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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

*Struggles Can Be A Real Blessing *
By: James Cook

How often in life do we get depressed or pulled down in our personal battles, whether it be physical, financially, a setback, or just when life deals us an unwanted or unexpected blow? Having a physical disability can be very difficult to cope with, regardless of its nature. Some are blind, others have physical ailments but can see, others have greater challenges, but regardless what it is, how many times do we sit back and wonder what God is doing by allowing these difficulties. Our attitudes can become impaired, our emotions can go wild, our spiritual life can suffer, and we can question our faith because of teachings we have absorbed over time. Needless to say, it can take us into a deep pit of despair and turmoil. We can adopt a negative state of mind, a negative state in spirit, thus rendering us into hopelessness. Then at our lowest point, we can come across those who claim it must be sin, or our lack of faith that has resulted in our unwanted struggle , and that God is punishing us for this. There are times when sin can contribute, but not in every person who struggles. The Apostle Paul is a great example of whom had a thorn in his flesh that caused him great difficulty, and his faith was exceptionaly deep.
As I took some time to sit back and meditate on this topic, I came across a scripture that had such a great impact on my whole situation, since I stuggle in my own difficulties. It was the text where Jesus was questioned about the blind man who was born blind. In these times, the Jewish culture believed that if a man had struggles and suffered, or if a child was born with physical handicaps, then he must of had some unacceptable sin in his life, or that the parents must of had sin in there lives to have a child with such sickness. However, Jesus responded in John 9:3 (NIV)"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life". Now if God allowed this man to be born blind, then maybe God had a plan to allow Jesus to heal him later on, and allow God's great works to be brought forth at the most opportune time. This however, had nothing to do with any sin in his parents lives, or into his own adult life being blind.
Over the years, I have questioned why God allows suffering, whether physical, emotional, spiritual, or the many challenges that can really stretch us to our limits, that are not of our own making. While reading the commentary in my NIV Bible there was a statement that stood out in regards to this. It said, "If God took suffering away whenever we asked, we could adopt the attitude that we could follow Him for our comfort and convenience, and not out of love and devotion". Therefore, I put some thought into this and how many of us, and how often would we take God for granted if He were to bail us out of every situation whenever we asked. I do know that God walks with us through all our trials, and regardless of how long it takes us to overcome our trials, He is leading the way whether we realize it or not. Through these trials we learn so much about His love and graciousness toward us, and each situation is a testimony about His love and grace that others need to see and hear.
Furthermore, when we have a setback, or life deals us a tough blow, maybe we should recognize that we are His vessel that he has choosen to show His favor and goodness through. When life's struggles come our way, maybe our attitude should be, God, I’m ready, and I know You have something great in store! I know You are allowing me this struggle to show others, and myself, just how great Your awesomeness really is. Myself, I can find it difficult to project this attitude when I only see it as a pain, and a pain that wears me down in all aspects, and when this happens I am not perceiving it in the spiritual as I should.
How do you deal with your struggles and challenges? Do you weigh yourself down with worry, strife, and uncertainties of what is unfolding? Do you question what God is doing in your life? There are many times I have drawn off past events in search of a possible solution to a similiar type problem I would be immersed in, since they say hindsight is 20/20. I thank God for these past incidents because they are a way where He has taught us in gaining wisdom. If we learn from them, we have a life full of possible answers to meet the challenge that is before us. If so, maybe we need to encourage ourselves by looking at past situations that God has lead us through, and in so doing we can conqueror the situation that lies before us in His favour.
My pray is for each and everyone to be victorious in any situation that is controlling you, and separating you from God. However, there are things we must do that will add to our success in finding the freedom and love again that has been missing. The greatest place to start searching is on our knees, having His Word before us, and search our own hearts for any possible actions, or attitudes that you have allowed for this separation from God.
Let us all hold each other up in prayer so we all may live joyfully, victorious, free, and most of all falling in Love with God daily, and start taking a moment of silence to reflect what Christ did on the cross for us. How many times do we show this on Rememberance Day for those brave men and women who lost their lives for our freedom here on earth, but how often do we show reverance to Jesus by taking a moment of silence to reflect on what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us, and this my brother and sister is for eternity?
God Bless

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