind will be probably be the worst of the worst. Add to that the confusion caused by all seal judgments, and the judgments after those, and you can just imagine what life will be like. For most, trial and tribulation brings out the absolute worst in people. For this reason I urge you, as always, and as I will continue to do, to come to the Lord now. Last night, in church the speaker said a word that was all too true: we are in our final hour on earth. There are no more time left to wonder and play around.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on August 12, 2009 at 4:37am
Revelation 7

The marking of 144 000 witnesses and the redemption of those coming out of the Tribulation

Rev 7:1-3 “Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds from blowing upon the earth. Not a leaf rustled in the trees, and the sea became as smooth as glass
And I saw another angel coming from the east, carrying the seal of the living God. And he shouted out to those four angels who had been given power to injure land and sea,
Wait! Don't hurt the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants."

At the beginning of this chapter, just before the last seal is broken, we are introduced to four angels that are holding the four winds so that they do not blow over the earth. These for angels are given power to “injure land and sea” God’s command. Then a 5th angel appears with the seal of God and tells these angels to wait until the bondservants of the Lord are sealed on their foreheads.

Verse 4-8 “And I heard how many were marked with the seal of God. There were 144,000 who were sealed from all the tribes of Israel:
from Judah 12,000 from Reuben 12,000 from Gad 12,000
from Asher 12,000 from Naphtali 12,000 from Manasseh 12,000
from Simeon 12,000 from Levi 12,000 from Issachar 12,000
from Zebulun 12,000 from Joseph 12,000 from Benjamin 12,000”

Through the years, people had continually made the mistake of thinking that Israel is forgotten by God, and that all promises made to them, now should be allocated to the church. For this reason these following few verses had been miss-interpreted to say that they apply to the church. How this is possible, is beyond me, because this passage distinctly refers to members of the 12 tribes of Israel! In fact they are mentioned by name – 12 000 servants from each of the 12 tribes are to be sealed. This also is a further reference to the 70th week of Daniel. In a previous discussion, I have explained the meaning of the 70 weeks of Daniel. This is a time period, existing of 70 periods of seven years, set aside by God to deal with His elect – NOT THE CHURCH, BUT ISRAEL! With the death and resurection of Christ the clock was stopped to allow for the Period of Grace (Time of the Gentiles). This clock is to resume it’s counting down after the Rapture of the Church / Bride of Christ, when Antichrist signs a covenant with Israel. The Tribulation is then in other words the final week of Daniel.

Dan 9:27 “He will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. Then as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the end that has been decreed is poured out on this defiler.”

Later passages in Revelation tell of an awesome occurrence: God sends two supernatural witnesses to preach the Gospel for 1260 days. I believe that those servants to be sealed will be the first of Israel to repent and turn to God, thanks to the preaching of these two witnesses. The function of these 144 000 witnesses will be to go out to all the corners of the world, to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, especially to the remnant of Israel. Zechariah prophesied that God’s Spirit will be poured out on your sons and your daughters in this time and they will finally realize that Christ is the Messiah.

Zech 12:10 “Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on all the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.”

Now imagine 144 000 Spirit-filled witnesses preaching the Gospel!!! It will be somewhat like 144 000 Apostle Pauls or Billy Grahams preaching all over the world! Where ever they are heard, the remnant will repent and come to the Lord.
In verses 9-17 we are seeing a vast crowd of people from EVERY NATION, EVERY TRIBE, and EVERY LANGUAGE standing before the Lamb. They are explained to be those that came out of the Great Tribulation. Of these people, Isaiah prophesied in chapter 49 verse 10 when he said that:
“They will not hunger or thirst, neither will mirage (mislead) or scorching wind or sun smite them; for He Who has mercy on them will lead them, and by springs of water will He guide them.”

