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A Christian sees that no good thing dwells in them and that their good works are like filthy rags to God. They see that they must trust in Christ alone for salvation, and abandon themselves to His mercy.

My question is, can a true believer fall into the sin of beginning to trust in their works, or would this demonstrate that they have never been genuinely born again? 

I ask because I have seen my hopeless state and abandoned myself to the saving work of Christ Jesus on my behalf. However, over the past few months my faith has taken a huge dive, and I realized that I've begun coming to God with my filthy rags, and trusting in them more than in the completed work of Christ. Should I doubt that I'm truly born again because of this sin? Or do Christians sometimes go back to old ways of trusting in their filthy rags?

Thanks for reading, and to anyone who will comment. 


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I seem to bounce back and forth, and some of those roots of legalism appear to be embedded deep within me still. I have trusted in works for salvation very much in my past. Now, I've received insight and transformation about the saving work of Christ Jesus for us. Yet, those old patterns and beliefs still surface quite a bit.

The following is a pledge written by a Bible teacher named Russell Kelfer that I read for the first time today. It truly spoke to my heart as I learn to trust God more and more.


Having been born into the kingdom of God, I do hereby acknowledge that God's purchase of my life included all the rights and control of that life for all eternity.


I do further acknowledge that He has not guaranteed me to be free from pain or to have success or prosperity.  He has not guaranteed me perfect health.  He has not guaranteed me perfect parents.  He has not guaranteed me perfect children.  He has not guaranteed me the absence of pressures, trials, misunderstandings, or persecution.


What He has promised me is eternal life.  What He has promised me is abundant life.  What He has promised me is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, meekness, and self-control. He has given me all of Himself in exchange for the rights to my life…


Therefore I acknowledge this day the relinquishment of all my rights and expectations, and humbly ask Him by His grace to replace these with a grateful spirit, for whatever in His wisdom He deems to allow for my life.


thanks Amanda, 

thats a good excerpt, and good reminders! (except i didn't like the part that says, "He has given me all of Himself in exchange for the rights to my life…" since really, He has given me all of Himself in exchange for His own Son, but I may just be misunderstanding that).

do you know of anywhere in the scriptures where true believers struggle with legalism after being saved?

i can't think of any examples of this... the only things that come to mind are all of the warnings to those who trust in their works

The book of Galatians deals with legalism.

Jesus gave His life to redeem us. We are bought with a price. That means we are not our own. When I began to study Jesus as the Redeemer (Jesus is many things -- Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Counselor, etcetera) but to really get to know Him as your Redeemer - that is something I'd recommend for everyone struggling with legalism, and it has helped me a lot.

I've never thought of studying Jesus from different angles, but will give this a try, thanks~

Hi Jenny,

Bless your heart.

I agree with Amanda about the Book of Galatians. Paul is dealing with those who want to drag their old baggage of "works"

into their new life of FAITH.

Also, you might study the Book of Hebrews..........similar situation.

I'm praying for you.............

Grace and Peace.

thank you! 

thanks so much, the Word you shared has been a very helpful reminder.

God bless


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