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This fight that has entered my life is starting to win. My battle face has been on but the hope in my heart is giving out. I'm tired I'm ready to let go. theirs really no fight left in me. i need peace .

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Comment by Larry on October 11, 2009 at 1:48am
Toya please just stay focused on God, talk and pray with him and let him know your true feelings. Ask for what you need to understand, and to give you the strength and power from him to get you through this tough time. Enjoy every blessing you have right now and praise God cause he is so great, he will carry you to a safe place please do not worry. Stay strong and remember you are as powerful as the one who is within you. Thank the Lord cause he has already saved you. I have been through really rough situations in my relationship and so i pray and talk to my father he gives me what i need to get through the situation and make it better for myself .
Put all your trust in God he loves you so very much!
Comment by Theresa on October 10, 2009 at 12:40am
Dear Toya, I copied and pasted this for you and I believe it is so worth it to look it up in the bible for yourself, read it, meditate on this precious story for as long as it takes to let it sink into your soul.
I believe the way for you to have victory and rise over this helplesness state you are in right now is to open your mouth, obey our Father God, who created you for a purpose and He never made a mistake when he created you, open your mouth and praise Him, thank Him, do what He wants you to do. Jesus loves you! Jesus is telling: Do not be afraid, praise Him before you have ever seen any answers for your situation.

Based on 2 Chronicles 20:1-30
Jehoshaphat, who was ruler of Judah, was an awesome king. He knew the importance of making God first in his life and in the lives of his people. From the very beginning, he began removing all those silly idol shrines throughout the country. He knew that no god made out of rock or wood could help his people. He urged them all to turn their attention to the one true God. Only God could really help his people. And his efforts paid off in a very big way.

During his reign, their faith was put to the test when three great armies came against them. When word of the invasion reached Jehoshaphat, he immediately declared a fast for all of Judah. He commanded everyone, young and old, to gather at Jerusalem to seek an answer from the Lord.

Jehoshaphat stood among the crowd and prayed,

"O God of our fathers, You are above every other kingdom. You led us out of Egypt and drove out all the inhabitants of this land before us. When we have faced trouble, you have delivered us. Now the people of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir are coming against your people. These are the same nations that You prevented us from destroying when we left Egypt. We have no strength to face this vast army, but we know You have a plan to deliver us!"
And so all of Jerusalem waited patiently for the Lord to speak.

And then the spirit of the Lord spoke through a Levite named Jahaziel who said,

"Don't be afraid of this vast army because the battle is not yours, but Mine. Tomorrow, march down to meet them, for I will be with you. You will not fight this battle. You will stand still and see My salvation."
And then Jehoshaphat and all of Jerusalem bowed to the ground and worshipped the Lord. And the Levites stood up and praised the Lord.

The next morning they got up early and prepared to march out to meet the invaders.

Jehoshaphat addressed the army, "Listen to me Judah and residents of Jerusalem; Trust in the Lord your God and you will never fail. Believe His prophets and you will always prosper!"

He then appointed a choir to march before the army and praise God. As they marched they sang, "Praise the Lord, for His mercy lasts forever!"
And as soon as they started praising God, confusion erupted in the invaders' camps. Two of the armies turned on the other and destroyed it. Then, they turned on each other until every soldier was killed.

When Jehoshaphat's army reached a hill overlooking the invaders' camps, there was nothing but dead soldiers as far as they could see. None had escaped.

Jehoshaphat's army sacked the enemies' camp and found precious jewels, clothes, weapons, animals and food in abundance. It took them three days to remove all the loot. On the fourth day they gathered in the valley and praised the Lord for the great victory. They returned to Jerusalem with joy, playing trumpets and harps in celebration.

The rest of Jehoshaphat's reign was very peaceful. All the nearby countries heard how God had fought for Judah. They knew that any attack on Judah was an attack on God, and no man can fight against the one true God.
Comment by Roe on October 9, 2009 at 11:40pm
hi, i don't know what fight has you wanting to give up, but i can tell you, that i can relate. i also can tell you that this is when we need to give it to God and let it be his will, i know how much i like taking control of my life thinking that i now what i'm doing. "nottttttttt". but when i give that control back to whom it belongs, my soul is more serene. i know things get very difficult at times, bad enough that i wonder why i'm still around when there is so much pain and sorrow. i have to trust him. i walk by faith not by sight, i have to, my other choice...
i know this shall pass, because the most constant in our lives is the changes in our lives, trust God, he will guide you, and will never leave you, hang on...Be Blessed

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