It is my belief that, thanks to the awesome preaching of the two witnesses and the 144 000 sealed servants, many, many millions of people will come to the Lord.
To those that ask if there will be a second chance after the Rapture: It seems so, if judged by this passage. HOWEVER: I must warn very seriously AGAINST making the decision to wait until after the Rapture, to give your life to God. You cannot be sure that you will even survive this event – you do not know where you will be when it happens. IT IS BETTER BY FAR TO BE PREPARED FOR THE RAPTURE, than to “wait and see”!
Comment by Natasha Mayes on August 10, 2009 at 1:37pm
Good evening Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Last week, I wrote about the 1st four seals as described in Rev 6:1-8. Tonight we will take a look at the next two.
In verse 9 we find that when the 5th seal is broken, we see a group of people before the throne of God. They are those that had been martyred for their faith in the Lord Jesus and for bearing the testimony of His word. They are asking: how long Lord, must we wait till our spillt blood is avenged. They are told to rest patiently until the number of those that are to die as they did, are complete. I believe that the breaking of this seal will introduce the start of the greatest persecution of believers ever to have swept the earth. However, we see that even in this horrible persecution, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL. He has already desided exactly what number of people will be martyred, and He is telling those that already died for His testimony that when that number is completed, then He will avenge their deaths!
The 6th seal is a judgement that seems to be directly from Jesus Himself!
It is a day when the sun will turn black as sack cloth and the moon will be as blood. It describes an event that will be accompanied by what seems to be a great meteor shower, because verse 13 describes stars falling from the sky "like a fig tree shedding its unripe fruit out of season when shaken by a strong wind".
It tells of a day when the sky will roll up like a scroll and a terrible earthquake that is so severe that "every mountain and island was dislodged from its place."
I don't know much about geography, but as I understand it, earthquakes cannot happen at different places at the same time. This one that is described here will effect THE WHOLE EARTH! It will be world wide...
So severe is this judgement that the prophet Joel said of this day:
(Joel 2:11) "... for the day of the Lord is great abd terrible, and who can endure it?"
Isaiah prophesied of this event: (Isa 2:10) "enter into the rock and hide yourself in the dust from before the terror of the Lord and from the glory of His majesty. Also read vers 19-21 of that same chapter, and you will get a further picture of the horror of that day!
The people on earth will know exactly that this is judgement from Heaven because they are begging the mountains to fall on them and hide them (verse 16 & 17) "from the face of Him Who sits on the throne and from the deep-seated indignation and wrath of the LAMB. For the great day of His wrath (vengeance, retribution, indignation) has come and who is able to stand before it?"
It is difficult to imagine such a catastrophy. A quick search on the Web will bring you to a myriad of sites where you can view pictures of places destroyed by an eathquake. I am priviledged to live in a country whereI have never had to live through such a disaster. But to think that the Bible foretells of an earthquake so severe that it will impact the whole world!
And to know that this earthquake will come right on the heels of the destruction caused by and the mayhem following a great war, is simply too terrible to contemplate!
Few years ago I was having a conversation with a person that was not really convinced that the Bible is true. I told her the following, and I want you to also think about this: WHAT IF there was only the slimmest of chances that the Bible is true? Let's say, less that 5% chance. Even then, wouldn't it be better to rather heed it's warnings? If it then turned out to be false; then you would have been right and I wrong, but what it's all true???
This lady did not have an answer for me.
I know that the majority of people on this Net are believers. I'm writing these messages as much to TRY and explain prophesy, as I am writing them in the hopes that people that have not yet discovered the truth, might read it and give them pause to think.
God has done far too many great and awesome things in my life for me to have any doubt that everything in His Word is true. With this said, I know that there are many people (yes, even true followers of Christ!) that still think the Book of Revelation is symbolic or not relevant to Christians today, or even that it is the Bible's equivelent of the "boogie-man": just scare-tactics. To those people I want to say the following: Think carefully before you dismiss this Book (Revelation) as myth or as just a scrary story. Remember that everything that was prophesied in the Old Testament about Jesus' 1st coming was fullfilled to the last letter. Why would those things prophesied about His 2nd coming not likewise be fullfilled?
Love in Christ

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